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Planetarion State of Affairs

Community Boards - General Talk

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digitalzero : 2010-07-20 20:00:28
This post, ofc, was in the making for some time. I believe PA is in its last breathes. Something major needs to happen in order to bring this game, back to life. I just wanted to get some ND opinions. If we moved on to a new game, would you continue to fight with ND? We are exploring options, but as of now, none really stick out. Sure PA is a game we all love and its the sole reason we are here, but what happens when it goes away. What happens to the ND community? Do we just stop here, quit talking even though we formed personal bonds to people? Once PA dies, does ND die too? I would hope not... I want us to remain a gaming community and we have been talking about this for a while, trying to convert ND to a community. I say this because we sort of do have other ND playing in other games. For example a few years ago, we had core ND, and ND members of the old quit playing planetarion. They took up eve and wow and currently reside in a channel called #eveofthenewdawn. Alot of people do not know Netvyper, Jellinek, Philo, etc. Even CM is there now that he doesnt play PA anymore. So now what? or I should say, what then, when PA dies, what do we do to remain close and play together.

One option, we will know more about is Spinners new game: AD2460

Some are playing travian, some are playing FB games, others console games, others imperion (well trying). Nothing feels like PA, im hoping spinners new baby will. But who knows, basically, I would like to know who would continue remaining ND even if PA is dead, and what can we do to keep our community together.
ABORT : 2010-07-20 20:04:40
We could make a blood oath and murder anyone who breaks it... Just a thought.
Speedy-J : 2010-07-20 20:57:21
I'm all in for keeping the community alive regardless of PA living or not in the future, even if we never find a game to replace PA. There's plenty of other games across multiple platforms to keep us entertained for decades still, and like several ppl have already mentioned, we can even get a voicecom system up and running if we ever find the nerve to actually speak with eachother while we play other games (or just wants to breath heavily into someones ear for a couple of hours).
DragonKing : 2010-07-20 21:50:24
i dont know if voice com would be a good idea does everybody really want me shouting def there recalled send recall resend change fake and all the other stuff all night:P hehe
wwtoo : 2010-07-20 22:49:47
For me the community is the most important part of pa, but if pa goes I think we wld need to have something else to focus on or we just deteriorate into a chat room. Just one plea - whatever we decide to play, please nothing sport related :)
DeadMan : 2010-07-21 06:14:24
Ooh im all excited about Spinners new game! And I got nowhere else to go as I quit WoW. Gonna play SC2 and Diablo 3 but need something to keep me busy browserwise too if you know what i mean.
E-Choke : 2010-07-21 08:10:22
As long as it's not FB (I'm still resently fighting to NOT become a member), I'm fine with it
And ooh, I like browser games :p
grape : 2010-07-21 08:17:08
WTF?! :| When is PA going to stop?! If PA stops I'll stop games all together for a while probably, find out what I wanna do with my life, get a diploma, move away from this horrible country to a much colder environment, maybe start a business... in other words, focus on doing something with my life, PA is a huge addiction to me and ofc the community concept is the most addictive part about it but I'm not really planning to get a new time sink, I grew up with this game and thats basicly my main reason to keep playing
Spritfire : 2010-07-21 20:14:44
I personally dont think pa will die right now right here, but yes probably in the next year or two.

I belive spinner's new game will fit very well for the newdawn community as I am guessing it will be some of the same as planetarion.

Also belive it will be highly well developed as I see he is getting funding from the norwegian film institute.

So my suggestion would be waiting to see what happends :)
Amon : 2010-07-21 20:58:46
bass : 2010-07-21 21:37:31
I'd be willing to let Cat adopt me.
ony : 2010-07-22 00:44:13
ok also an opinion from sunny jamaica where i ended up these days :), first of all i consider each and every one of you friends, and i would hate PA being the only reason for wich to call you guys my friends. We are a community , gaming, talking, sharing, not only launching fleets and taking defcalls , so in my opinion the spirit must be kept no matter what, ok in my opinion PA is nothing more then a relic at this time, with all the technology that its on the market, there is nothing new about it, and even if u spin it 180 degrees or any other way it will still remain the same game where u launch fleets wait for hours to land, wake up at terrible hours get def and thats all :P, but if it would to become smaller and smaller there would b no interest and we would lose ppl who will move theyr focus on something else. I checked out that spinner website or how u call it, it looks interesting, the plot sounds find and if it will also have some better grafics then numbers and letters on a webby much better, i doubt it will be less nicer as PA , things can only evolve. SO stick together, lets wait for that game and see how it looks, play it as ND, and lets fucking own them :). have fun in RL :P
Amon : 2010-07-22 00:58:58
Ony, I hate you a little bit more, for being in jamaica :[
grape : 2010-07-22 07:39:08
ony wrote:
plot sounds find and if it will also have some better grafics then numbers and letters on a webby much better, i doubt it will be less nicer as PA , things can only evolve. SO stick together, lets wait for that game and see how it looks, play it as ND, and lets fucking own them :). have fun in RL :P

But I like letters and numbers! :( that's what makes planetarion stand apart from all this new crap that has popped up everywhere these days.

grape : 2010-07-22 07:40:17
Amon wrote:

