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worst website ever
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: 2009-06-30 23:22:50
honest guys, getting round all this rubbish is doing my head in
did the web designer look at the worlds top 100 worst websites and then use all the worst ideas?
: 2009-06-30 23:29:00
thats not nice :(
deal with it! you have a midlife crisis?
: 2009-06-30 23:30:18
think its that time of the month personally :P
: 2009-06-30 23:49:23
i love the webby tbh
: 2009-07-01 01:18:05
which web site are we talking about?
: 2009-07-01 02:09:22
Get with the program or get the fuck out. harv's put countless hours of work into this masterpiece. It's purpose is to function, not to be pretty. If you want pretty, do a makeover for it.
: 2009-07-01 02:18:11
The site is great! You probably just need to get more used to it.
: 2009-07-01 03:36:11
Judge has been around Appoco too long...
: 2009-07-01 03:55:20
/me cuddles harv crying in the corner ...
: 2009-07-01 05:12:59
/me slaps Judge with a large trout.
get over it. The webby works great!
: 2009-07-01 05:41:50
He has asked if anyone wants to redo the looks of the site, since he isn't a designer, just a coder. If you dislike it so much, take a look at https://nd.ruin.nu/forum/thread/8387 and see if it's anything you can help him with...
: 2009-07-01 06:34:25
ok to qualify my remarks:
1) I dont see any flow to the site, there is no logical sequence
2) Things are badly labelled or not labelled at all, for example scans? yes there is a box with <check> next to it, but check what? ur underpants? ur own planet? coords to see if its a friendly or hostile?
3) Attack menu: 1 label marked web raids? what is a web raid? surely it should say ATTACKS
4) attack pages: the floaty thing, the most annoying object ever, what use is it? why not just have a box at the top with the targets you have picked and land tick?
5) Main page: why is there so much information? why do we need charts/graphs statistics and a whole load of information that could be all under a separate page for the people that want it/need it?
6) Defence cant comment fully as I have not seen it in action
: 2009-07-01 07:16:22
1) What kind of flow would you like? Most things are available directly in the menu.
2) But extra labels take up space for ppl that aren't new. If you're unsure what something is then you can click and see, or ask someone. Things are generally optimized for ppl that are using it regularly, not for ppl seeing it for the first time.
3) Raid is the term used in ND, if you don't know what a raid is then you'll have other problems too.
4) The floaty thing is there so you have easy access to the update buttons and your targets. Most ppl don't want to scroll up and down for no good reason. If the buttons are just at the top then ppl will use F5 to update the claim information, which causes more load on the server for no good reason.
5) It's there to give a quick overview of your planet, there isn't much else on the main page.
: 2009-07-01 08:45:33
Please shut up about the webby now... Everytime is see you talk you bitch about it...
We know now, give it a rest please
: 2009-07-01 14:21:40
Heh I find most alliance websites abit strange to look at @first - but you really do get used to them. Personally ive always found the site perfectly functionable!
: 2009-07-01 14:22:00
haha, yea shut up Judge
I LOVE the webby
: 2009-07-01 14:22:57
I am fkn pc noob and this works great for me. I ask questions when i get into trouble and seem to get thru ok.
Hugs harv!
: 2009-07-01 14:34:14
Judge wrote:
ok to qualify my remarks:
1) I dont see any flow to the site, there is no logical sequence
Hmmm ... well, an alliance webbie isn't like a shopping cart or retail site. Using the webbie isn't linear, nor should it be.
Judge wrote:
2) Things are badly labelled or not labelled at all...
I disagree, but I suppose we could do ALT= tags so that mouseovers would work, heck they may already be there, frankly I don't agree with this one but, meh ...
Judge wrote:
3) Attack menu: 1 label marked web raids? what is a web raid? surely it should say ATTACKS
Hey -- You can find the raid info in "Web Raids" on the webbie, NQP ..
Judge wrote:
4) attack pages: the floaty thing, the most annoying object ever, what use is it? why not just have a box at the top with the targets you have picked and land tick?
Expand your browser window just a bit so the floaty thing isn't hovering over the stats. You'll learn to love that floaty thing as you go on more and more raids and try to remember which claim is which.
Judge wrote:
5) Main page: why is there so much information? why do we need charts/graphs statistics and a whole load of information that could be all under a separate page for the people that want it/need it?
All that info you need as you will be held accountable to ND based on that info -- attack points, defpoints, your position in relationship to the alliance averages.
Judge wrote:
6) Defence cant comment fully as I have not seen it in action
Then don't. Possibly the best def tools around, TBH.
: 2009-07-01 14:37:08
i think the web raids are much better then previous systems i've used with other alliances as all the info an a bcalc link is their instead off having more pages to look at and open clogging up my lappy! and since the bcalc gets made off ur ship parse!! i dont have to waste time filling it myself :D
: 2009-07-01 14:44:27
to be honest, this really isnt a web site. it is a tool to aid with PA, and the way harv made it, is already a very useful tool. not really about the eyecandy here...
: 2009-07-01 14:44:30
: 2009-07-01 14:45:31
Harv works bloody hard on the website.
You'll have to deal with it.
Either make positive improvement suggestions or don't say nothing at all.
: 2009-07-01 20:31:49
since we are on the subject does colour take up room just wondering casue i would love to have some pink and green :)
: 2009-07-01 20:34:44
i'd like some purple dots!
: 2009-07-01 20:35:03
hmm what about a rainbow?
: 2009-07-01 20:37:47
rainbow has to many colours
: 2009-07-01 20:40:08
rainbow is for gay ppl, and i dont count myself gay on between weekends.
: 2009-07-02 00:14:55
ok i got everyone mad at me
sorry i appologise
: 2009-07-02 10:14:40
well its more the way you bring it judge :)
nothing wrong with criticism
: 2009-07-03 10:31:51
webby is great, could do with a bit more pink ofc :D
/me hugs harv
: 2009-07-03 17:45:24
cat just use the setting page and tunr on the petroman setting
: 2009-07-07 11:13:12
Me made some graphix for top of side to begin with.
Just for fun though.
Harv told me it will only be considered if this is what the members want.
: 2009-07-07 12:55:21
nice T-Shot
: 2009-07-07 13:22:27
i like tha graphic but for the website it should lose some of its height, the text is a little too small for the picture
but its v nice
: 2009-07-07 15:52:23
no top banner please. Just gonna add to the scrolling. i dunno, put it as bg or something:P
: 2009-07-07 17:08:40
increase your resolution bass.. :P as for me i love the idea of that design.. it would really help the workflow or something on the webbie imo. and it could be a good idea to also add a help section for new ppl ;)
: 2009-07-07 18:15:37
there are a help section for new ppl already ;)
: 2009-07-07 20:03:32
a more helpful one? i didnt find it straight away.. a link saying HALP! or something would be more helpful.. thats my thought atleast.. and maybe add some kind of ? button on different pages to get a short description of things
: 2009-07-07 21:51:38
Agree about that, it should be a ND FAQ/ND Support or something. :D
: 2009-07-08 00:19:47
ooooooo i like that tshot! very nice
needs a cat there tho
: 2009-07-25 12:24:37
how old are you Judge?
: 2009-07-25 14:37:38
/me hugs judge, we lub u really, just we are protective of harv, nfi why tbh hes a big boy cna look after himself
: 2009-07-25 15:04:36
because without him we are screwed. haha.