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Hello from de_gekste

Community Boards - General Talk

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de_gekste : 2008-05-27 10:00:29
Hello ppl,

as i am new to this alliance i would like to say hello to everyone :-) I wish you all the best for next round and I really look forward fighting on ND side towards victory!

If interested, I am a 24 year old student from the Netherlands and besides study i run also a company with a friend. I have joined planetarion in round 26 after not playing for over 5 years. I quited planetarion somewhere in round 9 after playing with TFD, NoS and Xanadu. Now it's my time to return and play it to the max :)

Well, see you around and, feel always free to pm ofcourse!

kar : 2008-05-27 11:40:20
welcome to the alliance :)

hope you like it here
mano : 2008-05-27 12:20:43
Welcome de_gekste, I'm new to.
21 years old student from norway.Played last 2 rounds in orbit. Looking forward to be nr1 alliance with newdawn.

Catwoman : 2008-05-27 12:58:39
great to have u both with us:)
Balor : 2008-05-27 15:41:23
welcome sir
Balor : 2008-05-27 15:41:30
sirs i should say
kar : 2008-05-27 18:55:30
heya mano!
kar : 2008-05-27 18:55:47
(notice the great welcomeness shown to new members by our fabulous IA team ;) )
santrie : 2008-05-28 05:30:12
hi., have warm home here
PWG : 2008-05-28 14:23:14

/me gives de_gekste and mano a big fat welcome slap!!

regards PWG

ps.: we are fighting for the #1 next round?!
Balor : 2008-05-28 15:11:54
olle : 2008-06-01 20:54:52
Hi and welcome to u both, de_gekste and mano :)

Cool to see some old school players and fresh newbies ;)

Wish u the best of luck and hope to see u2 a lot a round :D
Deathrow : 2008-06-09 01:15:09
welkom :)
martok : 2008-06-13 22:53:23
Well why make a new thread if there's already a suitable thread?

I'm new to ND too, 25yo civil engineer from the Netherlands.
I played R1 - 13 and R19, played in TFD, Rock, Nos and HR.

ND allways seemed to me like a nice bunch of ppl, and now is the time to find out from within! Have a great round everyone!

mano : 2008-06-13 23:16:40
Welcome malcom
kestrel : 2008-06-15 02:08:15
Yay for Nos :D
frostyz : 2008-06-15 06:58:37
NoS :D
disc : 2009-01-05 12:39:05
Hey guys, im Disc.
I've played Planetarion from Round 1-10.5 and from Round 26-Present. (with the odd round inbetween)

I've been the usual, Fury, ViruS, Omen, RB, Xanadu. Since returning to Planetarion i've always been Denial, started as a member, then dc, then HC. Now Denial has gone i've decided to make NewDawn my new home, where I will dedicate my planet to helping the alliance, hope you guys accept me, and hope we strive to get better throughout the coming months
marinho : 2009-01-05 12:40:46
Bit late but welcome :)
disc : 2009-01-05 12:41:16
Oh also, abit about me, im a 21yo student studying Criminology, Geography and Sociology, I'm hoping to join the Police in some form. I'm from North Wales but spend most of my time in Liverpool studying and partying. I'm a keen footballer and also a keen smoker until those god damn ny resolutions got the better of me!!!! as you can tell, it probably shows that i still crave smoke!
Catwoman : 2009-01-05 23:45:06
wow thats 4 cops i know in irc now! no more drug talk u lot
onim : 2009-01-06 21:11:43
hi there, next former Denial member represent!
24 yo, Dutch , have been studying a lot, never finished, now working...(and no, its not due to PA!, whatever you lot think!)

and anyway, same story as disc, blah ill do my best blah etc , 'showing epenis history' bla.

oh and i do use drugs, is that forbidden?
vladel : 2009-01-06 21:53:29
drugs are fun
zeyi : 2009-01-07 11:47:57
One of my many favourite IRC quotes:

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dont dont dont dont dont take drugs =[ its bad for health please dont...
Catwoman : 2009-01-07 12:13:30
what zeyi said!
Amon : 2009-01-07 14:35:21
Drugs are bad mmmKay?
Balor : 2009-01-07 17:05:15
ok, ok we all know they're bad. but they're so damn fun!
Walldo : 2009-01-09 19:43:44
never use drugs kid. :D
doddy : 2009-03-31 17:24:03
drugs lead nowhere.....but its the scenic route ^^
philo : 2009-03-31 21:34:59
or the dead end
HaSu : 2009-11-30 07:54:34
Hey all,

i've found this thread aswell, after reading some of the 6800 posts :D.
Im just new aswell - not in the tag yet, but will join tomorrow :).

My name is Lars and im 23 years old, coming from germany and looking forward to rock this round with you!

frostyz : 2009-11-30 08:24:30
Welcome hasu
bass : 2009-12-03 16:57:10
hasu.... sounds like a starcraft player^^
buly : 2009-12-03 21:22:06
bassgitar! Come back!
Auto : 2009-12-03 21:44:16
Bassgitar \o/
digitalzero : 2009-12-04 03:12:29
clearly if he is still posting here he reminisces!
Balor : 2009-12-04 04:05:19
he'll be back.