Speedy-J : 2010-07-22 13:13:01
Letters and numbers could be intergrated into a far more eye-catching design than PA tbh.. and calling graphics-based games crap just because you're blind as a mole doesnt make it crap for the rest of us grape! :P
grape : 2010-07-22 14:56:06
at least I have enough imagination to play games without graphics and besides, tekst loads a lot faster on my phone and since it'll probably be a while before 4G hits europe and if it does an other 5 years for average (not even decent) coverage I prefer to keep playing tekst only games.
digitalzero : 2010-07-22 15:34:33
oh ofc it has to be browser only, text specific :P and generally speaking, im not dating the death of PA, im just saying it seems like it will be here very soon, and i want us all to remain great buddies!
grape : 2010-07-22 15:59:27
You had me worried for a moment though...
smallfry : 2010-07-22 22:28:58
PA is dying keep them going until i get back for one last round plz.
grape : 2010-07-23 07:05:16
Noooo don't die! Some one call an ambulance!!
vladel : 2010-07-25 21:13:16
legion left to be a gaming community and is pretty much dead compared to it's glory days and i wouldn't expect things to be any different here.
frostyz : 2010-07-25 22:16:00
smallfry wrote:
PA is dying keep them going until i get back for one last round plz.

Come back now Small_Fry
Amon : 2010-07-26 05:21:42
vladel wrote:
legion left to be a gaming community and is pretty much dead compared to it's glory days and i wouldn't expect things to be any different here.

Always the optimist, ya twat :P
buly : 2010-07-27 16:51:41
We did try getting a larger gamingcommunity running back in the days but I dunno what happened to it. Even had gamereviews and shit on ND webbie.

I think that if people can gather a decent group and have a good startup in a game, they should be allowed to carry the ND tag, and even get support from ND atleast to get a usergroup having an own private forum here.

Overall I think ND should stick to 1 main game though, we'll see what Spinner comes up with cause I think that sounds promising.

I wonder what the new owners will do though, I think they seem decent.
buly : 2010-07-27 16:51:45
We did try getting a larger gamingcommunity running back in the days but I dunno what happened to it. Even had gamereviews and shit on ND webbie.

I think that if people can gather a decent group and have a good startup in a game, they should be allowed to carry the ND tag, and even get support from ND atleast to get a usergroup having an own private forum here.

Overall I think ND should stick to 1 main game though, we'll see what Spinner comes up with cause I think that sounds promising.

I wonder what the new owners will do though, I think they seem decent.
gangster : 2010-07-28 06:29:43
we should all wait for diablo3 to arive and get a nd gametag there! and rule over all evil
Williams : 2010-07-28 07:38:28
diablo3 sucks :(
digitalzero : 2010-07-28 12:18:56
williams wrote:
diablo3 sucks :(

... williams, im dissapointed.
ABORT : 2010-07-28 13:25:57
williams wrote:
diablo3 sucks :(

once again williams fails us.
grape : 2010-07-28 15:34:28
Diablo 3 doesnt run on my phone. But far more importantly lacks the depth that is required to support the need of having a community, remember, ND is a community, not a clan. This is also why I believe a Planrtarion alliance cant be succesfullly ported to just any online game.
Amon : 2010-07-28 17:32:54
You guys are funny.
vladel : 2010-07-28 20:50:26
i'll never play a game that runs my life again, maybe if something easier on the timescale comes up i might help out
Catwoman : 2010-07-28 23:17:59
im not into rpg games and im with williams diablo sucks
i would how ever play a quake type game again, q3 was the last one i played
buly : 2010-07-28 23:22:09
Vladel you n00b. Don't let the game run your life.
buly : 2010-07-28 23:22:12
Vladel you n00b. Don't let the game run your life.
grape : 2010-07-29 08:11:32
Does it have to be a game? we could start a project instead...
digitalzero : 2010-07-29 12:17:07
well, it would have to be a mmo ofc, and i think space based would only suite us all, but who knows what the light will bring for PA now with new owners. I will definately be trying out spinners new game, but im going to give these new owners a shot. I played some of their games and really enjoy them. So maybe as I posted this, things were already in the works for PA and lets hope something becomes of it.
grape : 2010-07-29 13:56:23
Wait.., PA has new owners?? Then why is everybody saying PA is coming to an end? What are their other games?
Williams : 2010-07-29 13:57:32
buly : 2010-07-30 17:20:55
Aye, let's hope for the best. But I'm also trying out Spinners game!
Ariff : 2010-08-18 07:02:17
im with Buly though, think i'll give Spinners game a try. Dont think i'll leave ND btw, im having too much fun just hanging around on irc tbh. Makes my working days a lot less harsh :P
grape : 2010-08-18 07:12:00
go play: (if you do kindly give me up as reference)
Balor : 2010-08-18 16:16:02
Spinners game as in Managerleague? If so, feel free to come to me for anything you need. I am lagit.
Williams : 2010-08-18 16:17:01
No balor the new game that is coming ;)
Balor : 2010-08-18 16:33:09
Balor wrote:
Spinners game as in Managerleague? If so, feel free to come to me for anything you need. I am lagit.
