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Tick: 2321

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Community Boards - General Talk

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Adds : 2012-02-16 01:29:40
who got them?? whoa enjoying them?!
i know mick got close to 300 so hes a good boy and i know hes gonna enjoy them! who else got some? i expect thankyous! haha
anyway ill be around on irc and will be back next round i reckon, this round was just a real screw around for me and didn't work out so well!
now... where's my thankyous?!??? hahahaa
Motti : 2012-02-16 01:46:33
/me sends big thankyou.

Hugs trio and motti,

Expect to see you around again eyh?

And damn micky mouse beat us to it :/
trio : 2012-02-16 07:58:01
Cheers Adds!

Motti and me got about 120 each!

See you next round hopefully!
ony : 2012-02-16 16:49:28
ty for 140 roids :D
mick : 2012-02-17 11:59:37
thanks adds :)

got around 275 roids.
ManiacMagic : 2012-03-13 22:36:38
you nubs