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Xbox 360 GamerTag

Community Boards - General Talk

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damo8 : 2008-06-30 08:13:34
Feel free to post your gamertag below so the ND community can spread.
steinmetz : 2008-06-30 08:17:50
mine should be SteInMetz86, don't have xbox gold atm tho.. Will get it again very soon.
steinmetz : 2008-06-30 08:18:19
Oh, and i got GTAIV and PGR4 so far.. nothing else.
flying : 2008-06-30 08:19:00
ps3 > xbox360

oh that's right i started it
steinmetz : 2008-06-30 08:21:26
Flying, im getting a PS3 aswell.. so then i will have a PS3, Xbox360 AND a Wii...

Having everything > PS3
gate : 2008-06-30 09:10:29

I don't get to play online until I'm back at uni though. Stupid home still hasn't gone wireless and I can't really leave a cable cutting off the stairs because my Dad's clumsy :/

Usually play Halo 3, but I've also got GTA IV, Call of Duty 4 & Gears of War. Was gonna get UT3 when it comes out too.
damo8 : 2008-06-30 09:15:52
I'm damo8

Feel free to add me.

Got GTA4 + Beijing 2008

Will be adding to the games collection soon though.
Amon : 2008-06-30 09:57:05
I'm Amon, Feel free to PM me on IRC and we can play MULTIPLAYER games on the one and only true platform, the PC.

Go hang yourselves consolenabs.
steinmetz : 2008-06-30 10:05:33
Hey Amon, have you played GTAIV on computer yet?

Oh, what was that? You havent? I didnt think so!
Amon : 2008-06-30 10:32:05
Oh yeah, only advantage to a console is sometimes getting a good title before PC. wow.
gate : 2008-06-30 11:15:37
I can't afford to play games like Gears on the PC :(
gate : 2008-06-30 11:16:43
also, I prefer to play everything that's not a strategy game on console. It's comfier & easier.
Amon : 2008-06-30 11:57:52
FPS games on consoles break my heart. What's left of it anyway.
Steve_G : 2008-06-30 17:09:52
i only play Fifa08 on live

Strik3rr (or Strik3rrr i forget haha) if you have fifa08 just PM me ur nick and ill add ya :p
Balor : 2008-06-30 20:28:00
haha i love pc gamers and how much they love to hate on consoles. how is using a controller turning someone into a n00b? and most real gamers play both anyway.
Amon : 2008-06-30 21:26:43
Sorry Balor, you have a terminal case of noob, you can't be helped.
Balor : 2008-06-30 21:53:50
obviously. that's why i don't play any games
Duncan : 2008-07-25 13:29:08
my gamertag is Duncan81
i got GTA4, Battlefield bad company, halo3, and tigerwoods 08(loaned out atm).
painy : 2008-08-08 23:08:28
my gamer tag is Killikar currntly only have halo 3 and grid which are online and still getting use to halo 3 as im more a pc fps person i just like the rpgs that are out or coming out on 360, which is why i didnt get a ps3.

And i agree with steinmetz everything > ps3 ;)
olle : 2008-08-09 00:03:23
Ole Kristian VJ = my Xbox360 Gamer Tag

SmackDown vs Raw 2008
Final Fantasy
Dead or Alive 4
Samurai Warriors 2
NBA Live 2006
Virtua Tennis 3
PES 2008
Balor : 2008-08-10 06:47:02
kill kar? why
mykool : 2008-08-14 07:53:40
mYk0oL and i only got call of duty4 atm :(
painy : 2008-08-15 11:24:14
i used the nick killikar because i used killiker in another game but that was taken and its what i use alot now :p and its k i l l i k a r
zeyi : 2008-11-06 19:00:05
budious : 2008-11-06 19:39:44
Don't own a X360...

However, I do have PS3 :)

PSN Network > Budious
Amon : 2008-11-07 01:27:46
Internet > measely consolegaming networks
bronto : 2009-06-02 00:14:55
If anyone feel like, add Br0n70 :)
petroman : 2009-06-03 19:51:10
no xbox here PLZ STOP posting in this thread your makeing me all jealous!!!!
tshot : 2009-06-19 18:13:21
ABORT : 2009-12-12 19:27:42
console fps > pc fps.... the times have changed...

XBL: Uqly

like.. U Q L Y
Speedy-J : 2009-12-12 19:28:57
its changed for the worse imo... seems like all the devs want to make is some half arsed arcade shit made for kids these days...
Gruff : 2009-12-19 01:17:55
XBL: o Gruff o

I have a range of games but am currently trying to get up to abort's COD MW2 standard. Motherfucker joined a game with me once, and tore the arsehole out of everyone. Fucker bagged about 30+ kills. I used to think i was ok... :(
Ronin : 2009-12-19 15:22:19
Movie! Liked it, needed a name.

Now i'm older I know the movie is shit, but hey, wouldnt know what else to take :)
Motoxxx : 2010-06-21 08:19:58
SirCapnMorgan is my username, i have like 75 games bc i suck at life, if anyone wants to jam
tsunde : 2010-06-21 14:36:54

Plays COD, and thats about it :D