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Simple but genius mindfuck

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brain : 2014-05-06 09:28:17
When we defend we usually send in one ship which 9 out of 10 times matches exactly what we have at home. So the attacker only has to get an AU of us and he or she can make a bcalc easilly.

How about this simple but genius mindfuck.

Just add ( or substract ) 1-99 ships from what we are sending. Bcalcs will not make any sense at all and attackers will be thinking "WTF".

Also might help in actually letting them land and we rape them.

paragon : 2014-05-06 09:37:39
i thought everyone did that
Catwoman : 2014-05-06 22:44:14
i like it:D
Max_Rex : 2014-08-11 04:44:51
I think sacrificing a few ships by adding something extra is more of a mind fuck. When I see more I think they messed up on numbers for their fake.
Catwoman : 2014-08-11 13:43:24
hehe nice one