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two nights ago

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barrow : 2006-11-07 15:50:38
I was going downtown to see a punk show and I was waiting for the subway train. I had just arrived that the platform and I had 12 minutes to wait for the train, so I leaned up against a post and called my friend Gina to shoot the shit until the train got there. As I pulled out my phone, this thug fo life (probably 17 or 18) kid reached down to my feet and picked up a $100 bill. He let out some 'oh shit!' and held it being the good person that I am, I said 'its not mine', and he ran off up the escalator.

For the last three days I have been reliving this moment, cursing myself for not looking down or not saying 'oh thanks man, i just dropped it'.

squidly : 2006-11-07 16:13:58
No kidding. Wtf were you thinking?! you coulda been 100$ richer towards buying me a week's supply of cheesecake! :mad:
cura : 2006-11-07 16:53:31
i'd prolly have the same reflex

sucks to be raised in honesty :/
Thrackan : 2006-11-09 08:36:33
Could have been like this though:

This thug 4 life says Oh shit and picks up a $100 bill
Thuggie grabs knife and slits yer throat

heck, let him get the $100 if it's not yours, who cares
cura : 2006-11-09 13:02:09

it's $100 :/
I would care
Thrackan : 2006-11-09 13:42:18
yeh but you are a poor bum figgit
cura : 2006-11-09 14:02:20
hey I have 2k euros saved up :(
barrow : 2006-11-09 14:26:38
dude, $100 should not be trivialized.

thats like, 100 nights with curas MOM

oh shit
cura : 2006-11-09 14:40:03
wait wait

let me get this straight

you'd actually PAY to be with my mom for a night?!
barrow : 2006-11-09 14:51:30
Thrackan : 2006-11-22 14:38:15
you pay for pics?

poor sod...
digitalzero : 2006-11-28 03:42:28
Barrow, if it counts, I got robbed down in oakland district in Pittsburgh before... only 5 bucks though, but that black bitch... i wasnt ready to get stabbed over 5 bucks for putting up a vocal fight :-P
Kublai : 2006-11-29 19:34:30
ok ... let me get this right....u got robbed by a GIRL?:eek:
digitalzero : 2006-12-06 04:44:25
a overly large black woman... with two missing front teeth... dressed in pure yellow... with a huge... kangaroo pouch... flapping... in the wind :(
cura : 2006-12-06 07:30:54
hah dz got robbed by a girl
barrow : 2006-12-06 18:38:12
did she have a gun? otherwise you could have run away because she is 1) overly large and 2) a girl.

otherwise, you got robbed by a girl *lol*
cura : 2006-12-07 06:42:48
hah cura is a girl
barrow : 2006-12-15 15:00:12
and I run away from girls!
Thrackan : 2006-12-15 15:09:57
Barrow is so much of a faggot :D
harv : 2006-12-15 16:22:11
Maybe I should look over the access for certain members..
barrow : 2006-12-15 19:54:36
yeah thrackan's posts are totally out of line!
cura : 2006-12-15 20:07:35
agreed, maybe we should give him a warning
barrow : 2006-12-15 20:13:11
thrackan - please read ND's user license agreement before continuing to post or you will be mercilessly flamed on IRC.

sorry it had to come to this. :(
Centronic : 2006-12-20 14:36:15
shut the fuck up
barrow : 2006-12-22 06:33:49
hey so im tanked
buly : 2006-12-31 00:15:43
I'd have taken the 100$, gave him 20 and gotten arsedrunk that night. You suck Barrow! :)

And DZ. A big fat chick robbing you with a knife? You should've just ran....and insulted her while you did :)
Artic : 2007-01-30 21:25:32
it might have been a reality TV show, seeing if people would lie and say it was their money :P
barrow : 2007-02-04 17:26:01
no - these guys were way to gangster.

we need to delete this thread, i'd forgotten about this tragic tragic day until i saw the thread again :(
Riddim : 2007-03-10 10:01:14
lol DZ,
next time you get robbed by a girl, just keep it to yourself maybe and don't go shouting :
"but..but..she was big and black!"

