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: 2007-06-16 06:45:21
Everywhere I am, I start this thread, So yes you my m8's have to face it aswell(again).
How you you come to your nickname you use on irc or games.
I will start off.
When I was 12 me and some friends where thining nicknames for eachother. The one for who the nickname was didn't knew what he will get, he was keeping out of the discussion.
Walldo is a mix of my name : Wahls and Aldo. Aldo is comming from the kids story "Aldo and the flying vacuüum cleaner", a real fun one though when I had listen it. Soon everybody called me Walldo, Friends, Parents, teachers, (lovers). Later (4 years) when we had a party and we had to put our names on walpapers they spelled my name Walldo, with 2 L's. This was the first time it was written down. Since then I write my name with 2 l's.
So I come to the name Walldo
: 2007-06-16 08:36:49
lol nice
I got my nick I started to use during college when me and 9 classm8s went to Vlissingen for an international students beachvolleyball tourney. My team wanted to design shirts with sortof latin american nicknames on the back, derived from our real first names. One brainstorm session in the pub and we were done ending up with:
Rutguero(Rutger), Ronaldo(Ronald), Kristelia (Kristel), Riqua(Rika) and thus Marinho(Marin) was born :D
Whenever I was online I used it as my handle.
That's it really :)
: 2007-06-16 09:45:41
Well in about 1999 i finally started PC gaming. And at the time I was using the nickname Druid, but whenever I'd get pissed off or insult somebody i'd rant long strings of "Jew this" "Jew That" "Thats fucking jewish" "Fucking jewed me" etc. Eventually people started calling me Jewid, and it just stuck, and now 8 years later people call me Jewid on the street and I answer like its my regular name.
: 2007-06-16 09:47:57
Dont remember when , probably like 8-9 years ago.
I was on irc, and someone hadd the nick spitfire! :\
So there was no choise, just added an "r" and then it become Spritfire.
And it has allways been that.
Or when i was at my very very active stage, round 10,5-14 I guess it was more [ND]Sprit^zZz wich was my awake nick basically :p since i never was asleep!
: 2007-06-16 12:37:09
My Family calls me Adds.... and some mates...
used it on internet and computer games since I can remember.
yeh mine wins the boringest award
: 2007-06-16 14:29:07
My friends got me into planetarion during r9.5, and I didn't know what any of this shit was, so a mate just made my ruler name Kar. Rather than think up a cooler nick on my own, i just used that as my nick. awesome, i know.
: 2007-06-16 14:43:23
my nick aye....that's an epic tale of bravery, love and revenge.....
it also involves a cucumber, a danish chick named Linda and premature ejaculation...
actually way back in my geek days when CM had just begun his journey of geekdom he started up a clan in some kind of game (of which i can't remember! ;o!), and decided the name of the clan would be "The Lethal Muppets", and of course i just had to pick CleaningMuppet since its....well......its just beautiful, right?!
got pretty famous back then for some online achievements so people tend to call me CM whenever i meet them
ps. welsh people are just weird, dont ya think?
: 2007-06-16 16:42:57
geek. star wars
Thrackan is Han Solo's half brother in some spinoff book series, believe it was the corellia trilogy
name was Thrawn first, after an imperial general, but amazingly that nick was taken by alot of ppl, thus Thrackan
funstuffs, lots of ppl do not dare to say it out loud, it breaks your tongue
other funstuffs, in star wars galaxies I am NOT known as Thrackan, but as Amarik
moar info, in my clan/group of friends I am Biohazard, due to my farts
: 2007-06-16 16:43:31
general = grand admiral btw :/ cant believe I missed that as a former star wars knowall
: 2007-06-17 08:45:55
About 10 years ago me and some friends were going to be cool and join the demo scene, and ofc we needed handles. Since the main coder were already using fox it was decided that we should have an animal theme. My first pick was hawk, but it didn't feel right and only stuck for a week. Being a swimmer and not the most gracious on land I've always admired whales, so came up with KiLLeR_WHaLe (I was 14 soz), or whale for short.
This stuck for many years, but then some friends found pa in r3, I tried to resist for many weeks, but eventually I had to sign up. After trying every ruler name including whale I could think of and always ending up with it being taken I resorted to the mighty swedish language and: hårvalen of vattenpölen (the hairy whale of the puddle).
