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ony : 2010-07-22 01:01:13
DOes any1 know whats the best way to take out coca cola out of a laptop keyboard without freakin dismantling the laptop? I spilled like 4 drops of coca-cola around TAB/CAPS/SHIFT buttons and now when i press them they are very hard to press. ANy sudgestion? :))
digitalzero : 2010-07-22 01:43:28
you honestly can dishwasher a keyboard... and hang it out to dry :/
Adama : 2010-07-22 03:52:36
lol dz...

try popping the keys off then using a q-tip dippied in alcohol clean the are under the keys you took off. ofc clean the keys as well. other than that no idea
Adama : 2010-07-22 03:52:46
lol dz...

try popping the keys off then using a q-tip dipped in alcohol clean the are under the keys you took off. ofc clean the keys as well. other than that no idea
Adama : 2010-07-22 03:53:27
omfg...double post :(
grape : 2010-07-22 07:32:28
Alcohol ftw! worked for me too when I spilled soup all over my LT :S (noodle spoup..., what else?!)
digitalzero : 2010-07-22 13:27:19
grape : 2010-07-22 14:45:34
With a keybord perhaps but not sure if it works as well with a laptop...
digitalzero : 2010-07-22 14:55:17
OHHH fucking makes perfect sense now, i didnt see the key word, laptop... and he said it more than once :/

laptop keys are a utter bitch to get back on, depending on what type of laptop it is, you can pop the keyboard off... washing a laptop keyboard would scare me though
grape : 2010-07-22 14:57:27
ony : 2010-08-14 00:47:27
well me for one i was thinking to shut it down , using electrical contact cleaner as hell, after a WEICON air spray and then let the laptop to dry for 5 days and then press start and pray nothing left to make short :))).
ManiacMagic : 2010-08-14 04:51:09
Isopropyl Alcohol is what we use to clean up our electronics and circuitry ... I once dropped my phone int he toilet ... now orkie ... completely cleaned it with this and it worked great. get a paint brush and clip the bristles short (about a 1/4 inch long) so they are firm for scrubbing ... dip it in the alchol and scrub away. make sure the paint brush isnt real flimsey either ... a cheaper rough brush that has some firmness.
grape : 2010-08-14 08:30:18
pull out the battery and soak it in water and put it into one of these