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Catwoman : 2013-02-03 05:50:32
For those of you wondering where he's disappeared to and for those of you who know and want updating I am starting a forum post to keep you all informed.
On Dec 22n 2012 Bigfoot was involved in a sky diving accident where he was coming into land, was off target and tried to correct his landing too late.
He was in a coma till 3rd of January which with lots of good thoughts and prayers from family and friends he came out of. It was still off and on for a few days where he dropped in and out of concious, he has alot of broken bones, mostly i think in his legs, feet, ankles, some internal damage and brain/ head trauma.
Over the next week he was slowly recovering, still had trachea in to help him breath and nasal gastric tube to feed via but more and more awake time.
Now he is finally at the stage where they have removed all tubes, his trachea hole in his neck is beginning to close and he is talking , some times he makes sense, other times its rubbish. He has begun to eat food, and started complaining about it, He is swearing at the nurses if they don't give him what he wants, ( sounds like our biggy hehe).
His son CJ calls me every week or 2 to keep us all up to date. Some days he remembers things and people, other days he dosnt. I till be a slow and long recovery for him so keep him in your thoughts. I will update info on here as i get it.
frostyz : 2013-02-03 07:45:26
Ouch, sad to hear. All the best to Bigfoot
shazna : 2013-02-03 08:12:12
I have him in my prayers.
Recover soon and well bigfoot.
brain : 2013-02-03 08:32:01
wow. My thoughts are with him!
rob6985 : 2013-02-03 10:06:45
Thanks for the update Cat great idea :) and mpass on my regards when you next talk :)
bass : 2013-02-03 10:39:27
hope he makes a full recovery.
grim : 2013-02-03 18:27:17
Oh man :( Pass on our love...

...I have a (PA related) joke but I feel it would be in bad taste atm...
lord_of_blood : 2013-02-03 22:35:44
hope he will get back on his feet soon
Catwoman : 2013-02-03 23:11:03
grim , I have already sent him a card from all of us saying hes won Newdawn crash of the round, he has an awesome sense of humour, lets hope he makes a full recovery and gets back to us so he can read it all. Joke away, he wont be offended:)
grim : 2013-02-03 23:17:22
:) He knows he's on nodef now right ^^
Speedy-J : 2013-02-03 23:23:22
Bigfoot will forever be known as Bionicfoot when he returns to us.
Catwoman : 2013-02-06 09:22:37
hehe yeah
brain : 2013-02-06 20:33:52
.h grim 1
.h speedy-j 1

LukeyLove : 2013-02-25 17:58:42
Aw shit, terrible news. Poor Bigfoot :( Thinking of you bro <3
mufflo : 2013-02-28 05:08:54
Hope he's getting a good recovery. <3
Catwoman : 2013-03-08 09:55:15
Dad went to Hampstead last Monday, but he didn't last the week and spent the weekend that was at the RAH with a paralytic ileus.
Now resolved and back to Hampstead for rehab. They estimate 3 months there. At least. Am away with friends for weekend, call u mid week.
translated he's saying Bigfoots been moved to a rehabilitation center but had problems with some bowel issue so was taken back to Royal Adelaide Hospital. That's now fixed and he's back in rehab for at least 3 months.
When I hear more I will let you know <3
excal : 2013-03-08 12:35:39
I keep praying for him
kallysandra : 2013-03-08 19:23:24
send hugs :)
Amon : 2013-03-13 15:34:24
I keep trusting that the medical personnel assigned to him are proficient and capable people.
zeurg : 2013-03-13 20:11:45
I dont know BigFoot unless hes the one from the Hendersons :)but thats got to Hurt!
Get well soon buddy
rob6985 : 2013-03-19 10:51:56
hang in there bigfoot you'll be fit as a fiddle in no time you just stop harassing those poor nurses
Ichindur : 2013-03-21 06:40:22
Send him my regards (If anyone still remember me here :)) He's one of the ppl I remember from here though, I hope he'll get better soon.
Catwoman : 2013-05-29 23:32:20
Called Bigfoot today, he remembered me with out hesitation and says he misses pa, he will be in hospital for at least a few months more, he has to have his ankle and something else reconstructed, then he needs to learn to walk again. We didn't talk long as his nurse was waiting to take him off for a shower.He said to let everyone know he misses you all and he hopes to be back playing soon :D
grim : 2013-05-30 09:37:23
Best wishes for an even speedier recovery :D
bass : 2013-05-30 12:39:38
Nice, sounds like he's doing well.
kallysandra : 2013-05-30 15:02:38
glad he's doing well....hope he can return soon :) he is missed.
rob6985 : 2013-05-30 19:32:41
awesome news and well now the road has started i am sure it will be speedy :) mucho love :)
shazna : 2013-05-31 02:18:58
great news, i hope he remembers me too ^^
come back soon bigfoot!!
Adama : 2013-05-31 03:24:18 time you talk to him please let him know that he is in my prayers daily and I sure hope to see him again real soon :)
Aries : 2013-05-31 13:17:39
awesome news! he is very sorely missed, but his recovery is most important :)
obiwan : 2013-05-31 14:31:15
wow that's great to hear Cat, :-)

hope he has a speedy recovery.

