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Community Boards - General Talk

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ManiacMagic : 2011-09-14 16:30:14
No im not talking about digital zero ... post your jokes/links/vids n we will judge if its racist or not.
ManiacMagic : 2011-09-14 16:30:27
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Williams : 2011-09-14 18:15:56
forum spam
ManiacMagic : 2011-09-14 19:53:48
grape : 2011-09-14 21:43:48
No it's not racist
digitalzero : 2011-09-16 15:08:42
redhouse furniture
ManiacMagic : 2011-09-16 15:27:10
lmfao +1 dz
deadcenter : 2011-09-16 15:32:23
I had to post the redhouse vid on another forum :)
omggopher : 2011-09-16 16:12:05
oh dear god i used to live near that Red House place... gahaha
grape : 2011-09-16 19:03:50
it's racist to asians!
ABORT : 2011-09-21 03:49:31
ManiacMagic wrote:
No im not talking about digital zero ... post your jokes/links/vids n we will judge if its racist or not.

digitalzero : 2011-10-04 16:22:30
this is a forgotten classic...
DragonKing : 2011-10-04 16:26:36
I wonder if DZ is racist about black women after one robbed him:P
grape : 2011-10-04 16:33:19
popeyes must be a coloured thing just look at the first youtube results in thissearch :p
ManiacMagic : 2011-10-04 16:55:31
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ManiacMagic : 2011-10-04 16:58:13
Your text to link here... lmfao
grape : 2011-10-04 17:48:05
wow even I think that last one is a bit... disturbing... but heck that guy has some awesome mattresses!
digitalzero : 2011-10-04 19:36:08
mine is going to get buried by MM's, i suggest going back and looking at mine :P
ManiacMagic : 2011-10-04 21:37:47
digitalzero : 2011-10-05 20:05:55
ManiacMagic : 2011-10-06 23:08:34
lmao thats great
ManiacMagic : 2011-11-01 18:20:37
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bass : 2011-11-01 20:29:25
hahaha. Amazing stuff there^^
grape : 2011-11-03 14:00:14
want moar!
ManiacMagic : 2011-11-21 03:50:27
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bull : 2011-11-21 07:24:35
tell them to get a f$#king life
grape : 2011-11-21 23:11:17
Find some early disney cartoons there stuffed with racism
ManiacMagic : 2011-11-26 01:02:18
grape : 2011-11-26 13:07:47
alll sooo true
ManiacMagic : 2011-11-28 23:34:51
asians doing karate Your text to link here...
grape : 2011-11-29 08:00:03
That's not racist that's awesome...
smallfry : 2011-11-30 00:43:25
fucking oath that was pretty good, i will still beat the shit out of that chick tho :P
mufflo : 2011-11-30 05:55:55
She'd kick your ass and you'd enjoy it!
grape : 2011-11-30 10:43:21
I broke thicker boards than that but I must applaud their accuracy and tumbling
ManiacMagic : 2011-11-30 11:47:30
ive done this whole routine with my penis
ManiacMagic : 2011-12-03 21:17:54
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prettys ure i know the answer to this one LMAO
ManiacMagic : 2011-12-05 04:09:44
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ManiacMagic : 2011-12-05 04:23:07
[22:05] <@DarkHeart> hey rexdrax
[22:05] <@DarkHeart> whats the difference between batman and a black man?
[22:05] <@DarkHeart> Batman can go to the store without Robin.....
grape : 2011-12-06 01:40:36
grape : 2011-12-08 18:58:50
Old link but notice the skull symbol on his cap... Nope... that one's probably real
ManiacMagic : 2011-12-08 19:15:30
lol this is wtf not racist
grape : 2011-12-08 19:20:47
he has a nazi symbol on his cap!
grape : 2011-12-08 19:21:27
fun2bgirls : 2012-01-29 10:07:02