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digitalzero : 2010-10-15 19:37:29
Gonna start this thread up right! How many have tattoo's and pictures of their tattoo's, stories behind them, meaning, or just for fun. Post them here!
digitalzero : 2010-10-15 19:40:22
[15:03] <@[ND]DigitalZero> i themed mine... im really gay like that
[15:03] <@[ND]DigitalZero> like
[15:03] <@[ND]DigitalZero> ok here is how it goes in my mind right
[15:03] <@Abort> lol
[15:03] <@[ND]DigitalZero> you are born with nothing, its on my right hand, im right handed... so i have a zero there...
[15:04] <@[ND]DigitalZero> then my vine, is sort of "growing too" is hte meaning, and inside of it im getting life's lessons and things like that, kids names, etc... inside of it like a sleeve
[15:04] <@[ND]DigitalZero> so zero. growing too..
[15:04] <@[ND]DigitalZero> then on my left wrist is infinity, and i am not left handed.. to be left hadned means to learn to be left handed, and throughout life you learn
[15:04] <@[ND]DigitalZero> zero growing to infinity
[15:05] <@[ND]DigitalZero> thats my theme, so yea, somewhere on my arm will be more, and perhaps my shoulder blades, i was gonna get a phoenix but its overdone
[15:05] <@Abort> awww how cute



Vine Piece

more to come once i get more!
Speedy-J : 2010-10-15 19:46:11
got mine on holiday on some greek island a few years back..


there's really no big story behind it, other than its the logo from a record company, and i love the way it looks. and the name of the company is funny aswell :P had a t-shirt with a huge version of the logo on the day we went to get inked so the tattoo dude had something to make it from.
ABORT : 2010-10-15 19:58:22
I have 3... getting more as time goes on:

My first

My second

My third
buly : 2010-10-15 20:04:02
Can some of you plz tattoo your peniz so you can post a pic of it here?
Catwoman : 2010-10-16 08:10:40
stein has a penis tat, but mine is on my ass, very faded now though was done when i was 15, a rose
ony : 2010-10-16 08:38:46
My upper part of the leg still work in progress :D
digitalzero : 2010-10-16 11:33:02
cat we still want to see it.
Amon : 2010-10-16 13:09:09
I wear the scars of life, I don't need some fucking tattoos.
Amon : 2010-10-16 13:09:19
P.S. DZ, you're a fag
digitalzero : 2010-10-16 13:53:16
Williams : 2010-10-16 14:06:03
Agreed :)
ABORT : 2010-10-16 16:14:20
Amon wrote:
I wear the scars of life, I don't need some fucking tattoos.

Gayest thing i've ever heard.
Amon : 2010-10-16 17:38:32
[15:05] <@Abort> awww how cute <- here I thought that was sarcasm :P
digitalzero : 2010-10-16 20:06:44
ok so me and abort are gay together :( why the hell do you two need to be sticking your noses in it.

/me runs away flailing arms
Aries : 2010-10-16 21:05:28
ive got 2. one on my left upper arm that is black tribal and the chinese symbol for dream. i think one of these days im going to get my daughters name and birthday inside the tribal ring.

the one on my back is called a "tigerfly" this one hurt to high hell as its like 7 layers of color and by the time they were done with the first 3 layers, my back felt like someone had taken a cheese grater to my back.
gangster : 2010-10-16 21:14:16
i like the tigerfly aries. The colors look great!
iae : 2010-10-16 21:20:35
I love the tigerfly Aries! I'm too whimsical and changable to get a tatoo... I'd get it one day and have to have it removed the next!
wwtoo : 2010-10-16 21:32:57
Yes, its beautiful
Aries : 2010-10-16 21:33:42
ty. i walked into the shop to get tracy his grim reaper tat and while we were looking for the reaper picture i came across that one. i wasnt planning to get a tat but next thing i knew i was in the chair across the room from tracy.
iae : 2010-10-16 21:37:54
lol, how long did it take?
Aries : 2010-10-16 21:38:33
3 1/2 hours
Amon : 2010-10-17 05:55:54
I pity the fools!

...WTF, our HC's are a bunch of stuck pigs!
Amon : 2010-10-17 05:56:10
sorry, stung pigs* :D
ManiacMagic : 2010-10-17 17:41:41
I have 'pride' on one tricep and 'faith' on the other ... as in pride in the work i do and faith in the works that i cant do. then i have a large cross on my back that isnt filled in ... and the words 'there is life in the red letters' split up going down the sides.
Aries : 2010-10-17 18:26:28
maniacmagic wrote:
I have 'pride' on one tricep and 'faith' on the other ... as in pride in the work i do and faith in the works that i cant do. then i have a large cross on my back that isnt filled in ... and the words 'there is life in the red letters' split up going down the sides.

pics please :)
Ariff : 2010-10-18 09:35:23
ill add pics later today when im home, but i used to draw a lot few years ago, and designed my 2 tribals myself. One is on my leg and the other one is on my feet and ankle. They both were done when i closed off an important period in my life so they will always remember me of the struggle i had to do to get me through those periods.
Ariff : 2010-10-18 09:36:16
nice backpiece Aries, looks like very clean lines and nice and crisp colours, obviously the hand of a pro.
Aries : 2010-10-18 12:42:27
Ariff wrote:
nice backpiece Aries, looks like very clean lines and nice and crisp colours, obviously the hand of a pro.

ty. the guy that did it did a wonderful job on it. although to be fair, the lines still look so crisp and clean because that picture was taken like 2 days after i got it (thats why it was so shiny-tracy had already covered it in the a&d ointment). it still looks just as clean today though. my skin retains tattoo ink quite well.
urge : 2010-11-23 20:02:41
42 from hitchhickers guide to the galaxy and TXC on my arm i found a pick from atleast...

i uppdate some more laters prolly
Amon : 2010-11-23 22:07:44
I didn't realize cameras of any kind came in that horrible a resolution anymore
ruxu : 2010-11-24 17:28:37
Penix for you nuBly hirr!
buly wrote:
Can some of you plz tattoo your peniz so you can post a pic of it here?
digitalzero : 2012-10-23 18:24:55
Ok where are the rest of these at?! Anyone get any new ones recently? I will have to show my latest once I get pictures of it.
Catwoman : 2012-10-24 08:48:10
Told you before my ass is not for publication you want to see my tat, you come visit:D
ManiacMagic : 2012-10-24 09:33:56
i just recently did a hand drawn trinity symbol covering my shoulder, but left to afghanistan with it half finished lmao
kallysandra : 2012-10-24 11:45:20
hmmm, just a unicorn on the leg...have to check out the others :D
digitalzero : 2012-10-24 23:24:35
oh come on cat, you can post it
Aries : 2012-10-25 02:06:59
im still waiting on pics MM...
MaVeRiXX : 2014-01-09 15:21:38
My Tat Guardian Angel

My Guardian angel is my brother who died at the age of 2,5. I was 1 year old at that time. My tat was specially drawed by hand for me by the tattoo artist.

This picture is from before my surgery, thank god they could save my tat :)
MaVeRiXX : 2014-01-09 15:24:17
Oh btw my next one will be a black & white Japanese Koi 3/4 sleeve, i hope somewhere this year.
ofergest : 2014-01-10 00:02:34
This is mine [IMG][/IMG]
Catwoman : 2014-01-10 11:45:09
nice guys
digitalzero : 2014-01-10 14:24:08
nice angel mav, i got some more done, a 1/2 space sleeve with an upper back i will post later