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21 months on!

Community Boards - General Talk

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vladel : 2011-04-30 22:26:37
Can't quite believe it but it has been 21 months since i retired from Pa and ND HC. I can't even remember what round number it was now, it really is that far removed. I do know that my rounds in ND were the most fun i had in my time as a pa player (legion was fun ofc but fun in a different way). I came as a quitter from jenova on my first round back. Basically i got sick of defending 3 fleet attackers and getting raped for it. I'd only joined Jenova because an old Legion HC had tracked me down and gotten me involved in the ally where the remaining legion guys were still playing. Needless to say it was a big mistake as they were shadows of their former selves like myself but ND gave me a chance and brought me back to the world of Battlecommand where i had made my bread. I did 3 or 4 rounds here before i took a round away to play hardcore with the enemy which was denial at that time which was just what i needed. I came back as HC and i can't remember how long that run before i retired upon meeting the woman that is my fiancee.
I made alot of friends here and i don't often see familiar names but there are some elements i miss and some things i don't.

I miss the social aspect and don't miss the game in the slightest in all honesty. i think with most pa players when they retire and fuck off, it's the connections they miss the most. In retrospect i maybe shouldn't have done all i could as a HC to destroy that faction of long time serving officers that didn't play the game yet had access and the like as i could have become one of them and not missed some of the elements that i do. funny how that works out isn't it?

Pa is like a drug to me. It's something you want but ultimately you can't keep going with. The good times are the people and the connections you make as a player with the people you get to know. What it does to your life is the negative part and the better you get, the more it affects your life.

I'mnot even sure why i am posting this but it's stuff that lies onmy mind and needs an outlet. I really miss ND but god i will never play pa again. The game should really die anyway because it's beyond a joke with how few play now which is the most tragic thing of all.

Missing you guys

Catwoman : 2011-05-01 00:51:16
<3 missing you too
spinner has a new game out soon, stay in touch :)
ManiacMagic : 2011-05-01 05:56:35
meh just come back duuuh
bass : 2011-05-01 08:55:25
If anyone is curious where all these exhc people go cat has a storage closet out back i believe.
ManiacMagic : 2011-05-01 12:08:47
where did bass go tho :P
digitalzero : 2011-05-01 13:29:19
was that you getting your inner junkie out vlad? "i wont play again but man I need to VENT to someone bad!!!!!" :P anyways, hope all is well your way, yes spinner has a new game we are all gonna try to play. i will give you the details once more is known.
ony : 2011-05-18 05:40:21
hallo vaginel!!!!
Gunner : 2011-06-09 07:41:08
Vlad come back, your country needs YOU! lol