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Forever NewDawn

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MaVeRiXX : 2007-03-15 22:27:24
Despite my dislike of NewDawn, cuz my roidfat and sexy planet got bashed and my ships got trapped, i joinend NewDawn the round after. Main reason was that my brother, Sukur, told me good things about the alliance. I was bored of LCH and couldnt be bothered joining another alliance. When it was? many round ago, i even forget which round it was :D

So many stories, laughters, victories, defeats, fun and memories i have of NewDawn. Ive met amazing and interesting people in my time in NewDawn. Ive seen great and bad leadership, awsome good and utterly bad players through the many rounds. No matter what happend, in good and in bad times the NewDawn Spirit was awsome and unbelievable great! We had always fun and did things our own NewDawn way.

From the first second i joinend NewDawn, it was love at first sight (omg that sounds so fluffy!!), i never left again. Ive put NewDawn always at the first place, even when i didn't agree with decisions which were made in the past. I am proud to be a member of NewDawn and will never join another alliance in Planetarion again.

I thank you people for my great time in NewDawn, you all have my respect. The last 3 rounds have showed me that i can't combine my job (im a StockTrader) with Planetarion. My real eye-opener was last round, which made the biggest impact in my PA career. After h3ll died, i learnend there are more important things in life than Planetarion.

Tonight, im sending my fleets out for my last three attacks in my PA career. I hope to end in style and ending top 100, who knows...

Too many names and friends i made along the way to mention just a few now. Never say never, but i dont expect to play ever again. As long as HC keeps my acces on IRC, i will visit you ladies once a while.

I can almost hear the Fat Lady sing...



PWG : 2007-03-15 22:50:25
ah Maverixx,
i ll never leave ND again too!! thats for sure!
bad allys joined... -_-

but back to you mav!
have anice life and get some great memories of your future life too! you are a one of the ppl i like to play with!
good luck and have fun!

oh btw come back when the time is right! dont say you ll never play again... =)

regards PWG
Spritfire : 2007-03-15 23:06:41
Agreed, NewDawn are the best and will allways be the best.

Wount delet your access and if its gone you know whom to pm ;)

Gl with real life! and come back and play tomorrow!
Freestyler : 2007-03-15 23:17:15
gl in rl m8t, was fun playing with ya :) (PA i mean!) :p
frosty : 2007-03-15 23:25:42
its sad to see you leave but rl>pa.

make sure you drop by regularly und gl in rl ! :)
Thrackan : 2007-03-15 23:44:31
nothing to add to this but a wave o/ and a hug...
digitalzero : 2007-03-16 00:12:46
I've been here since round 1 so I dont think I am leaving either. Sucks to see you go m8, but I know how it is. I took about a year and some off of PA, thought I'd never play it again, but I came back in round 14ish? Best of luck to you with whatever you do, and in life, and stop back and remember you always have a home here.
md : 2007-03-16 00:36:56
gl hf m8, it's been a blast :)
marinho : 2007-03-16 07:54:05
Gl with everything you do in life mate, don;t be a stranger now :D
cura : 2007-03-16 07:59:38
what everybody else said only better! *licks*
Catwoman : 2007-03-16 11:53:41
I love u maverixx:)
obiwan : 2007-03-16 20:14:18
hey MaveRiXX
Whatever u found m8 must be good, h3ll played PA up till the End (god rest his soul), So what ever u got m8 u enjoy it m8, Have Fun whatever u do. Like Marinho said don't be a stranger

[DTA]Obi-Wan Salutes MaveRiXX
hatlon : 2007-03-17 08:46:42
your yellow? <3 u
shyne : 2007-03-24 19:26:54
where is Sukur ?! :)
baasb : 2008-09-15 14:43:31
Ships (630,000 total) (Ship Analysis) [Hide]
Harpy 320,000 Phoenix 160,000
Gryphon 130,000 Valkyrie 20,000
PWG : 2008-09-15 15:13:04
omg...someone else again in another thread... >_<
renrical : 2008-09-15 17:36:09
hey don't imitate me :p
Amon : 2008-09-15 18:27:03
damn nubs :P
burwattee : 2008-09-15 20:02:22
awwww mav. ND4EVAH!

sad to c u go

hf n keep in touch
willd : 2008-09-15 20:39:07
burwatte this thread is ancient
Amon : 2008-09-15 21:05:37
MaVeRiXX : 2007-03-15 22:27:24 <- that's about year and a half ago :P so yeah, go Burw :P
Catwoman : 2008-09-15 23:06:16
shhhhh least it proves some one reads forums :)
mano : 2008-09-16 15:06:33
gl with ure life maverix :)
demi93 : 2008-09-19 12:53:05
reads forums but doesn't check dates of post...;P wasn't mav on earlier today?
PWG : 2008-09-19 19:22:13
was he? didnt saw him for a long time now... =/