digitalzero : 2007-03-10 22:36:51
Catwoman : 2007-03-10 22:47:24
so if she was big and white he would of fought back?
digitalzero : 2007-03-10 23:09:51
i may have, it all depends
barrow : 2007-03-11 06:13:44
haven't we dropped this yet? :(((((((
cruncher : 2007-03-11 08:33:57
not by the looks of it :p
steinmetz : 2007-03-11 15:45:43
im glad someone bumped it, cause i hadnt read it before!
frostyz : 2007-03-11 18:03:46
yeah, and think if you had missed this.....
digitalzero : 2007-03-12 23:26:46
i was going to say, finally my woman robbing me story has surfaced and everyone is picking on me again,!!!! YAY!!!
Balor : 2007-06-25 19:41:57
at least it isn't 100$ lost, just 100$ not gained...

steinmetz : 2007-06-25 19:52:54
You missed the whole point Balor.. DZ got robbed by a girl!
barrow : 2007-06-25 20:00:15
digitalzero : 2007-06-25 20:03:20
I could tell you the story if you want to hear it :)
Balor : 2007-06-25 20:26:24
no i got that, haha... i was commenting on the lack of barrow losing something... i felt it was unnecessary to comment on dz losing his dignity
cura : 2007-06-26 06:34:12
but dz got robbed by a girl!
Freestyler : 2007-06-26 09:58:06
Do tell DZ :D
digitalzero : 2007-06-27 19:48:03
Ok, here is the story:

Me and my ex were down in Oakland getting a bite to eat before going to the one bar where her friend was at. While walking back across the lot, this black woman clad in yellow comes up to me shaking her pockets saying, "Do you think you could spare a few bills for this change I got." I figured, yeah, why not, I need change for soda machines at work so yea... I reached in and gave her 2 dollars, my ex gave her 2 dollars as well.

At the time, I was kinda trafficing marijuana back to my town from the burgh so I had atleast 500 dollars on me...

A minute went by and she said, "Aww come on, I seen those bills you got, you can spare me some more..." So I did, i reached in an gave her 2 more dollars. After that she looked at us and said, "You just fed a homeless woman for the night, you should feel good." My ex freaked out and started walking away. I just stood there in shock like, wow... this bitch just had me for my 4 dollars. She said, you also fed for two cuz im pregnant... and I just looked at her and was like So she walked away and I just said some shit like burn in hell and whatnot, she turned back around, then i just took off... basically because I wasnt about to get stabbed over 4 dollars.
daffyduck : 2007-06-27 20:32:20
why did what she say freak you out? basically.. you gave tramp money in what you thought was an exchange for change.. but as a result just gave her money for no return?? (yeah??)

in that case... can i have $100 please?
Balor : 2007-06-27 20:57:29
i'll give you 100 1$ bills for a 100$ bill...
Thrackan : 2007-06-28 07:14:48
topic title is out of date :P
Kublai : 2007-06-28 09:36:45
why didnt u round up a posse and go and mete out some rough justice :p
Thrackan : 2007-06-28 09:44:55
then they all would want money for it
merlin : 2007-09-10 01:39:44
DZ give me your money too!
digitalzero : 2007-09-10 14:15:20
... 4$
cura : 2008-10-07 13:58:43
hah dz got robbed by a girl
Ichindur : 2008-10-08 10:50:52
Barrow is a nice guy!

