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Donations for the flowers to h3ll familiy

Community Boards - General Talk

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Spritfire : 2006-11-01 21:48:47
I have bought some flowers to h3ll's familiy.

Cat and me decided what to buy.

It ended up on 64€.

if you want to donate you can donate to "" at

When you donate, write it in this thread! And dont donate above 3€!

I dont want that I get to much money. So I will try to update this thread with how much I Get and close it when it closes on the amount I spent.

So keep to the 3€ max line.

CURRENT FUNDING : U.S. Dollar: $34.36 USD

Thank you

Any questions, plz pm me on irc :)
Thrackan : 2006-11-02 07:41:52
Donated what I had left in PayPal after I bought my game credit... goes for symbolism I guess... :)
Catwoman : 2006-11-02 08:58:52
sent 10 aus worked out to about 4.5 pounds
harv : 2006-11-02 10:44:39
Finally ended up creating a paypal account. Sent €3, the least I could do.
squidly : 2006-11-02 15:05:16
No way in hell am I creating a paypal account. Sprit, pm me your address so I Can send you some authentic canadian cash :p
obiwan : 2006-11-02 17:00:01
Sent €3 m8

My come up as it is from "Eastgate Bookshop" m8

It's my Dad :)
Riddim : 2006-11-03 02:12:02
I sent €5, didn't see u said €3 max at first. U can put what's left into ND funds.
marinho : 2006-11-08 22:52:13
Somehow I donated 3 dollars instead of euro's, I can try again for 3 euro's if needed :D
Vader : 2006-11-24 12:00:43
Better late than never as they say.
squidly : 2006-11-26 23:52:50
Can someone give me sprits address already? :D