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R.I.P. Catwoman : A VERY sad day :(

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bigfoot : 2019-01-12 08:23:30
It is now 6.30pm on Saturday 12 January 2019 in Adelaide South Australia. About 30 minutes ago I received news from Dave, Catwoman's son, that she had a cardiac arrest and could not be revived! She lives in Perth Western Australia, about 2 hours flying time from here.

Catwoman, who in real life and on Facebook is Pam Campbell, is NO longer with us. She is now in heaven. She has passed from this earth into a new, majestic structure.

I have known Pam for over 10 years, as when she was ND HC on intel etc, she gave me a hard interview to join ND. I grew to like and admire her more every round I played. Pam was a huge inspiration to me, and 6 years ago when I had a near death accident, Pam spent hours on her phone with my 1st son Clinton to stay informed of my recovery or otherwise.

For the last 5 years, Pam has been in my BP in Planetarion. We talked a lot on our phones to each other and kept in touch via Facebook. Neither of us have taken the long flight to the other's state to meet in person, but I feel we are very close.

Catwoman WAS a HUGE ingredient to ND's success and to many members' successes. In real life she loved ALL her family amd her grandchild. She worked tirelessly for disadvantaged children in a school where she was their teacher.

I am devastated and emotionally upset at this shock event as we had a great phone call with each other 2 days ago!!

Love to Pam and all he family. I have asked for funeral details once known so maybe then we can send funds to a cause she wants supported.

All my Love
Michael Fildes
aka Bigfoot

Turjake : 2019-01-12 08:28:51
This is very sad.
Catwoman was a great and fun person. I very much liked her.
basilisk : 2019-01-12 08:33:50
Never met IRL, but many many years a friend, her level hear love and wisdom will be greatly missed
badd : 2019-01-12 08:35:06
I have known catwoman for more than 15 years its a great loss to everyone thoughts and sympathy for her family and friends
4MOTION : 2019-01-12 08:38:20
I didnt knew her as good as most of you did.
Still feel the sadness..

Bigfoot my condolences for loosing a great friend, a game buddy.

Kally, you told me quite often how close you two where and how she teached the stuff you do now.
Loosing a friend this was sucks hard.
My condolences to you aswell.

Tragic loss for her family and ND.

Walldo : 2019-01-12 08:51:10
We played togheter since rnd 5 orso

So sad news 😕
lord_of_blood : 2019-01-12 09:09:58
Sad day for her family and ND. Pam was great person

grey : 2019-01-12 11:12:43
Sad news 😥
synch : 2019-01-12 11:49:04
OMG! My heart goes out to Bigfoot, Kally and all her closest friends, unfortunately I didn't have the privelege of knowing her as well as many of you do. My condolences to her family.
mclord : 2019-01-12 12:10:16
Very sad new.
stravi : 2019-01-12 13:03:41
oh shit
R.I.P Grandmacat
Kublai : 2019-01-12 13:30:35
sad news....just reminded the mrs about the australian lady who knitted two beanies for the grandkids ....and sent them... about 10 years or more ago.....spent many an evening/morning in pms with her back in the day
Caliban : 2019-01-12 14:01:19
Shocking news.. My heart goes out to her familly who has lost the most gentle person I've known my entire life.

I've had the priviledge to know Pam for over 18 years. I met her as a little kitten within TGS, saw her grew up in Wolfpack and well, lead the pack ever since with ND.

She was the student that surpassed me as a mentor and became one of the legends..
mysteries : 2019-01-12 14:11:07
I've known Cat for about 10 years as well. I simply have no words to describe how I feel atm.

Strength a love to everyone of you and all of her family and friends who she touched with her kindness... <3
frostyz : 2019-01-12 14:29:21
Very Sad need indeed

arty : 2019-01-12 14:39:22
Rest in peace.
(And send some def from the other side!)
digitalzero : 2019-01-12 15:12:28
Yeah, Cat was a great human being. I am glad that I got to know her the way I did over the last 20 years. She was like an online mother to many of us and we have all had many amazing times with her.

Her dedication to ND was amazing. She came from wolfpack (I think) and continued on with us and still was here each day when the rest of us drift back and forth and away.

