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: 2010-01-08 07:17:24
[06:09] <+[ND]Balor> oh no
[06:09] <+[ND]Balor> i'm in trouble
[06:10] <t-dub> balor what is going on
[06:10] <t-dub> im here to protect
[06:10] <+DragonKing> balor sucks
[06:10] * @Cat gives t-dub a Big PuddyTat Hug mwuah
[06:10] <+DragonKing> he still hasnt gotten rid of the stigma of being a HC
[06:10] <+[ND]Balor> if we aren't a top 25 gal dk and cat are kicking me out of ND
[06:10] <t-dub> awwww
[06:11] <+DragonKing> balor
[06:11] <+DragonKing> get serious
[06:11] <+DragonKing> we arnt kicking you from ND
[06:11] <t-dub> so a lot of pressure on me eh
[06:11] <+DragonKing> we are kicking you for real:P
[06:11] <+[ND]Balor> hollah!
[06:11] <+DragonKing> until you are lying on the floor
[06:11] <+DragonKing> then cat is going to make you her house slave
[06:12] <t-dub> its not going to matter
[06:12] <t-dub> we will be top 20
[06:12] <t-dub> 10 i mean
[06:12] <+[ND]Balor> yeah
[06:12] <+[ND]Balor> america ftw!
[06:12] <+[ND]Balor> we're calling our gal AMERICA!
[06:12] <+DragonKing> so day time attacks then:P
[06:12] <+[ND]Balor> and are all gonna be named George W Bush
[06:12] <t-dub> yeah go america
[06:12] <+DragonKing> i personally feel my gal with 3 DCs will do better
[06:12] <t-dub> so we will win then right
[06:12] <@Cat> id not throw u out balor
[06:13] <@Cat> ive put up with ur inactive planet too many rounds:P
[06:13] <+[ND]Balor> we automatically win
[06:13] <+[ND]Balor> haha
[06:13] <+DragonKing> would you throw him down on the bed and make him your bitch then cat?
[06:13] <@Cat> brb
[06:13] <t-dub> well we want that DK
[06:13] <+DragonKing> how do you figure u win balor:P
[06:13] <+[ND]Balor> 3 dcs in one gal? sounds like a mess waiting to happen
[06:14] <+[ND]Balor> DK: George W Bush won every war he started
[06:14] <+DragonKing> my gal gets def:P
[06:14] <+DragonKing> your gal gets none
[06:14] <+[ND]Balor> we probably won't need it... no one has the balls to attack america
[06:14] <+DragonKing> how about me make a friendly bet
[06:14] <+DragonKing> gal that finishes lower
[06:15] <+DragonKing> has to buy credits for top gal next round:P
[06:15] <+[ND]Balor> ok
[06:16] <+DragonKing> Aries
[06:16] <+DragonKing> you get a free round next round hun
[06:16] <+DragonKing> balors B team is playing for it
[06:16] <Aries> lol ok
[06:17] <+DragonKing> all we have to do is rank higher than them
[06:17] <+DragonKing> so as long as we are all still breathing by end of round:P
[06:21] <t-dub> time to have my gal hit all of DK's gal m8s
[06:21] <t-dub> ;)
[06:23] <t-dub> this american gal has real life satellites on you guys and could kill you all with a button....soooo i think we got this one
[06:23] <t-dub> :D
[06:24] <+DragonKing> you think you could hit a planet in my gal?
[06:24] <+DragonKing> with me DCing?
[06:24] <t-dub> then i guess we will have to go with the real life death part :/
[06:24] * Kar (Kar@Kar.users.netgamers.org) Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:24] <+DragonKing> lool i think your gal mate just ran away:P
[06:25] <t-dub> hes pissed
[06:25] <+[ND]Balor> i had to go karate chop a tree in half
[06:25] <+DragonKing> maybe go look who won DC of the round for the last 2 rounds ;)
[06:25] <+DragonKing> and who will win it this round
[06:25] <+[ND]Balor> who counts the votes?
[06:26] <+DragonKing> so admiting you are cheating now balor
[06:26] <+DragonKing> see cat that is why you didnt get HC:P
[06:26] <+[ND]Balor> lol if i had to fix it would i have picked stein?
