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irc syntax

Community Boards - General Talk

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Adama : 2010-04-10 07:11:45
what is the syntax for supporting (or not supporting) channels?
E-Choke : 2010-04-10 07:12:59
Go to

Login and one of the menus is supporting channels I think
Adama : 2010-04-10 07:16:27
both my guys have logged in to netgamers and supported
Aries : 2010-04-10 11:51:02
btw if i remember correctly its /msg p support #channel yes/no for future reference. and if that isnt right it will get you close enough that p will tell you the correct syntax. and once both supporters have agreed to support, it sometimes can take a day or two (or more depending on how slow the netgamers techies are being) to get P into the channel and get the channel fully up and running. and you will need to tell P to autojoin the channel
excal : 2010-04-10 12:22:06
correct aries :)