A few weeks later I joined the planetarion irc network, å was ofc not allowed so it was transformed to harvalen. In r5 I tried another irc client and created a new account, harv, for it. Both the new client and nick were nicer than the old combo, so I just stopped running the old ones after a while ;)
: 2007-06-17 10:54:11
well i started my online gaming with half life, CS and team fortress classic.
i uesed to be on quakenet with the nick deacon_frost.
blade was my favorite movie then so i just choose the evil guy to be my nick.
but as you all know, iam a lazy person and that nick was way too long, so i cutted it down to frost.
well in r 7 i started pa with irc, joined an ally with priv server and Frost was my nick then.
but for gal chats i had to join netgamers and ofc frost was taken already.
as you all know iam not just lazy, iam also not very creative, so in r8 i had to think of a fake nick and added a Y to my name.
thats when frosty was born.
fake nick became real nick.
the story behind FrostyZ is just that i had to add another letter for the irc client of my support planet.
MH never found out about that ;)
: 2007-06-17 20:43:05
True story at the end of Frostys post :-/
I started playing PA in R4. Had no clue how to play, but learned the game at the very end of ir.
In r5 i joined a really small ally called EMP (emporium or something like that) Still had no nick, but the planet name had something with snow in it so my GC named me Frosty.
I used that nick for r5 and r6 and joined hirr and was known as Frosty there. But suddenly (hi Frosty) someone had regged the nick so I had to do something and just added a Z at the end. Guess all Frost(y)(z)s are lazy? (regged my nick then to not loose that aswell)
: 2007-06-17 21:16:42
DZ came from a time when I was on the 2600 IRC server (computer geeks). I was at first Absolute Zero, the zero coming from the mega man X series. After I found out about way to many people trying to be Absolute... I switched to DigitalZero and since then I have become DZ.
I found out about planetarion in round 1 through an AOL Chat room. Why I was even on AOL, I do not know, but someone was asking about "What Rank Are You in PA?" and I had to go check it out. I signed up, didnt know what I was doing, and a mate of mine known as Canker, he was in my gal, to get me into an alliance called New Dawn :). Since then, I ruled the alliance in rounds 3, 4, 5. I left briefly to start another alliance called Milenium with a few The Empire friends. After that round, I came back to ND where I "retired" just before the start of round 10, i think it was in round 9.5 to be exact. After not playing for around a year, I decided to sign up again midway through round 12 and rejoined ND to see what they did to the game and enjoyed playing the ziks til round 16, where I went back to EMP Cath :). Since then, I have been ND and will be until the day PA dies :)!!
: 2007-06-18 02:05:13
Barrow was my first dog. He was white and very hairy, like me.
: 2007-06-22 16:42:45
mine was to do with my first time playing PA. Hezrou was setting me up to play and asked me what i wanted to be called, so my ruler name was Cruncher of MiniChedders due to having a packet next to my comp and Cruncher has stayed with me all the way.
: 2007-06-23 08:42:50
My name came around about R4 was going through a stage of naming my planets after D&D characters but ran out so I started to use monsters. Became Hezrou of Devil planet. Hezrou is sort of the staff sargent of Devils. A big bruiser who commands the troops under the leadership of others. Yes I am a geek :p
: 2007-06-25 12:40:07
i am delirious and thought the correct spelling for a delirium was delerium.
: 2007-06-25 15:36:21
it was given to me by numerous people from MSN and COD. mainly because i often act like the character... and everytime i get knocked down like the duck i get back on my feet and aim higher.
oh some rubbish like that lol
: 2007-06-25 16:57:58
Balor was a rulername I had in early on PIA. Up to that point I was called Xandoor. The name came from a type of demon in the books by R.A. Salvatore about Drizzt Do'Urden. Not sure which one of the many (something like 15) books it was in, but I liked the sound of it and soon changed it to be my IRC nick as the other one was crap.
: 2007-06-26 10:24:50
I just wanted the nick Shadow wayback but it somehow always was taken or stolen! (In Broodwar and on MSN)
In need of an IRC nick i came to Freestyler, not only because of the song from Bomfunc MC's, but also to reflect my gamestyle since i sometimes use very unconventional methods (short known as Leroys, though some harsh people just call it 'screwups')
: 2007-07-09 03:28:21
leeeeeeeeeroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooy jenkins
: 2007-07-11 09:27:30
I played Chaos and Warhammer back when I started PA, and I happened to have my armybook open on the page with the description of a chaos special character called Amon 'Chakai (when it was time to figure out a planetname) so my rulername was Amon 'Chakai back in R2, thus Amon became my irc nick :)
I guess saying it comes from some egyptian god or from Lotr elvish would make me look cooler, but nah, that's it :\
: 2007-07-11 12:44:26
haha no biggy sexmuffin
: 2007-07-11 12:44:40
i call you sex muffin because you're sexy, and i want your muffin
: 2007-07-11 13:49:50
: 2007-07-11 13:51:13
balor you are one weird fella... haha
and amon?