[06:27] <t-dub> rather cheat the vote then say you have 3 DC's and say you will get all the def ;)
[06:27] <+DragonKing> ofc we wont get all the ally def
[06:27] <t-dub> haha
[06:27] <t-dub> balor
[06:27] <+DragonKing> just all the ally def going to your gal:P
[06:27] <t-dub> watch us suck but have elviz in gal
[06:27] <t-dub> ;)
[06:27] <+[ND]Balor> we'll just have huge defprio
[06:27] <+[ND]Balor> from defending all the time
[06:28] <t-dub> yeah
[06:28] <t-dub> then they wont get any
[06:28] <+[ND]Balor> so people will know youre cheating us def
[06:28] <t-dub> in theory
[06:28] <t-dub> yea
[06:28] <+DragonKing> and ofc you have to rember
[06:28] <t-dub> then goes the dc of the round
[06:28] <+[ND]Balor> the people will rise up
[06:28] <+DragonKing> even if you do win
[06:28] <+[ND]Balor> and conquer
[06:28] <+DragonKing> you have spent all your time
[06:28] <+DragonKing> 3 guys
[06:28] <t-dub> wat
[06:28] <+DragonKing> we have Aries
[06:28] <+DragonKing> :P
[06:29] <t-dub> but im married to Cat
[06:29] <t-dub> sooo
[06:29] <+DragonKing> not in your gal
[06:29] <+[ND]Balor> and we're american so we're content
[06:29] <t-dub> haha
[06:29] <+[ND]Balor> with who we are
[06:29] <+[ND]Balor> without women
[06:29] <t-dub> we can do anything here
[06:29] <Aries> lol
[06:29] <t-dub> and not be looked down on
[06:29] <+[ND]Balor> if i wanted to build a roller coaster tomorrow i bet i could
[06:29] <t-dub> Aries was our friend first
[06:29] <t-dub> ;)
[06:29] <+[ND]Balor> because i'm an american
[06:29] <t-dub> HAHAHA
[06:29] <Aries> dont be so sure about that t-dub :)
[06:29] * @Cat (bleh@Catwoman.users.netgamers.org) Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:30] <t-dub> someone get that man a humor point
[06:30] <+DragonKing> .h Aries
[06:30] -Eos- aries has been given 1 humor_points
[06:30] <t-dub> no
[06:30] <t-dub> balo
[06:30] <t-dub> r
[06:30] <t-dub> get balor one
[06:30] <Aries> rofl
[06:30] <Aries> epic fail
[06:30] <t-dub> balor fix this
[06:30] <+DragonKing> didnt see balor say anything funny:P
[06:30] <t-dub> hmm
[06:31] <Aries> someone forgot to mention that american males are safely enveloped in their delusions of superiority
[06:31] <t-dub> nah
[06:31] <t-dub> when its true
[06:31] <Aries> when its really the american women who are the brains behind every good man :)
[06:31] <t-dub> what can you say?
[06:31] <t-dub> oh
[06:31] <t-dub> well duh
[06:31] <+DragonKing> very true amber
[06:31] <t-dub> but all women are liars here
[06:31] <+DragonKing> and i have the benefit of not being an american man
[06:32] <+DragonKing> so you can be vex brain
[06:32] <t-dub> yeah but on the list it goes #1 american woman #2 american man
[06:32] <+DragonKing> and that means we have a two to zero advantage in the brain depatment
[06:32] <t-dub> were just that good
[06:32] <+[ND]Balor> america!!!!
[06:32] <t-dub> in america
[06:32] <Aries> lol dk isnt an american man
[06:32] <t-dub> i know
[06:32] <t-dub> he is lesser
[06:33] <t-dub> #6
[06:33] <t-dub> ish
[06:33] <+DragonKing> oh pls
[06:33] <+[ND]Balor> lol
[06:33] <Aries> you forgot to mention that european men are almost as good as american women and better than american men :)
[06:33] <+DragonKing> i am more than a match for any of you
[06:33] <t-dub> almost eh
[06:33] <Aries> american women still reign supreme
[06:33] <+DragonKing> we cant play with our own big boobs all day
[06:34] <+DragonKing> unlike american men and women
[06:34] <+DragonKing> hence almost as good
[06:34] <+[ND]Balor> .addquote <Aries> lol dk isnt an american man <t-dub> i know <t-dub> he is lesser <t-dub> #6 <t-dub> ish
[06:34] <t-dub> men have big boobs there?
[06:34] <t-dub> eww
[06:34] <t-dub> woot
[06:34] <+[ND]Balor> ~quote 4718
[06:34] <@Eos> Quote 4718 of 4718: <Aries> lol dk isnt an american man <t-dub> i know <t-dub> he is lesser <t-dub> #6 <t-dub> ish
[06:35] <t-dub> after america....is there another country balor?
[06:35] <t-dub> like in the world
[06:35] <+[ND]Balor> not that i can think of
[06:35] <t-dub> if you had to tier the countries
[06:36] <t-dub> #1 america
[06:36] <t-dub> #2
[06:36] <t-dub> #3
[06:36] <t-dub> #4
[06:36] <t-dub> #5
[06:36] <t-dub> #6 china
[06:36] <t-dub> #7 other
[06:36] <Aries> yeah but you see, it takes two american men to compare to the brains and ingenuity of one american female
[06:36] <Aries> therefore it takes both of you just to compare to me :)
[06:36] <Aries> and we have one and a half of me :)
[06:36] <t-dub> we have 3 americans though
[06:36] <+DragonKing> 2 american men worth one american woman
[06:37] * Cat (bleh@Catwoman.users.netgamers.org) has joined #nd
[06:37] * Delling sets mode: +ov Cat Cat
[06:37] <+[ND]Balor> yeah in the slave trades DK
[06:37] <+[ND]Balor> everyone knows that
[06:37] <+[ND]Balor> they teach it in gradeschool
[06:37] <+DragonKing> so aries matches stops you both
[06:37] <+DragonKing> vex stops kar
[06:37] <+DragonKing> and i am just the winning edge
[06:37] <Aries> and we still have a dragon :)
[06:37] <t-dub> dragons age?
