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Carrington : 2011-09-27 21:20:52
i was wondering where i could advertise for a game like PA but its abit different. u mite of heard of it before? its called planetia :P

i have just been successful at getting an admin job within that game, and i would like it to grow

so if u know anywhere i can spam forums, please reply below ! :)

grape : 2011-09-28 06:34:37
New game or old game?
Carrington : 2011-09-28 11:36:17
its an old game that has been around for years, just want some new fresh faces within the game and hope it grows again :/
grape : 2011-09-28 11:53:59
Try posting on some game forums also try posting on forums of sites that have the same theme as the game (for example if it's a racing game try the forum of big racing fan sites, most of these forums have special game sections as well) And ofcourse the general forum right here ;)