and dz got robbed by a girl ;)
Balor : 2008-10-08 15:53:55
robbed by a girl. ouch
jason : 2008-10-08 17:05:13
DZ, regardless, I'd have never admitted being rob'd by a girl. then again, i'd prolly have just shot the bitch myself.
Balor : 2008-10-08 17:36:14
lol this is such an old post. it was here when I joined the alliance. i love that it has been bumped for the n00bs to read
digitalzero : 2008-10-09 13:45:23
haha, yea.. this is old but still a classic i guess. i wonder if barrow ever got his 100 and where he went too :(
barrow : 2009-01-17 16:38:49
god this is depressing.
marinho : 2009-01-17 19:07:52
hahaha, logged till eternity
Balor : 2009-01-17 19:42:53
if this site ever goes away we need this saved elsewhere
impklug : 2009-09-30 23:13:18
Speedy-J : 2009-09-30 23:20:43
Balor : 2009-09-30 23:59:59
fuck this thread is old. it was here when I joined i think!
Williams : 2009-10-01 00:03:57
why spam it again then?
Balor : 2009-10-01 00:10:58
because it's fucking hilarious
digitalzero : 2009-10-02 17:43:55
thanks, this one will never ever die.
Auto : 2009-10-02 17:53:54
DZ robbed by a girl HAHA :D
jonny : 2009-10-02 20:46:50
omg DZ got robbed by a girl lol
bobthe : 2009-10-02 21:50:20
DZ you got robbed by a girl? LMAO!
Amon : 2009-10-03 01:38:25
I don't think it matters hugely whether it's a man or a woman holding the weapon pointed at your heart.
jonny : 2009-10-03 01:51:19
i never heard any weapons mentionned
just DZ getting robbed by a girl
Amon : 2009-10-03 01:54:05
digitalzero wrote:
Barrow, if it counts, I got robbed down in oakland district in Pittsburgh before... only 5 bucks though, but that black bitch... i wasnt ready to get stabbed over 5 bucks for putting up a vocal fight :-P

I don't think you can stab without having a sharp piercing object.
Auto : 2009-10-03 02:53:11
digitalzero wrote:
She said, you also fed for two cuz im pregnant... and I just looked at her and was like So she walked away and I just said some shit like burn in hell and whatnot, she turned back around, then i just took off... basically because I wasnt about to get stabbed over 4 dollars.

She WALKED away and DZ was scared \o/
DZ got robbed by a girl walking AWAY from him HAHAHA :D
jonny : 2009-10-03 03:43:06
lol auto
digitalzero : 2009-10-05 00:47:16
... none of you know how scary it is to have someone weighing more than 100 lbs, thats a woman, yet black... completely ghetto come at you after you start back talking her, so i figured $5 was much better than the $400 i had in my wallet (that she saw) and having her come at you like that, so yes. i was robbed by a girl walking away. :)

this will never die... <3!
Catwoman : 2009-10-05 02:31:38
MaVeRiXX : 2009-10-08 10:35:29
No freaking way we will ever forget DZ got robbed by a Chick!

DZ your my hero man!!!!
Balor : 2009-10-08 12:51:12
digitalzero wrote:
... none of you know how scary it is to have someone weighing more than 100 lbs, thats a woman, yet black... completely ghetto come at you after you start back talking her, so i figured $5 was much better than the $400 i had in my wallet (that she saw) and having her come at you like that, so yes. i was robbed by a girl walking away. :)

this will never die... <3!

you should see where i live... i totally have an idea what that's like.
digitalzero : 2009-10-08 14:35:57
thank you balor! after 3 years i am getting some closure :)
Speedy-J : 2009-10-08 14:48:42
no wonder the world is a fucked place :P
Amon : 2009-10-08 22:25:21
it's those white pussies that let big fat nigger women steal their money that's turning this world upside down I tell you
Auto : 2010-02-23 17:47:00
Almost forgott about this :D

