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Late XMAS shopping?

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ManiacMagic : 2011-12-13 11:12:10
Anyone needing a gift for their kid or themselves?

brand new xbox two controllers skyrim, gears of war 3, battle field bad company 3, modern warfare 3, black ops, battlefield badcompany 2

About 500 Euros worth of new (from 1 month to 2.5 months old) xbox 360 (slim) gear. I'm looking for 200 Euros and shipping. Would be a great starter up kit for someones kid or themselves.
puppe : 2011-12-13 15:35:38
looked good untill i saw xbox :P
hah .. nevah :D
grape : 2011-12-13 16:42:51
Almost inclined to take you up on that offer but none of the games are to my liking so I would have to start swapping games... :/ Shipping from where though?
ManiacMagic : 2011-12-13 17:17:33
well amsterdam ... but i found out this thing plays my us games and the EU games work on my US one ... not sure what the pal ntsc thing is ... but looks like i can keep it and not have to buy more games
grape : 2011-12-13 17:47:33
o.O PAL NTSC... that's pre HDMI concerns right?
DeadMan : 2011-12-13 18:04:51
PAL and NTSC is more for DVD regions but also something to do with the signals sent from dvd/blueray player to the TV. Today though most TV's can change between NTSC and PAL so shouldnt be much of a problem.