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Problems IRC?

Community Boards - General Talk

New posts below:

razock : 2011-06-22 08:22:04
Do more people have trouble connecting to IRC? Looks like netgamers is down? lemme know
wwtoo : 2011-06-22 09:12:34
yep and I tried the suggestions on the mail but colloquoy did n't seem to like them. Probably I'm doing something wrong
bigfoot : 2011-06-22 13:28:36

The NetGamers IRC network is currently experiencing some DNS problems which is causing issues when trying to connect to the IRC network, to connect in the meantime please use instead (or one of the following IP addresses -
e.g /server in your IRC client.

NetGamers hope to have the issue resolved as soon as possible.


Planetarion Team member
NetGamers Senior CSC Administrator

wwtoo RECALL ur attack..............

2:52] (Catwoman): she wont give it
[22:52] (Carrington): :S
[22:52] (Catwoman): .sms wwtoo
[22:52] (Carrington): shes gonna crash
[22:53] (Catwoman): nothing i can do
[22:53] (Carrington): ino

wwtoo : 2011-06-22 21:08:00
I got the mail from Markb but colloquoy didn't like it when I did what they said. com unit said my nick didn't exist, but I was always logged into pa and used ingame mail. I had no intention of crashing. I asked Sukur to mail me ingame if we had to recall. He did and I recalled - no problem - except I wld rather have landed :)