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A Life Lesson

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sonic : 2010-03-19 14:09:04
A Life Lesson

He opened one eye in the hope no-one had heard him, lifted his left foot and heard the squeak again. He held his breath for a few seconds. Cautiously he tried shifting his weight to his right foot and carefully moved forward. He was so close…

Judging by the noise from the living room they hadn’t heard him yet, or where too drunk to notice. He could hear uncle Buly rambling on about the ship stats again, so he knew the others were drinking more to cancel out the noise.

He loved his dads drinking nights; it meant hearing stories about heroic cliffdives and tactics to take out the evil empire. When crawling from his room through the living room he had heard the usual stuff. Granny Cat and Grandpa Bull mumbling about how they always had to stay behind to defend the village when everyone went away on attacks, leaving their planet completely undefended. Their son Caliban, who thought he was a big shot back in the day, saying how he could turn everything to gold if they’d only let him. His idiot uncles Ruxu and the ancient Noran, who couldn’t hold their vodka. Too bad dad had invited DK, the town deputy though. He was always yelling about defense. He was glad when dad soundproofed the house or “turned off the sound” as he called it himself. Tonight he was IN the house though, and he was testing his voice for next round. Horror! Nice guy when he wasn’t yelling though. Then there was DZ, overdressed in his tuxedo, with his fake English accent. Dad said he was in charge of spying. Couldn’t be much of a spy though, in such a flashy outfit, with his Aston Martin cruiser.

Yeah, he loved the stories, but most of all, he loved that they would take their beta simulators with them to his dads office, to practice. And that’s where he was right now. He was tired of playing with his dads cloaked ships, he wanted something new. Uncle Ruxu had shown him his terran simulator once, but uncle Ruxu never had enough ships to make it fun. “One day you will understand the beauty of crashing youngling!” was what he always said. Uncle Buly changed his simulation program every 10 minutes, and he always wanted to talk about tactics before attacking someone, no fun in tactics.

Tonight though, DigitalZero had brought his simulator. He heard DigitalZero, had a special fleet. Only uncle Puke wanted to talk about it, but he was always drunk. And he wasn’t allowed to play with uncle PuKe’s simulator, because dad always said duck tape could only take so much, and we shouldn’t be the ones to make it unrepairable. Dad always looked away when he asked him about the so called “other” ships, and then tell him to go do his homework, so after a while he stopped asking. Tonight though, he would find out for himself, just one more step, he opened the door (luckily it was well oiled) and entered.

This was more like it! These ships where huge! And multiple gun turrets as well! This would be awesome. Just wait until the kids at school heard about this. BEST! NIGHT! EVER!
What to take, what to take… Well, he had to make it quick, or his dad might find out he wasn’t in bed. He’d take the corvette fleet. That couldn’t be so different compared to his dad’s ships now could it? He found the ignition key and started the engines. Hmm, maybe it was best to leave the pods behind. If he’d steal roids they’d know for sure someone had been using the simulator. Better to just kill some stuff, and put the ships back without anyone noticing. He punched in the coords of Hosie; he was always an easy target. He knew the route by hart, his dad had been there so many times he could almost dream it. The engines warp drives burst to life. Unlike any other ship he’d ever been in, so much power, and they looked beautiful as well. Only 7 ticks till impact. He should make a scan, but not yet, don’t want to waste any resources… He could almost imagine the mayhem, the carnage! He had seen his dad destroy a few fleets, but just one look at the gun turret to the left of him and he knew this would be something else! Only 4 ticks left, time to scan… No defense. A quick news scan to see if his ships are at base. They should be! He almost couldn’t control his excitement. Ok, time to go to battle mode. Al guns online, still in a direct course to Hosie prime. A planet scan to see if he had a surprise for him, nothing. Eta 1, a quick jgp of his own planet to see if he wouldn’t be fleet caught. Nothing. A perfect attack! His dad had taught him well. A complete moment of silence and calm, his hands was on the fire button, everything was ready

and then it ticked.

Sonic had dozed off for a moment, Buly had changed his mind again about witch race he should pick for next round, he was rambling about etd now. It had been a good night. Ruxu and Noran had only kicked each other’s asses, without destroying any furniture. Cat and Bull had fallen asleep some time ago, but it was a different time zone for them off course. Caliban had made a few plans to take over the world. He had had a good discussion with DZ about naps and alliances for next round. He liked DZ, just couldn’t understand how he could go cathaar round after round. You needed to kill something every now and then, right? And then there was the tuxedo of course. Ever since he was made intel HC he had worn it with even more pride.

He had seen his son sneak by before. He loved The Game almost as much as he did when he was young. With the round starting tomorrow he couldn’t do too much harm in the simulator room. So he could have a go, maybe he could even come up with something DK and Buly hadn’t figured out yet. He had left his fleet away from base so he only had to punch in the coords.

There was a yell. Cat and Bull woke up, Buly paused mid-sentence, DragonKing immediately started yelling: DEFENCE NEEDED!!! That gut wrenching yell, it could only mean one thing… He and DZ looked at each other. “Did you lock your simulator?” Sonic asked. “I…I don’t know” was the soft reply.

He was going to tell him, he just needed the right moment, and it was never the right moment. He was about this age when his dad told him about it, but gently. He had to find out, but not now, not like this… He ran to his office. The door was thrown open, his son ran past him, crying, shivering, to his room. He turned around in the doorpost and yelled: EMP IS GAY! And slammed the door shut.
digitalzero : 2010-03-19 14:18:01
lol... epic :)
buly : 2010-03-19 16:18:47
puke : 2010-03-19 16:34:05
omfg ... u'r the next coehlo right ? :))
Caliban : 2010-03-19 16:40:01
ROFL amazing !
ruxu : 2010-03-19 16:40:28
Nice story! I would confirm all of it, if I just would remember that night...
wwtoo : 2010-03-19 17:27:47
I look forward to the next installment.
/me is just beginning to understand what nd is really like. (I knew about DK ofc)
steinmetz : 2010-03-20 13:57:48
emp is gay
grape : 2010-03-20 15:38:36
riiiight, lovely story to bad I'm so lazy and only read it now :p
Aries : 2010-03-20 22:04:53
roflmao. i should have read this last night when i needed a good laugh. oh well, this afternoon was just as well :)
grape : 2010-03-21 02:34:42
Yay she laughs again :)
sonic : 2010-03-21 03:42:29
glad some of you enjoyed it :) midround is boring, so had some spare time.
Aries : 2010-03-21 03:58:24
grape wrote:
Yay she laughs again :)

yes grape, i do still laugh. its just been a very sad and exhausting week. but thanks to friends i will get over this. hence why i dove headfirst back into pa last night when i finally got home. and why ive had my fingers glued to the keyboard since i got up today.
Catwoman : 2010-03-21 04:15:24
hahaha thats so cool, cant wait for episode 2 when granny becomes young cat!