digitalzero got robbed by a girl hihihi :)
digitalzero : 2010-02-23 20:19:31
petroman : 2010-02-23 20:24:48
at least a girl wanted him for somthing
tezuro : 2010-02-26 12:56:59
woooohooo she wanted his best ^^
grape : 2010-02-26 16:58:31
After careful analysis of this thread I came to some interesting conclusions... Did anyone ever notice that DZ actually did NOT get robbed? According to his story he GAVE the money to a homeless pregnant woman because she was begging/asking for it. She did not command him to hand it over in a violent or hostile manner... There was no mention he was forced by her to do so. To be fair the only time hostility is mentioned is AFTER he gave her the money and in all fairness, HE started it by saying abusive things to her... Which is actually considering the situation very unethical since she was homeless and pregnant. In fact it might even be questioned to be an act of racism. Considering the circumstances I would even go as far as to say he made a charitable donation to a person in need. The actual reason why everyone is saying he got robbed is because he has put himself in the victim role by saying he got robbed. Had he simply said something in the lines of "I once gave some money to a homeless pregnant woman in Oakland..." no one would have made a big deal out of it. Another interesting thing I noticed is the inconsistency of the amounts of money concerning this case. Firstly in the beginning DZ mentioned the lost amount of money being $5 yet in his story he states that first both he and his ex gave $2 and then after the woman begged for more he gave her another $2 which adds up to $6 dollars. Continuing the thread however he completely ignores these first statements and continues with the $4 that just he gave. Secondly DZ first states that he had well over $500 on him at the time this story took place, yet 2 years later that amount has dropped to a mere $400. This inconsistency might lead someone to hypothesise that he has actually made the whole story up, or at least parts of it.
The final conclusion:
DZ did NOT get robbed but simply gave money to a person in need but felt bad about it shortly after the transaction had taken place. And there is reason to believe he was just telling a lie or a demi-truth.
smallfry : 2010-02-26 17:13:01
thank you sherlock holmes, can i be watson?
sonic : 2010-02-26 17:14:28
soooo.... DZ wasnt robbed by a girl, but is a lying racist? :P
digitalzero : 2010-02-26 20:02:21
wow. she wanted more than the $4 i gave her and the $2 the ex did... could of been $450 in my wallet, i didnt keep track of that, i knew it was a few hundred dollars though because i had cashed my check and had it on me. $5 dollars is a rounded amount. or... was it.
grape : 2010-02-27 01:47:53
Hahahahahahaha I was just being a smart-ass ;)
Still I refuse to acknowledge that you been robbed.., I'm sticking with; you gave money to a beggar.
digitalzero : 2010-02-27 03:05:37
she had me!
Amon : 2010-02-27 03:15:41
so we can add sexual assault to robbery. splendid
DragonKing : 2010-02-27 03:21:08
so Digital zero was assulted robed and raped by a girl. are we sure he didnt just pay for bdsm and got confused hehe
grape : 2010-02-27 10:36:37
I'm happy I could add a new perspective :)
digitalzero : 2010-02-27 14:08:11
i just cant believe you figured me out...
grape : 2010-02-27 16:55:15
I did?? I did not know or intended that, I guess 3 years of psychology thought me a thing or two after all if what you say is true
digitalzero : 2010-02-27 17:54:09
heh... im playing, your psychology is shite.
grape : 2010-02-27 21:00:59
damn you, giving me false hopes of becoming the next doc. phill!
grape : 2010-02-27 21:01:41
now I have to wait till my hair grows back :p
buly : 2010-03-05 01:02:16
DZ got robbed by a girl!
buly : 2010-03-05 01:02:34
digitalzero : 2010-03-05 02:02:46
you sir, should fucking know this already...
buly : 2010-07-15 21:30:13
Hay did everyone know that DZ got robbed by a girl? :D
digitalzero : 2010-07-15 21:41:36
digitalzero : 2010-07-15 21:43:52
i read back through, i think this comes up some how in every round.
sonic : 2010-07-15 21:58:23
apparantly he just got scared by a girl, and handed over his money...
mufflo : 2010-07-30 11:36:44
Clearly she used Jedi mindtricks on him, making it all seem as if he wanted to give her the money. And ofc he got scared afterwards, a fkin Jedi robbed him. So, DZ got robbed by a girl that was a Jedi, or perhaps a fallen Jedi since she was robbing people using the mind tricks.

Why not mind-trick for more you might ask? no? then i'll explain why not anyway...

It's better for her to take 100 people for $5 than to take one person for $500, if a person gets robbed for $500 they might contact the police, and then the High Jedi Council would be notified of this happening (they see everything) and then they would start the hunt of this fallen jedi. But if she (a girl) robs someone (dz, and probably others) for $5 only place it's likley to end up is some internet forum where others make fun of the person being robbed by a girl, and thus she stays out of the High Jedi Councils radar (they got more important things todo than to search all forums of people mocking others for being robbed by a girl).
digitalzero : 2010-07-30 12:01:51
i will hunt that bitch now.
DragonKing : 2010-08-03 18:21:15
just to add to digtials funnies

