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: 2009-12-13 15:03:55
R35 Setup suggestions
Would any of these (or possibly others, suggest your own in line with these) be interesting and work for next round?
- No BPs (might take quite a bit of coding unfortunately)
- Shuffle places everyone randomly up to a max of 5-6 planets per gal
- 0-2 late joins
- BPs at 2-3, one BP per gal
- Shuffle fills up gals with non BP planets
- 0-2 late joins
- BPs at 5, (effectively private gal, no exiling in)
- Shuffle puts one bp per gal, then creates gals for the randoms filling them to 8-10 planets
- 2 late joins, (maybe only for BP gals)
- BPs, shuffling, late joins, all same as last round
- No defending (or possibly only in gal or only in alliance)
: 2009-12-13 15:10:43
Remove late sign-ups. They just make strong gals even stronger.
: 2009-12-13 17:12:51
imo there's a lot of other things they need to address before they start looking at those things.. it works good enough the way it is now with the galsetups.
: 2009-12-13 17:42:17
- BPs of 5
- Max 3 members of each ally in a gal, (autoexile for the 4th).
- Shuffle puts one bp per gal, then creates gals for the randoms filling them to 8-10 planets
- NO defending outside alliance/galaxe exept for FC's
: 2009-12-13 18:48:34
You cant have a rule where you only defend outside alliance or galaxy if its a FC.
It's either all or nothing.
: 2009-12-13 20:13:52
Well, anything is better than the "rule" now about 3 defence fleets out of ally pr week :p
And a FC is way easier to trace than 3 defences a week...
I would prefere no defence outside alliance/galaxy at all, but I think that's gonna be too hard to swallow for Asc ;)
: 2009-12-13 22:51:44
I'm sure it's easy enough to code an algorithm that cross checks memberbases of alliances and def fleets sent in the universe.
: 2009-12-13 23:07:12
we were deffing out of allaince as well, not that i agree with the idea but just to say that asc arnt the only guilty party
: 2009-12-14 04:40:19
asc/app had like a week more of defending outside of ally before we found out the "rules"
either way, i'd love to see no defending outside of tag/gal. or no defending at all! that'd make for an odd round.
: 2009-12-14 23:58:44
I do agree that galaxies should be smaller... best idea i've heard yet.