She will be missed by many of us here, but she joins some other members and is where we will all end up eventually. Thanks for the ride Pam, and all the Christmas cards and great talks online and advice. You made yourself a beautiful family both in person and online, and we won't forget!

Much love to you all.

Ricky (DigitalZero)
Erke : 2019-01-12 15:47:35
R. I. P dear... 😭
obiwan : 2019-01-12 17:57:06
R.i.P Cat
Yer DZ I met Cat in Wolfpack then we came to ND, her passing is real sad loss, she was a wonderful person i Mother like figure yes LoL
My thoughts & sympathies to the family & Her friends.


Caliban : 2019-01-12 19:35:22
Cat and I met in TGS where I was HC. She started there as def officer.
When I went to WP she sticked with me... made it up to HC there. We won round 5. After a legendary "discussion" between Cat and Dingo. After Wolfpack its written history
MaVeRiXX : 2019-01-12 19:46:07
Oh Wow, this is shocking news. What a sad sad sad news. My heart and thoughts goes out to her family. May our Pam rest in peace...

Ive known Pam for many many years, from my early twenties i think. We had sooo much fun through the years. We had many talks about PA, funny/stupid things and had also really serious life talks. Besides all the fun and laughter, we also had serious talks about life.

Pam you will be missed, but heaven gets an Angel. Thank you Pam for being YOU..


MaVeRiXX : 2019-01-12 19:51:07
Im also one of the lucky ones with a beanie...
digitalzero : 2019-01-12 20:20:58
Ohhh man, I need to find my beanie now!
urge : 2019-01-12 23:40:00
Devlin : 2019-01-13 02:33:37

/me hugs cat one final time
anty : 2019-01-13 22:20:41
Terrible, shocking news. Sending love & strength to her family, RIP
Walldo : 2019-01-14 12:51:19
I have a beanie as well.

Red and grey :/
bigfoot : 2019-01-14 13:15:12
I will get a card for ND and send it to the family.

If you want to do your own card please mail it to
Mr Bob Campbell & Family
31 Sussex Road
Forrestfield WA 6058
crab : 2019-01-15 12:31:03
Very sad news indeed. :(
bigfoot : 2019-01-17 08:33:51
The funeral for Pamela Campbell will be held at 10am on Wednesday the 23rd of January at Bowra & O’Dea, 131 Great Eastern Hwy, Bellevue.

The wake will be held immediately following the service at Bob Campbell’s house, 31 Sussex Rd, Forrestfield.
digitalzero : 2019-01-17 14:00:33
is there some place someone can take paypal donations and make a bouquet of flowers from NewDawn?
kallysandra : 2019-01-17 19:37:22
we've been trying to find out if flowers or a donations page to like her photography club etc would be a better option, still waiting to hear from tamz i believe
brain : 2019-01-20 21:52:30
I've known Pam since my first round in ND, a looooooong time ago.

I'm honestly lost for words.

RIP Catwoman :(
Adama : 2019-01-22 00:33:42
rest in peace my friend. when kally sent me a msg the day this happened I was in shock. still am I believe. I have known you for almost 20 years now. your friendship meant so much to me. I will miss our talks we used to have. when my wife died a few years ago you found the time to talk to me. and wouldn't stop until I finally talked about it. you were truely, in every sense of the word, a true friend. to Bob and family...your wife and mother was/is an extraordinary person. she will be greatly missed. I will miss her more than any words can say. rest easy old day we will finally be able to meet
Walldo : 2019-01-22 23:03:28
Amen adama
kallysandra : 2019-03-07 10:41:46
just an update to let you all know, we have not forgotten about a memorial of some kind for cat. I was humbled when i saw the available names to vote on for next round. we did send flowers in ND's name for her funeral. those still wishing to make donations, please hang on, we do have a couple options that we're exploring.

miss you cat :'(
genosse27 : 2019-03-28 09:06:33
m0 also built in a ship to honor catwoman: Catillac

rip pam : /
delerium : 2019-03-28 20:31:46
rest in peace pam, always loved ya and will always love ya

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