[19:10:51] <@[NDC]DragonKing> maybe get sombody in usa to text/ring
[19:12:13] * Speedy-J shouts at DZ
[19:12:50] <@[ND]DigitalZero> ?
[19:12:57] <@[ND]DigitalZero> what
[19:13:21] <@[NDC]DragonKing> he wants you to text/ring semperfi
[19:13:27] <@[ND]DigitalZero> no fuck you, sms your own fucking text messages, is that all im good for... you user.
[19:13:28] <@[NDC]DragonKing> find out if he is playing this round
[19:13:45] <@[NDC]DragonKing> [ND]DigitalZero you are good for that and for sexing up
[19:13:54] * @[NDC]DragonKing sends lottie around to sex up [ND]DigitalZero
[19:13:56] <@[ND]DigitalZero> sexing up goats
[19:14:06] <@[ND]DigitalZero> i enjoy my goat action reaction
[19:14:17] <Speedy-J> hahaha
[19:14:40] <Speedy-J> you realize you just called yourself a goat there DZ?
[19:14:47] <@[ND]DigitalZero> i may have
[19:15:44] <@[NDC]DragonKing> new nick for [ND]DigitalZero bahh
[19:16:07] <Speedy-J> i vote for [ND]DigitalGoat
mufflo : 2011-02-06 12:20:54
it's been way too long since this thread was mentioned and brought up. We have had alot of new members since last time, so lets all point and laugh at dz!
ManiacMagic : 2011-02-06 14:24:24
its too much to read but ill point and laugh at dz either way :P

and the only goat dx likes is the goatsie or whatever that shit was
ManiacMagic : 2011-02-06 14:28:54
ok never mind i read it lawls at DZ getting scared into submisson by a black chick .... people like dz = why we have welfare in america. Thanks for ruining the united states while being robbed dz
digitalzero : 2011-02-07 15:28:30
lol, its a good read! i bet you can find that story somewhere...
mufflo : 2011-09-02 23:14:52
Well, seeing as how Buly nubed it, this thread deserves to be brought back to life, so we can compare the two!
digitalzero : 2011-09-03 01:16:02
oh my god.
DragonKing : 2011-09-03 02:18:41
so we have buly admision that he likes to swap cum while kissing. and DZ being robbed by a girl. i think we also need to throw balor crashing into 1:1 on there
ManiacMagic : 2011-09-03 21:47:26
i want my free research
noran : 2014-01-13 20:54:18
Did DZ really get robbed by a girl? Or did he give away his money? I'm still a bit confused...
kallysandra : 2014-01-14 22:13:09
digitalzero : 2014-01-15 15:53:25
i got robbed!
noran : 2014-01-15 19:59:25
by a GIRL!!!!
MaVeRiXX : 2014-01-24 17:30:29
ROFL i almost forgot about this
golan : 2014-01-28 22:51:39
This must be the most pathetic story I've heard about being robbed.

I got held up my two guys with machine guns in brazil, now that was scary!
MaVeRiXX : 2014-01-28 22:53:16
DZ got robbed and molested AGAIN by a fat chick???
digitalzero : 2014-01-29 14:19:12
it only happened one time, technically i wasn't even robbed, i gave her my 4$ for money for her unborn child
mysteries : 2014-01-30 01:03:21
a long time ago, my ex girlfriend asked me for money once... NOW THAT was scary.. felt like getting robbed.. ;)
Althizor : 2014-01-30 01:54:54
this comes to mind
kar : 2014-08-08 00:24:08
cura : 2014-08-20 13:45:29
Sometimes I come back to the ND forum just to read this. :')
excal : 2014-08-20 18:23:57
heya Cura
mysteries : 2014-08-20 19:32:07
We all do Cura ;)
bass : 2014-08-25 08:56:22
uh huh
MaVeRiXX : 2018-07-10 13:01:20
I am soooo sad not getting any roids today, needed to cheer my self up again.

Best way to do so is read this Beautifull Fairytale again...
Asal : 2018-07-10 13:20:36
this is fucking hilarious!!!
digitalzero : 2018-10-03 13:48:39