"I guess saying it comes from some egyptian god or from Lotr elvish would make me look cooler, but nah, that's it :\"
wtf dude? yours was cooler, if you had of said that I would of just thought you were a nerd and a massive geek and I would of wanted to bash you teehehe
: 2007-07-12 03:31:50
Adds, you are highly normal
: 2007-07-12 03:43:49
hehe :D
: 2007-07-21 12:52:14
Somewhere in the early 90's i started to play a game called RA (RedAlert), i was kinda hooked for this game. When i got online Westwood brought out a follow up for RA, TS (Tiberiun Sun). This game was soo freaking awsome, the mother of all strategy games..it almost cost my study haha and kept me more awake at nights than PA ever did.
Anyways, i made the nick VAGEBOND, cuz me and my GF that time had watched Lady & Vagebond that night before...i know what was i thinking, but it seems all the good nicks were already taken, so i didnt care much tbh.
I played a lot and won some rounds with my Clan, everybody who were something in TS knew me by the Nick Vagebond. BUT..unfortunately my PC broke down and me as a poor poor student at that time, couldnt buy a new PC immediately. After 2 months i saved up money and got myself a new PC. Since i did not play for 2 months, i thought my ass would be Pwnd by Nublets. I was NOT in for that shit, so in my brilliant way of thinking i come up with a FAKE nick MaVeRiXX. Back in the days i loved the movie 'TOP GUN' with Tom Cruise as Maverick the rebel. But ofc that nick was already taken, so i made sum changes and..MaVeRiXX was born..
I came back at TS, people didnt knew who this newcomer was and kept it that way a few rounds lol. From my re-start of TS i pwnd that game with my new Nick and i decided to keep my fakenick
: 2007-09-19 07:31:13
How did i come about my name hmmmmm
/me has very little imagination
: 2007-09-20 12:24:40
Was trying to think of some kind of cool call-sign a-la top-gun, but failed miserably and ended up with BD :D
: 2007-09-20 12:25:02
Plus, all the good ones are already taken :p
: 2007-09-20 13:52:21
my fav cartoon as a kid was snoopy, being a geek i called myself snoopeh which got shortened to snoops
: 2007-09-20 21:07:59
I happened to have just read Neuromancer. From wikipedia:
A cybernetically-modified, genetically-engineered clone bodyguard/assassin in service of the Tessier-Ashpools. Highly trained in ninja martial arts, he is loyal and dangerous."
: 2007-09-20 21:24:40
mine is ironic, coz i'm really tea totall
: 2007-10-03 21:46:37
"beermonster : 2007-09-20 21:24:40
mine is ironic, coz i'm really tea totall"
that made me giggle!
: 2007-10-03 21:48:08
it made me chortle
: 2007-10-05 11:12:35
I got my nick Winyard thrue the movie Meet the feebles.
in that movie theres a crack head alligator named winyard :P
and then it evolved to Winy so now iam stuck with it :P
: 2007-10-31 13:54:35
I started as Raptor... my old planet name. Then, I found myself thoroughly amused by the thought of slapping someone with a large trout, ala IRC.
I then thought I was witty and took the name of "Trout". Sadly, that was already taken, so I had to take "Trouts" instead. Then, I really decided to rock everyone's world, and took on the name of "Troutz".
After a round or two, I decided a change was in order, and there was a fair bit of rapid switching between Troutz, Mackeralz, Salmonz and another. Later on, I took the name of Squidy somehow (because squids are odd looking things) and then realized that Squidy was taken by some random person, so, I took squidly instead.
Otherwise known as squidlums, fishfood, [DC]GIMMESHIPSNOWFFS, and other such oddities :p
Hm. I think that's it for me.
