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: 2014-02-14 13:55:48
Hey all, I just figured I would post what I can without violating AD terms but keep ND members updated, eventhough they did say for Alpha to there is no-non disclosure agreement. Firstly, I was selected along with a few other ND members to participate in the Alpha test of Spinners PA spiritual successor, AD2460. At first, I looked at it and it seemed way over my head and way too indepth, but then the more I got into it, the more I understood about the game and the more I liked it, and then the more it seemed apparent that it is PA's "spirited successor".
Its a pretty fun game, ships tend to cost a bunch of money, but combat is simulated in a visual environment, pretty cool stuff. You choose a path which you want to go down, 3 different paths, each have their own special ships. Out of the ships you can buy, they all make their return. Fighters and Corvettes are small ships that fight along side capital ships. Frigates, Cruisers and Battleships are your capital ships ( not sure if Destroyers are a class, I dont think ). These capital ships tend to cost a bit of money. You order commanders to arrange fleets, so you can have as many fleets as you have commanders. You carry all sorts of utility ships like repair, shield, transport, etc... Transport are like cargo ships. Attacking, I believe, happens instantly, however jumping back home takes an hour or two, or however many depending on where you jump to in the Universe.
Resources are once again the name of the game, they are attainable by mining your homeworld and outpost planets. All of these can be attacked, outposts can be taken over but your homeworld cannot. You can have up to 8 outposts, upgrade them accordingly, station def fleets at them and defend alliance m8's or friends outposts. Most outpost duties are updating them and sending transports to them once res fills up.
PDS makes its return in the form of cannons. Anti FR, CR, BS, maybe fighter and corvette too, they havent implemented them in game to really understand what small ships do. Out of the cannons,just like ships, you can choose from the 3 techs you will have to progress down in a tech tree. Matter, Energy and Displacement are the techs, each tech has cool ships. You put 5 points into Energy weapons techs, you mines well only build energy facilities and energy ships is kinda how I took it.
4 different resources to mine from, each tech uses one a bit more than the other so plan mining and outposts accordingly.
There is intelligence that seems cool, kinda like covert ops in PA, a bit more in-depth, but cool.
Commanders, as stated, lead fleets and gain XP and level up, with stat boosts to current fleets they run I would imagine.
Alliance menu seems pretty bad ass. I am not sure how alliances will work just yet, but you can see a bit how they do. Taxation and trades are all done through alliance. You can designate one of your own fleets to the alliance for the use at any point in time. There was also a section where the alliance researched stuff (not sure what) to give bonuses to people inside the alliance.
I will look more into Alliance details as well as small ship details during the next phase.
I think that's it. I didn't do much attacking, towards the end more or less after I figured out what was going on. My initial impressions are that I think if you give it some time and are able to endure the first week or so when you are learning the game, it will grow on you and you will see planetarion in it. Honestly, I feel that this is the game PA could of evolved into, while feeling more like PA instead of having to create a whole new game. In that sense, maybe asteroids would still be in place for people to capture to mine vs. outposts. Best part about the Alpha test was seeing familiar PA faces playing the game, as well as old alliances from PA.
Spinner also said there is a point to the game, which needs to be deciphered from those secret messages on the facebook site.
Any questions go ahead and post here, but here is my view on this. Over the last year I have tried getting back into PA. After being here since round 1, it feels very stagnant to me, especially after running ND for the later half. You see how things work, and the vicious cycle PA is in, as well as how the game works. Saying that, after 15 years of playing PA, I feel it finally lost its edge to me, and it may have years ago. I will be commanding, or running in some fashion, ND inside of AD2460, and I want anyone who may be serious about joining up, to speak out and start getting excited about this game. #ND2460 exists on netgamers, so feel free to join there. If alpha and beta goes as planned, I can see this game finally coming out by the end of this year.
: 2014-02-19 14:24:57
Sounds like an old offline game I used to play 20-25 years ago
Forgot the name though :{
Would like to try and give it a go if it's final
: 2014-02-19 22:06:38
Sounds a bit like EmpireQuest with other planets and building them up with def fleets etc :D
: 2014-03-06 15:55:14
Thanks for the update
: 2014-03-06 20:34:56
hmmm with a lot of guidence i may be of some use
: 2014-03-06 21:40:21
rob6985 wrote:
hmmm with a lot of guidence i may be of some use
No, you nave to focus on your world of tanks training..
: 2014-03-07 15:42:56
haha Harv get some playing time in this weekend lol
: 2014-05-13 02:30:52
I have followed Spinners new game from start (not joining alpha or beta tho), but after 3 years i lost interest. I know developing a game takes lots of time, but this takes aaaaaages...
: 2014-08-03 00:20:04
MaVeRiXX wrote:
I have followed Spinners new game from start (not joining alpha or beta tho), but after 3 years i lost interest. I know developing a game takes lots of time, but this takes aaaaaages...
He's also running Managerleague, which has 40k or so members.
Can't wait for the game.
: 2015-01-09 23:20:20
Bumping this now that the game has came out. We have established NewDawn inside AD2460 if anyone wants to give the game a chance. We are on netgamers IRC in #ND2460 as well. I would urge you all to atleast give it a shot, they give you a 2 week trial. There are a lot of old time PA players playing it!
: 2015-01-10 10:25:30
This may make you not sign up but I am playing :)
: 2015-01-17 15:55:13
playing as huun :P
: 2015-02-23 19:10:19
Come on people its fun!
: 2015-03-13 19:59:06
Playing as Wolfman
: 2015-03-31 23:35:56
: 2015-04-01 14:35:12
: 2015-04-01 18:09:42
Fun with you guys?