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ony : 2019-04-03 20:15:58
Good day folks,

I am writing this post, after i have taken the decision to quit playing PA with ND this round.

I have taken this decision because i do not agree with ND politics and the decisions being taken by ND leadership.

It is clear proof to me, that ND has learned nothing from the experience of last round, in which we were ULT bitches. This will happen this round as well, but some people are just to blind to see.

It will be probably my last round for a while, i was not really keen in playing, but promises have been made, promises that brought me back.

As those promises have not been met, and as well, i do not agree with letting ULT win yet one more round, without us fighting back, i will quit ND tag.

It has been a pleasure to play alongside some of you, me might still see each other around for the reminder of the round.

Have a good one,

synch : 2019-04-03 22:10:48
Hey, don't blame ND Leadership. It was put to a vote, the vast majority wanted Option 2 (attack the cowards who NAP all the time.)
If you don't like majority vote well I'm sorry, thats how democracy works unfortunately.

Really appreciated your DC efforts and enjoyed playing with you. Have a good round.
