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Amon : 2010-12-01 20:29:23
Right. We all know PA is slowly but surely dying out.
What do we all do with one another (assuming sex is out of the question) when the final nail hits the coffin?

Well alot of us play other games besides PA (shocking!) in our spare time. I was thinking maybe if people listed some of the games they're playing, we could maybe start playing those games in cliques.

I'm personally usually up for trying new games so prod me with about whatever :P the cheaper it is...the likelier it'll be I'll try it out :D

My list is in no specific order of how much I play them.

Heroes of Newerth (HoN)
World of Tanks
World of Warcraft

Probably grabbing Starcraft II sometime after new years.
gangster : 2010-12-01 20:30:31
lets do diablo3 together!
DeadMan : 2010-12-01 20:41:02
In no special order:

StarCraft 2
Heroes of Newerth
Diablo 3 (when it comes)
Aries : 2010-12-01 20:51:02
Ive been playing Ether Saga Online (ESO)
Amon : 2010-12-01 21:13:32
ofc I forgot to mention Civilization 5 and Titan Quest, as of late ;p
ABORT : 2010-12-01 21:37:20
Amon, im picking up Civ 5 for myself... we will play. Been playing Civ series since Civ 1.
PWG : 2010-12-01 22:10:14
im for D3 when released
rayes : 2010-12-01 22:54:41
Been playing World of tanks for some time now..

And I'll be starting with World of Warcraft again when expension comes out.. Quitted playing for the last 2 months as I find it a waste of time :P

Also I'm playing Black Ops frequently.. Might be nice to do some clanmatches with that ;)
Amon : 2010-12-01 22:56:19
I'd get black ops if I could afford it. And BF2BC
digitalzero : 2010-12-01 22:58:01
D3 for sure when it comes... i started Lord of the Rings Online, but yes.. would love to see us all conform to a new game. BTW, i want you all to read the thread I will make in 3 minutes about spinners new game.
grape : 2010-12-01 23:07:57
besides this I'm only playing []informatist[/url] plz join me and if you do I'd like it if you set me Grape as reference ;)
Carrington : 2010-12-01 23:34:30
fuck all them..... AD ftw!
digitalzero : 2010-12-02 00:03:18
i do believe this AD message is clear, let me break it down really simple:

Spinner, is like our father, God, so to say... He created this vast universe of that which we know as, Planetarion. We live it each day. It is our life. However Planetarion.. it has become sick for some time, losing weight, etc... and does not have the capacity it once did. It is sad, depressed, its children will die, unless... Spinner shows up to save his children... He comes, feeds them, gives them warmth and clothing and a bed to sleep in and sets them forth, back out into the new universe, that which is AD2460.
grape : 2010-12-02 05:55:23
AD takes ages to load does it have a text based option?
Speedy-J : 2010-12-02 06:02:34
dont think so, but i've got a feeling you'll be able to get an app for your phone you can play the game via ;)
grape : 2010-12-02 06:06:36
that wont do me good, whoever thought up graphics were cool :S
Williams : 2010-12-02 07:34:15
Carrington : 2010-12-02 10:43:03
grape wrote:
AD takes ages to load does it have a text based option?

use a differentg browser :P firefox works fine
grape : 2010-12-02 11:59:58
It's not the browser it's the HSDPA internet connection I have. Planetarion loads almost instant with text only layout
iae : 2010-12-02 12:04:31
Waiting for Torchlight 2, then D3 (though Torchlight screwed Diablo a bit with the addition of pets as well as beating Blizzard out of the gate)...
AD2460 looks fun, but it's also still in dev.
If I had the money I'd be all over civ5.
Even if I'm not in a game I'm usually lurking in Steam.
md : 2010-12-02 15:24:45
Playing some WoW lately, and some SC2, although it's a game i'm awful at.
ManiacMagic : 2010-12-03 18:47:52
black ops on xbox bitches. plus bfbc2 or any other stupid game like halo ... i got em all
ManiacMagic : 2010-12-03 18:48:23
if we brought ND over to WiiFit maybe jdeans fat ass could lose some weight
digitalzero : 2010-12-03 20:52:03
fuck the box, get the ps3
Althizor : 2010-12-03 23:28:10
BHA pc games is the only way

play bfbc2, WOW, bit of civ5, Red alert 2, Starcraft, DK2
and others i cant remember
petroman : 2010-12-04 21:34:12
i would love to play more games with you guys i just can not afford it
LottieStar : 2010-12-04 23:56:54
Dragon king likes to play hide the penis its two player and can be a lot of fun x
Amon : 2010-12-05 02:42:52
I bet there's great many hiding places for his penis
grape : 2010-12-05 03:58:26
I really wish people would start playing []informatist[/url]
DragonKing : 2010-12-05 04:00:46
only 3 legal ones amon, the rest dont work too well
Amon : 2010-12-13 01:29:25
At the moment I play WoW:cataclysm on Nordrassil(EU) horde.

Other high'ish character servers I have are:
Nagrand Alliance, Wildhammer Horde, Ravencrest Alliance, Stormreaver Alliance, Trollbane Alliance, Mazrigos Horde.

So poke me on irc if you happen to be on one of those servers :P I have little interest in starting a new character now but reviving an old one is easy enough =)
ABORT : 2010-12-13 01:55:57
I heard with the new expansion leveling up is much faster
mufflo : 2010-12-13 07:05:01
I also heard the last 5 lvls should take about as much time as all the others together =p
Amon : 2010-12-13 11:05:19
yeah took me fairly little time :P
digitalzero : 2010-12-13 13:03:49
fuck WoW, i will never play that ever again. Many reasons. My rogue will sit at 80 for a long long time :/
Amon : 2010-12-13 13:18:50
Well you're in the wrong continent to start with, so that will default to I DON'T REALLY CARE
grape : 2010-12-13 13:46:44
Here's a nice game to play
Speedy-J : 2010-12-13 13:49:35
MINECRAFT!!! (minecarts do actually work now btw DZ)
digitalzero : 2010-12-13 14:07:25
we would need a 64 man server :P, im waiting for beta anyways for minecraft to take hold of me again.
Amon : 2010-12-13 14:19:04
Balor : 2010-12-15 15:28:17
jewid : 2010-12-16 13:11:47
DZ play on Brandywine server on lotro and tell me your char name, mine are Zuridor, Zurithil, and Shadria. 35 Guardian, 15 Rune
jewid : 2010-12-16 13:12:19
Keeper, 15 Hunter
digitalzero : 2010-12-17 22:08:50
brandywine aye, i suppose, once i sit back down with it i will
darkstrider : 2010-12-19 10:20:03
Wow, I used to play LOTRO, havent played it in like a year now though.
jewid : 2010-12-19 23:28:39
Its free now, former subscribers get treated pretty well
abyssknight : 2011-06-17 19:56:19
ill be playing d3 when it comes out but now i play stronghold kingdoms, sc2, some kongregate games ( dream world and tyrant tyrant not so mcuh )