: 2007-10-31 16:11:35
in r5 i needed a new nick cause i was gonna join another alliance (and stay in the one i was allready in)
it had to happen in 5 mins
so i took berten, which is also my real name :p
: 2007-11-03 16:46:49
that was in 2000 at the start of planetarion and I needed a nickname saw the matrix so went for Neo but since Neo was taken I put 666 after it sticked to it since then....
: 2007-11-03 23:39:35
no funny story here....my surname is bowles....so naturally get called bowlsey by pretty much everyone...even a few gf's have called me it! now that was weird :/
: 2007-11-04 00:45:41
i was playing Metal Gear Solid 1 back then, there were this very cool Ninja, so i picked the nick :)
: 2008-01-03 19:26:04
Well, the Kestrel is the Heraldic Sign of Myrddin Emris.
Who everyone here knows. Though most only know his modern name, Merlin :-D
: 2008-01-04 03:35:56
so ur merlins bird?
: 2008-01-05 03:54:51
I am the chad....nuff said.
: 2008-01-10 18:06:02
when i first started PA, I had just finished watching Hellraiser 2 and wanted to use the nick Leviathan. It was takenof course, so chanegd it to LeviathanUK. That was too long for some stuff so shortened it to LeviUK.
After a while, people started to associate me with a certain brand of jeans. I had been reading the entire set of James Clavell novels and so changed it to Taipan.
So i chose this nick based on the book title (which is in turn based on some a loose translation of the chinese term for head of the company or something) rather than the highly venomous snake.
: 2008-01-15 12:41:41
My first ruler name was 'Gate Guard'. Comunit ignores spaces and I didn't know how to change nicks because I was an enormous nub. (besteman kept my interview because it was so funny)
So I got stuck with Gate. Truly awful. :(
: 2008-01-15 12:42:22
In fact, even the_fish used to take the piss out of my nick.
How do you think that feels?
: 2008-01-15 12:56:23
Are you playing this round Gate? :D
: 2008-01-15 13:02:41
But you can't change who you are, so go back to gate as nick on irc!
: 2008-01-16 12:52:37
I have the 'honour' of being named after a detox center :p Not that I've visited it, but my real name is Jelle and I was a member of the committee that ran the bar for our student association. Back in the days, people did more than just studying so about 7 of us ended up in our bar 6.5 nights/week and we drank.. quite heavily. Getting from Jelle to Jellinek wasn't very difficult, even for my intoxicated m8s :)
: 2008-01-16 20:33:38
So about 10 years ago some friends and I were at a renaissance festival. My friends all wanted to dress up for it, but I protested. Finally they convinced me to join in their shenanigans (that's right I said shenanigans got a problem with that??). So, to spite them, my costume was a burlap sack with a twine belt and I went as the village idiot. The actors at this particular renaissance festival enjoy wandering around doing ad-libbed skits and getting the crowd involved. Unfortunately for me, they have a much higher tendency to try to interact with people that are also in costume. My friends, being the loving friends they are, attempted to have me "beheaded" for various blasphemous reasons. Luckily the executioner found out that I was the village idiot and declared that "those gifted with ignorance by God are not allowed to be executed"...or something like that...it's been 10 years :P So of course the obvious question came up and I was asked what my name was. Being rather uncreative I said simply "Bob" (which is not my real name but is also not very creative). And thus, I became "Bob, the Village Idiot". That's a rather long nickname so I shortened it to "bobthe". It has the added advantage of not being a very good spoken nickname so it's never actually been used to refer to me in real life, only as an online nickname.
So, no, I am not a builder. I cannot fix it. It's broke. Deal.
- bobthe
: 2008-01-17 03:07:26
I use to wrok for a company called PetroCanada which happen to be a fuel compnay, they called me THE man at work so i added Petro when i started fooling around on the net
: 2008-02-08 01:19:21
When I first got on the internet way back, I was already fixing people comps, they all called me a wizard with comps. SO when I needed a nick for irc I chose Merlin, didn't hurt that I was reading the 21 lessons of Merlyn at the time. It just stuck and I've used it thru 24 rounds of pa.
: 2008-02-08 01:30:08
i got my nick when i first starting playing PA about 6 rounds ago when i landed in kublai's gal and since i was a n00b and getting exiled, i was pretty small and because i was small i called myself small_fry. highly uninteresting but there ya go.
: 2008-02-08 01:32:17
very uninteresting. =D
: 2008-02-08 03:27:23
I have a different story from your girl friend....
