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Change of Plans ...

Community Boards - General Talk

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impklug : 2009-11-14 03:07:51
Well, change of plans for me for the round -- I'm absolutely not able to devote the time and energy to play my planet connventionally and not be a worthless liability (crashed 3x already -- twice cuz I couldnt get away from work), so instead I'm switching to scanning and playing defense only.

I'm researching out my scans, building amps, and will be using all of my resources for deffleets.

I apologize to the BC's and my ND galaxy mates, I did not foresee the demands upon my time and to a certain extent you guys are paying the price.

Perhaps its for the best -- by the looks of it I'll be available to DC and scan during the most critical times -- 0200-06600 GMT.
smallfry : 2009-11-14 09:41:40
well impklug shit happens mate, cant change rl around PA, that would still be useful to nd m8.