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: 2012-04-11 08:05:19
Hi my beloved NDs,
I got screwed royaly pre round i knew that by chance my boss gets placed right next to me ... i talked about it with my friend kubi and said if that happens my online appearence would be cut to zero during the day ....
Kubi encouraged me to sign up and hope for the best.
well well end of stroy i had no luck and my boss sits next to me T-T allways peeking at my monitor.
i tried to build stuff at night cons and do some research but that did not pay out.
i need to be online like 24/7 else i cant build my planet up and be of any use for the ally.
PA for me is unplayable under these circumstances.
i might have luck and my boss or me get into another project by end of year.
and i miss poping in 1 minute after tick to anoy ppl to get def up during the day times
i miss williams getting chips and beer to watch the drama
i have vacation now for till may will pop in by times in #newdawn
kind regards
Tezuro aka fulltimenoob (who lost his happy)
: 2012-04-11 15:04:47
Hope your boss are moved away or you get your own huge office. See you around Tez
: 2012-04-12 23:36:25
work is evuhl
come back soon.
: 2012-04-13 13:26:06
yeah shame i like tez...good player...he did say toward end of last round this might happen...but wouldnt know for sure till round had started