Birthdays today

Tick: 2319

Another goodbye

Community Boards - General Talk

New posts below:

arty : 2015-02-07 07:09:47
Seems its time for me to move on from NewDawn.
Had some good rounds and some not so, but allways felt welcome in ND. So thank you for those great lands and epic crashes :)

Arty out.
rob6985 : 2015-02-07 09:06:57
:'( sad times, but all the best mate, been a pleasure to serve (and sometimes die) alongside you! all the best mate (no hitting ND tho)
frostyz : 2015-02-07 09:24:09
olata : 2015-02-07 09:33:37
Head teed vana.
Catwoman : 2015-02-08 00:52:01
unlike you to leave mid round, where are you going?
Walldo : 2015-02-08 03:10:30
goodbye, + what Catty said.
Kublai : 2015-02-08 08:41:36
we shoot deserters!
ManiacMagic : 2015-02-08 10:58:21
bigfoot : 2015-02-08 11:37:49
Took his roids today!!!!!! :)

Catwoman : 2015-02-09 11:26:14
haha nice one bigfoot, i guess i got some too then :D
Kublai : 2015-02-12 12:26:34
nice...ill get the firing squad ready!