: 2008-02-08 04:22:11
: 2008-02-08 05:22:04
i have the most creative nick name ever...... my Initials
John D. Duncan
i win .o/
: 2008-02-08 20:03:51
: 2008-02-08 20:39:16
Mine is simple.
When i 1st started PA in round 4 i was thinking of a nick for myself there is a radio transmiter on a hill not far from my house. Known localy as the mast so the rest is history
: 2008-02-09 04:52:35
now you are known internationally as a homax. <3
: 2008-02-09 08:42:14
name = damon
fav number = 8
shazam = damo8
: 2008-02-09 08:52:47
WOW \o/ damo8 go's to being the most creative......... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
: 2008-02-09 17:09:49
Big, good looking, the cows love me.
: 2008-02-09 19:11:50
lol fair enuff. did u know it costs 18k english pounds for 1L of bull sperm. so think about that next time u have a wank :)
: 2008-02-09 22:29:32
sorry, just shooting blanks for the past 31 years......
: 2008-02-10 04:08:10
hahahaha i can't wait til tomorrow night! i can bust a litre easy.
: 2008-02-10 08:56:59
you gonna down a litre of bull sperm ???
: 2008-02-10 09:28:53
That could make this thread sticky!
: 2008-02-10 12:13:08
i am going to launch a litre of balor sperm =D
: 2008-02-10 15:41:17
rumour has it, it's worthless :)
: 2008-02-10 15:43:35
and btw balor make sure u wash ur hands b4 u eat anything ;)
: 2008-02-10 18:42:50
haha it is worthless. and it won't be on my hands. i am going to launch it out the window
: 2008-02-10 18:57:55
i did that once...
: 2008-02-10 18:58:08
lol well as long as u have a diposal method, i just normally get her to deal with it :) she touched it last rule is implied or shotgun
: 2008-02-11 15:56:01
: 2008-02-13 04:52:41
: 2009-12-16 04:47:59
the hero of the novle i am writing is called the dragon king lord of the dragons, hence it seemed a good nick and ruler name when i returned in round 27
: 2009-12-16 09:38:17
well when i started going to lan partys playing doom quake 1-3 unreal turnament i called myself and my pc Tetsuo in the beginnings ...
when the admins gave every pc a ip and a name for the overview they asked me thousend times "erm woot ... how u spell it"
one day i was sick of it and said its spelled how u speak it
the dam germans dont know much about japanese names so
Tetsuo became Tezuro
since that day i named myself tezuro
but still i feel like iam Tetsuo Shima from AKIRA the movie
: 2009-12-16 19:29:35
That's a fictional character, you're not a fucking tetsuo shima.
Also, Dragon King is hardly a name as much as it is a title.
But still, nice to know that's where the nick comes from :P
: 2009-12-18 16:23:27
Clearly Amon's nickname derives from his Jamaican buddies calling saying to him 'hey mon' which naturally sounds like Amon when said with a Jamaican accent. So it seems I am no longer the blackest man in ND!
: 2009-12-26 09:10:13
amon used to have a black jamacan friend who used to call "ey mon" to him just the little gimp can't spell hense amon.
: 2009-12-31 14:26:34
I've had a few different nicks in my time, but never really grown too attached to any of them.
When I first started playing PA in round 4 I went by the nick xtrmntr - I'd used it a bit playing CS as well. However everyone kept asking me what it meant and where it came from etc. - apparently noone had heard of
Primal Scream (link)
. Getting tired of explaining all the time I soon changed it to x-terminator or just x-term for short.
After round 5 I was sick of that one too and decided to change my nick to fryxie, as Fryxie of Saturnia had been my r5 ruler name (heaven knows how I came up with that).
When round 7 was over I was about to begin my studies, and wisely quit PA. Years later, just prior to round 26, I was wondering if the game still existed, found my way to the portal and the forums and decided to give it a try. Taking a liking to the ASS recruitment post and finding their name somewhat original compared to all the others, I decided to join them. In a latenight momet of poor judgement - possibly with alcohol involved, and probably also thinking my return to PA was only gonna be a one round stint, I tought it might be funny if I had a nick that would combine with the alliance tag to make a pun. Hence I ended up calling myself Whoops, as with the tag that would be [ASS]Whoops :D
And that is the true story behind my nick. Kinda embarassing, really :P Maybe I'll change it again some day if I think of something good.
