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Lord of the rings Online

Community Boards - General Talk

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DragonKing : 2011-10-09 19:30:02
Hey guys Just wanted to know if anybody wanted to try Lord of the rings online its free to play, and quite a good online role play. I am a master armorur and aries is a master weaponsmith so we can help anybody get started.

If we get alot joining maybe even set up a NewDawn kin
Aries : 2011-10-09 19:49:10
sorry but you couldnt pry me away from my current kin. ive been with them since i started playing.
ManiacMagic : 2011-10-09 20:12:20
lets fucking destroy aried kin they tke her hostage and drag her back to our cave!
DragonKing : 2011-10-09 20:31:46
well we dont need aries
Catwoman : 2011-10-10 01:11:09
i have it already, dont think ive joined anything, i just didnt play it
Catwoman : 2011-10-10 01:11:29
oh my son plays and my bro n sisterinlaw
ManiacMagic : 2011-10-10 07:27:22
dang aauuusssies takin over
grape : 2011-10-10 08:01:03
ahm I actually was thinking of starting to rpg agan but I'm always limited to the worst systems ever for some reason... what's the sys req's?
Aries : 2011-10-10 23:33:55
LOTRO System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements
Operating System: Windows XP™ (Service Pack 2 is recommended)
Processor (CPU): Intel Pentium™ 4 - 1.8GHz or AMD equivalent
System RAM Memory: 512MB
Graphics Card: 64MB NVIDIA™ Geforce 3 or ATI Radeon™ 8500
Internet Connection: 56K Modem
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c
Disk Space: 7GB NOTE: This requirement does not include recent game updates. Up to 10 GB may be required for the installation.

Recommended System Requirements
Operating System: Windows XP™ (Service Pack 2) or Windows Vista (Service Pack 1)
Processor (CPU): Intel Pentium™ 4 - 2.8GHz or AMD™ equivalent
System RAM Memory: 1.0GB (2.0GB for Vista)
Graphics Card: 128MB NVIDIA Geforce™ 6800 or ATI™ 8500
Internet Connection: Cable (modem) or DSL Connection
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (Latest Version)
Disk Space: 10GB NOTE: This requirement does not include recent game updates. Up to 12 GB may be required for the installation.
Aries : 2011-10-10 23:35:36
i should mention that my fully updated game is 14.5gb so with the new Rise of Isengard expansion, its quite a bit larger than they say it is.
grape : 2011-10-11 09:37:23
:S cont play that I dont have disk space for that
grape : 2011-10-11 09:37:58
DragonKing : 2011-10-17 04:42:53
WithyWindle server
ABORT : 2011-10-21 11:39:27
a few of us already played it for a while... wasnt really that great... was fun at first tho. :)