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retiring from PA

Community Boards - General Talk

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digitalzero : 2015-01-13 19:15:14
Well, I suppose I will post this now. I am making this my final round of Planetarion until etiher:

A: the game changes drastically, gets more players, better development behind it with advertising.

B: PA decides to hold its final round.

Last night my SMS blew up, pre-tick 100 to defend incomings, no problem part of the game, sent my whole fleet to defend, got the allotted .5 for defstuffs... decided then I am done.

Honestly it has been a good run for me. I started off playing in NewDawn in round 1 of Planetarion. Got to meet tons of awesome people that I can call family now. I think it is the community that keeps me around anymore, its why I came back to lead again last round, but last round really took me down to a different level. Seeing that nothing has changed, made me realize nothing will ever change. We are lucky that people still care enough to keep the servers running.

My biggest concern is losing ND once PA dies, because I hate saying it, but PA will die, unless someone steps up and fixes the many problems with this games PR.

Anyways, thats my biggest fear, PA dying, ND being all like, what are we going to do now, then people fade away off of IRC and something we had going for 15 years all of a sudden stops. My plan was to create NewDawn inside another game and no one could really say what game it was going to be until AD2460 was announced many years ago. Now that the good lord and savior Spinner has launched the title, I took the name and some of the members of NewDawn and created ND inside AD. Returning to us in game is Spritfire and another old PA wolfpack member Gatewayy, Sonic from hirr along with rob, wuschel, maverixx and a few others. So far, initial expectations of the actual game are great. I am glad to of established some sort of NewDawn presence in the game and other alliances are glad we are there with such comments:

"Wow, what a blast from the past. I remember you recruiting me back in r4 or mayhaps it was r5 Digitalzero. Happy to see Newdawn alive and kicking."

"Hey DigitalZero!

Nice to see ND in AD2460. Always was a pleasant Alliance in planetarion, had some great rounds with ya! Good luck and a lot of fun for ya'll in AD2460!

I definitely can recommend ND if you are looking for a good, fun and solid Alliance!"

Anyways this I am not turning my leaving PA thread into a come play AD with us thread, but that's where I will be. I am making round 60 my last round playing PA. I will still be around irc, in all the channels, working with HC and such, just really trying to establish ourselves elsewhere for when you lot need a home and a new game to play. It is just really hard for me to put my heart into PA when the creators don't put the same amount into it. I can't stand seeing ULT, APPRIME, etc... mix up their alliances and win the game all the time. It is the same shit, different round.

I am enjoying AD way more than what I thought I was going too. It is nice playing a brand new game with the same familiar faces I played with years ago, and to be playing with some people who no longer play PA is great as well. I told HC before round 60 started that I was going to split my time focusing on PA and AD, but I have since revoked politics to SoulS and cannot focus on PA. It has been fun! Thank you all for counting on my tactics to get us some wins and standing beside me for RL issues. Onto the next best thing I suppose.

Also my official out thread on the PA forums:
swing : 2015-01-13 19:46:33
Only returned after 40 rounds but wish you the best, trying AD myself with ND so no goodbye for you :p.
Walldo : 2015-01-13 20:04:44
That you forgot me pffff,

Ty all you did in nd
digitalzero : 2015-01-13 20:56:27
i didn't forget you, didn't think you were playing! :)
bigfoot : 2015-01-13 23:13:02
You are a true hero and survivor DZ!!! All the best from us Aussies!!!
Catwoman : 2015-01-14 10:58:23
sonic : 2015-01-17 15:55:41
He'll be back :D
obiwan : 2015-01-17 22:20:47
Obi-Wan Salutes an Old Friend

Digitalzero you will be sadly missed m8....
digitalzero : 2015-01-21 00:38:50
Sonic, I may play, but I can't HC at least on a political level being bugged by the same people time after time ( for the same shit with this amount of people playing :/. It saddens me that it has come to 700 planets. We will see, time will tell.
TheGua2dian : 2015-02-10 08:25:46
i been here with you all along buddy on and off ..... its sooo hard to leave and stay away :( i hope you dont stay away :)