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This Morning - Lack Of Dc..
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: 2007-09-11 08:11:41
This morning, there is currently 6 def calls, and have been for a while..
There has also been around 5 to 6 people offering defence, but defence cannot be given as no dc is around...
How can we defend if people cannot get hold of the coords required to send the ships to?
: 2007-09-11 09:29:00
And if they cant send .. they get no def points .. and no def points means...no def!!
: 2007-09-11 11:56:24
do i hear damo8 and Kublai volunteering for a DC job? :D
: 2007-09-11 18:32:04
giv it em!! :P
: 2007-09-11 22:07:17
/me voulenteered def, but had no co.ords to send to :)
finaly I have my eta at a decent level :D
: 2007-09-11 22:25:34
well it is pretty pointless calling in if theirs no dc here to answer calls.
: 2007-09-11 22:26:22
well i tried a good few rounds ago but think i had a tendency to overdef :/
: 2007-09-11 23:03:45
i dont mind becoming one freestyler...
: 2007-09-12 02:09:19
again no dc online
: 2007-09-13 12:41:56
when theres no dc get the scans u need work out what u need for defense and then spam the channel im sure members will reply even if your not a dc
: 2007-09-13 12:54:39
what if the attacked guy aint online and the bot spams useless info ?
kinda hard to get scans for coords we dont know
: 2007-09-13 16:46:10
New Suggestion........
Have a page on the webby that lists def calls, the eta, and the initial eta, basically a timmed down version of the Defense Calls list for DC's, then people can (IF no DC) do their best to send def.
Along with this again if poss, could there be a listing of ETA's and ship types, eg Etd eta8 must be CO, etc, and a list of the best defence
Finally.... since I'm prolly going to get flamed Ill go the whole hog,.... A list of the best def type, eg Etd CO is best defended by Cath Black Widow.
This WILL not be fool proof, It will make DC's hob easier and give members the opertunity to "Self DC" when and if needed.
Ill shut up now
: 2007-09-13 17:34:10
i like the idea it could be used like we used web raids except call it "nd defense"
when member click on it they will see up to date incomings with the page taking a tick off each incoming etc. same as PA gal status :-)
but we can dream
: 2007-09-17 08:02:48
Nice suggestion basilisk - It poses a bit of a problem with intel however, in so much as any simple member will be able to se the co-ordinates of a lot of people in the alliance just by looking at the defense calls page. It's agood idea because the lack of dcs to offer fleets to is a tad shocking, but some things would need to be ironed out before implementation imo.
: 2007-09-17 08:13:53
Ibis the Dc's have that thing, but the whole thing with releasing coords to peons cause there might be spys or shit stops it from bewing a whole member thing... though there are that many DC's and it is easy to get a Dc position so really, it don't really matter... haha
: 2007-09-17 09:56:50
well people, ............
imHo!! dont anyone in ND ever fkn ever ever ever fkn whinge about defence or no defence, or no dcs around or not enuf ships etc etc ever again this round!!!
(FYI some had already been and gone by this snapshot taken!)
TY to people who tried to help. U r loved and i sincerley say that to those who tried to DC for all of nd not just our ass-wiped gal! A thankless task in states like this.
[19:19] * Bigfoot off to eat dinner and to get pissored again as the gal once again makes Top5/Top1 .. LOL we have done that twice already, can we do it three times this round!!??
Hugs all. That's Life :PPP
: 2007-09-17 17:25:46
^^ not sure if you guys have seen this but helps dcs and regular players. think it is helpful for all of basilisk's points...
: 2007-09-17 17:27:03
and with releasing coords, why not only have them visible by core members. nto all pe0ns need to see them. i wouldn't trust me farther than i could throw me =D
: 2007-09-28 05:00:03
I think there are more advantages to this suggestion by Basilisk than disadvantages. However if we limit it to key people it defeats the purpose. The question is really then this. Could a spy type of person really use this information against us effectively? There are many ways to collect coords, a simple JPG by the attacker and all the fleets and coords are revealed.
I would like to add a few comments.
I think we are only tapping a fraction of our total defensive capability as a group. How many times have we NOT offered ships in defense because we ourselves are under attack and have little or no idea what defense fleets are coming to help us and what their composition is? If we knew that information we could offer those ships that are not needed for our own defense to someone who needs them.
: 2007-10-16 16:04:04
What if this feature was only available to long time and/or trusted members like Balor suggested. It would still be helpful if the person who is being attacked could see what he gets for defense.
It would also be helpful if this feature also includes defense from galmates or friends that are not in ND.