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Community Boards - General Talk

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xanyon : 2009-05-25 12:34:44
I am leaving because since i have started my PhD i haven't been able to be on at the necessary times, it's been fun but it seems like it's time to call it a day. Have fun, good luck, am sad to go but it just seems to be the way life has panned out over the last couple of rounds. Although i mananged to pass my undergraduate well despite the fact that i gave it a back seat to ND, this project i have taken on now is too big, too important and so much at stake that i actually care more about graduating from this and i had doubts about signing up for this round as it was.

I hope you can understand that this is now a point where i have begun to build my future, so it is actually quite important for me. It is sad for me, but since October i now have a real commitment in my life and i really don't think i can persuade the whole PA community to change its launch / land times when targetting ND to suit me. Take care guys and girls, and look after yourselves.

This may well be a permanent thing, but i hope you know why i am posting it in vacations, i will look to finish the round in a minor alliance, after which i will not be signing back up unless something in RL has changed which will allow me the time that is required to be ND. ;-D

Lots of love, Xan <3
bass : 2009-05-25 12:46:30
Just for you xanyon, i think we're willing to change launchtimes as a community^^
gl with the PhD
damo8 : 2009-05-25 14:11:16
Good luck mate.

Come back when your fully active again.
frostyz : 2009-05-25 14:35:13
best of luck
Seal : 2009-05-25 14:36:16
best of luck Xenyon!!
and a lot of good wishes for that PHD!!
Brains in ND :-D
Catwoman : 2009-05-25 23:08:35
digitalzero : 2009-05-25 23:27:33
damn m8, didnt think i would see this one... good luck with it all..
immad : 2009-05-26 00:07:39
i'll miss u :( who else can i lynch french ppl with :(
smallfry : 2009-05-26 00:44:28
see u xanyon mate have fun and work hard :P
kallysandra : 2009-05-31 02:36:53


/me scratches Xanyon's ears
PWG : 2009-05-31 12:15:46
kallysandra distroys the forum but well... :D

xanyon, good luck for you PhD and have many fun with your new life! make something out of it... :D

We ll see ya in the future, i belive in you! ^^

cYa mate