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Browser game to play while waiting for PA to start (hell, maybe while playing PA!)

Community Boards - General Talk

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ruxu : 2011-10-24 05:13:10

This is shameless plug to invite you all to play eRepublik :)

This game has been running for awhile, but can still be started at any day, and still do good. IT has combined economic simulation, politics for those who want it, and military battles between RL countries (you can start anywhere, but recommended in your own country or country you know language in - as military units operate usually in local language).

Try it :)

ruxu : 2011-11-14 15:19:54
And if you do not want to start in game that has been running for ages, then this one is very similar, and started on Saturday (highest people are lvl2):
harv : 2011-11-15 18:24:19
I guess both of those are lame freemium games, prolly classified as "social" too?
grape : 2011-11-15 21:58:35
Or you can try World of Football :P also classified as a "social" game!