: 2009-12-31 20:48:59
full nick is Terminus Est
its name of sword from fantasy book
: 2010-01-01 23:37:25
fryxie we could be small_fry and fryxie
: 2010-01-02 04:20:34
how do you guys think I got my nickname?... :)
: 2010-01-02 04:24:03
i imagine that you look a bit like a grape, or that you cant hold your wine
: 2010-01-02 04:29:59
No I dont look like a grape :P
: 2010-01-02 04:31:50
so this isnt you then?
: 2010-01-02 04:45:45
Nah thats not me
: 2010-01-02 04:50:17
this one then
: 2010-01-02 04:52:28
well no... I dont look like grapes!!! :(
: 2010-01-02 04:57:55
:( now i am disapointed
: 2010-01-02 05:03:58
sorry :( dont give up now :)
: 2010-01-02 05:18:58
mine was originally Ariesangel because my zodiac sign is an aries (and im a very classic ram too) and you can ask anyone who knows me, im a perfect angel :) i quit playing pa in 17 for a few rounds and when i came back in 20, i dropped off the angel part because everyone just called me aries anyway. now aries is my nick for everything.
: 2010-01-02 09:03:08
Am so simple :(
Its my real first name without the S.
But what more do i need its perfection!
: 2010-01-02 11:48:42
My names Michael and that looks kinda boring so thought id spice it up a little and thats how mYkOoL was born! :)
: 2010-01-05 01:20:34
Abort means toilet in german... thought it was funny when I was learning German... so viola... my name is Abort.. :D
: 2010-01-05 13:10:13
LOL sounds shit :P
: 2010-01-05 20:13:31
abort on Norwegian is pretty bad ....
: 2010-01-06 02:08:50
lol yeah
: 2010-01-06 03:56:18
hmm maybe that's why no one takes me seriously...
: 2010-01-22 01:15:37
I was watching movies and saw Dead Man Walking. Therefor DeadMan. It just stayed that way.
: 2010-01-22 01:38:04
My real names Colette but since i was 6 my dad called me Lottie and i love stars haha x
: 2010-01-23 08:10:39
I was known as [TSG]Provider where I was HC when I got the offer to join the Wolfpack Order as a spy. For that I needed a new "false" nick. At that moment I was reading the book Caliban from Asimov and well thats how I went to Caliban.
In the end I stayed in wolfpack, reformed it and dragged most of the TGS crew with me.
: 2010-03-19 01:41:11
was using lots of nicks at start of IRC, after a few strange ones like "eX-|b|t, On`DrUgZ , and some others decided to go for something ez and smooth so i went for Ony!
: 2010-03-19 05:17:09
i was searching for a good name for wc3 WAAAYYYYYY back, and ended up with FinalRequiem (requiem being a song composed for someone who's dead or a ceremony to honor said person) because it sounded badass... then when i started using mirc it was taken as a register nick... so i registered as requiemzer0... however i was always just called requiem, so i shortened my nick to it :P
: 2010-03-19 17:34:28
When I had my first planet back in rd 2 I was Weatherwax of The Ramtops so I used ww as my nick. However, being exceedingly new at everything I didn't register the nick with netgamers so someone stole it. So now I am wwtoo (ww as well). Nothing whatsoever to do with world wars. You can pronounce it the welsh way as ootoo or DK uses woot I believe. Ah well.
: 2010-03-20 00:25:06
well I am afraid no such creativity here, my nick is simply my first name shortened with the numbers from my date of birth :) so rob (from Robert) and then 6985 (6th sept 1985)
: 2010-03-20 02:58:31
that would make me rob13045 then.............
: 2010-03-20 03:18:45
bull wrote:
that would make me rob13045 then.............
Geezer. ;)
: 2010-03-20 03:44:51
as my second name is rob i could be ROB100784
: 2010-03-20 04:51:41
: 2010-03-20 07:35:57
it's my name i just added the [] later as it needed something when i removed [ViruS] from the front of it in about r10?
: 2010-03-25 00:57:05
my name is kinda ironic lol ;)
: 2010-03-26 17:44:01
LOL i made mine from the deadly night raids that used to heppen in pa you used to wake up and be crushed
: 2010-03-27 14:31:23
I used different nicks in past but came to that then i joined ND the first time. Was Art of University (ruler/planet)then and since Art would have been a bit strange name i put an Y to the end...
(and now im enjoying .p Arty`s)