obi misses him
ony : 2013-05-31 16:50:49
well im in adelaide right now :) to bad i dont have any of his details to give him a ring or who knows, visit him in hospital :)
harv : 2013-05-31 17:17:24
Why does he need a working ankle, and being able to walk, to play pa?
Amon : 2013-05-31 20:02:02
all he needs is a finger...preferably attached to an arm.
Aries : 2013-05-31 20:12:01
Amon wrote:
all he needs is a finger...preferably attached to an arm.

that doesnt do him any good unless that arm is also preferably attached to his body
petroman : 2013-06-01 13:37:28
I am supper glad he is doing so well
Judge : 2013-06-01 17:25:29
it cheered me up this week...glad to hear some good news..
Catwoman : 2013-06-02 00:43:41
haha aries and amon, as far as I know all his bits are still attached.
basilisk : 2013-07-08 20:20:50
I know a lot of you will have seen this, but I'm reposting fro facebook

Yesterday near Adelaide, South Australia
Quick visit to my home. No pc access at Hampstead Rehab Hospital. Legs are still repairing as I re-learn to walk and not use a wheelchair!! Feeling great and getting better daily. Miss you all and my Clinic clients. Hope to be home soon in 2-3 months time. Peace and be cheerful!!!!
Aries : 2013-07-08 20:30:49
very good to hear!
mysteries : 2013-07-09 05:35:10
so good to hear he is doing better and better.
grim : 2013-07-09 06:44:04
bass : 2013-07-09 20:03:40
ah, good to hear. Now im curious about if he's planning on going back to the daredevil lifestyle later:P
Aries : 2013-07-28 02:52:45
for those who havent seen his most recent update on FB

21 minutes ago near Adelaide, South Australia
Another quick trip home. I did 3 walks on Friday in a heavily weight laden frame and did 45 metres in total. If my goal is reached I hope, or want to be home around end of sept!! See Ortho expert this thurs to suss more of my legs out. At Hampstead Rehab Centre now in Ward 2A bed 16. Cheeers All!!!
Wuschel : 2013-09-12 23:11:39
just hope he stops jumping out of flying things :/
basilisk : 2013-09-30 13:03:04
Hopefully he will be home on the 18th of Oct, though I guess still with more rehab to complete once he is there.

Your text to link here...

We have been passed this link (though I am assured that the photo is a little old now and he is looking better than that now).

From the link I am guessing that not all the rehab is covered by what ever insurance Australians have for jumping out of planes. Any how in the ND spirit, I am sharing the link.

I'm looking forward to seeing the old fellah soon.

cura : 2013-10-21 09:57:48
Damn, I was suddenly thinking of my ND time and wondered if PA and ND are still around, obviously when PA is around ND is aswell as the two are interlinked. :p So I figured I'd check the site then saw this post. I'm glad Bigfoot is rehabilitating well though, reading the first post I feared worse/the worst.
Amon : 2013-10-21 10:17:22
Catwoman : 2013-10-21 22:52:56
cura <3
bigfoot : 2013-11-07 23:50:43
LOVE you all people!!!! Back to play the coming round with Cat and Basilisk! :) In wheelchair for 2-4 more weeks and then I start walking on my left operated foot. Back massaging clients I hope by mid february 2014

Adama : 2013-11-08 02:20:39
Aries : 2013-11-08 03:08:51
good to hear from you biggy! you have been sorely missed!
Althizor : 2013-11-08 05:18:20
Woot Good to hear
Catwoman : 2013-11-08 10:45:37
spid3r1987 : 2013-11-08 12:57:51
Not met you myself but welcome back :)
rob6985 : 2013-11-08 17:09:12
awesome news mate :) cannot wait to see ya on irc :) now lets win this for Biggy :)
Kublai : 2013-11-08 21:57:03
Nice :)
grey : 2013-11-08 22:37:36
Good to see you on the mend Bigfoot :)
Catwoman : 2013-11-09 01:28:02
we won one for biggy when he was still sick :D
Judge : 2013-11-09 03:48:40
Great to see you back in the fold, you were missed mate, all the very best for you, hope the recovery goes well.

ony : 2013-11-09 10:26:48
good luck in the new round, and do not crash :)) aparently u won some "top crasher" awards while away :)
frostyz : 2013-11-09 10:28:59
wb bigfoot
Catwoman : 2013-11-10 03:47:47
haha ony
bigfoot : 2013-11-10 10:14:48
1st defence ship launched today............11 months since I last played!!!!
rob6985 : 2013-11-10 10:44:29
well it wasn't to me :( but good job sir, dont forget you can attack too :)
Catwoman : 2013-11-11 11:33:58
weeeeeeeeeeeeeee my first defence fleet launched today too
zeurg : 2013-11-11 12:16:11
lol yeah thanx for that :P
digitalzero : 2013-11-21 13:53:57
welcome back bigfoot!
Spritfire : 2013-11-24 14:26:51
Nice seeing you back! Maybe I'll pop online after christmas for a chat :D