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Fantasy Football

Community Boards - General Talk

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LukeyLove : 2009-08-06 00:04:29
Hey everyone!

Its that time of year - the football season is starting in just over a week! So if anyone fancies trying their hand at some Fantasy Football (free ofc) based around the premiership then come join us!

Is the website to signup on - then to join the same league as everyone else enter the code 894330-182946 on the leagues tab!

Hopefully see y'all there! Everyone is welcome and any other friends you might want to tag along, thou it helps if its obvious who you are from the team name you pick ;)
sonic : 2009-08-06 00:21:27
signed up n ready to kick yo ass!
kar : 2009-08-06 02:10:53
The Kars ftw. watch out.
Balor : 2009-08-06 02:15:06
who thinks that the Balors can't win?
spycors : 2009-08-13 08:41:58