[06:37] <t-dub> good idea
[06:37] <+[ND]Balor> yeah!
[06:37] * E-Choke (cjleiebd@E-Choke.users.netgamers.org) has joined #nd
[06:38] <t-dub> hey im just telling you america is the bet
[06:38] <t-dub> best
[06:38] <t-dub> by far
[06:38] <t-dub> thats it
[06:38] <+DragonKing> lets see who is still standing by end of the round
[06:38] <+[ND]Balor> i usually play sitting down
[06:38] <t-dub> same
[06:38] <+DragonKing> see fail
[06:38] <+DragonKing> cant even play standing up
[06:38] <t-dub> we can
[06:38] <t-dub> its just stupid
[06:38] <+DragonKing> or possibly cant stand up anymore
[06:39] <t-dub> wat?
[06:39] * +DragonKing sends balor and t-dub wheelchairs
[06:39] <Aries> lol
[06:39] <+[ND]Balor> that'd rock
[06:39] <+[ND]Balor> less walking
[06:39] <t-dub> idd
[06:39] <+[ND]Balor> keep my legs rested
[06:39] <+DragonKing> got to love that
[06:39] <+[ND]Balor> for kicking the worlds ass
[06:39] * Aries drives north and steals the wheelchairs and hides them
[06:39] <t-dub> hahahaha
[06:39] <+DragonKing> america is the best wooo hooo
[06:39] <t-dub> i love you balor
[06:40] <+[ND]Balor> =D
[06:40] <+DragonKing> but england has free and better health care:P
[06:40] <t-dub> luckily aries this is america
[06:40] <+[ND]Balor> better?
[06:40] <t-dub> we can get other chairs
[06:40] <+[ND]Balor> you guys dont even have Dr. House
[06:40] <t-dub> true
[06:40] <Aries> it will only cost you an arm and a leg
[06:40] <+[ND]Balor> he is the best diagnostician in the world
[06:40] <t-dub> well i dont need that legg
[06:40] <t-dub> leg
[06:40] <+DragonKing> if you didnt know he is british
[06:40] <t-dub> yeah and he moved here
[06:40] <Aries> rofl i knew that one was coming
[06:40] <t-dub> cause it sucked
[06:40] <+[ND]Balor> no, the character he plays out in public is british
[06:41] <t-dub> hahaha
[06:41] <t-dub> so true
[06:41] <+[ND]Balor> since it's the easiest accent to immitate
[06:41] <t-dub> yeah
[06:41] <+DragonKing> wow
[06:41] <+DragonKing> a step forward in the american man
[06:41] <+DragonKing> Aries get a pic
[06:41] <+DragonKing> american men finally realise everything on TV isnt real
[06:41] <Aries> actually balor, hugh laurie was born in england :)
[06:42] <+DragonKing> evolution in progress
[06:42] <+[ND]Balor> yeah, that is the character house plays in public so people dont ask him to diagnose them everywhere
[06:42] <t-dub> omgsh balor i wanna go to the cowboys staduim and just watch tv
[06:42] <+[ND]Balor> how did you not get that?
[06:42] <+[ND]Balor> yeah t-dub and bring popcorn
[06:42] <+DragonKing> i was wrong apprently
[06:42] <t-dub> yeah like TO told me too
[06:43] <+DragonKing> american men really are that dumb
[06:43] <t-dub> apparently
[06:43] <t-dub> *
[06:43] <+DragonKing> its sad american women got the looks the sense of humour the brains
[06:43] <t-dub> there is no u in humor
[06:43] <Aries> there isnt?
[06:43] <+DragonKing> you guys really did end bottom of the gene pool
[06:43] <+DragonKing> there is actually in proper english
[06:44] <t-dub> judge not
[06:44] <Aries> looks to me like you spelled it with a U too t-dub
[06:44] <t-dub> haha
[06:44] <+[ND]Balor> 'proper english'
[06:44] <+DragonKing> epic fail for t-dub
[06:44] <t-dub> there are not 2 u's silly
[06:44] <+DragonKing> .h Aries
[06:44] -Eos- aries has been given 1 humor_points
[06:44] <t-dub> you generous on those humor points there
[06:44] <t-dub> your
[06:44] <Aries> and dk, you forgot to mention that american women also got the common sense
[06:44] <+DragonKing> true enough
[06:44] <Aries> its you're
[06:44] <+DragonKing> your right t-dub i should balance it out
[06:45] <Aries> if you really want to go into a grammar lesson :)
[06:45] <+DragonKing> .h t-dub -1
[06:45] -Eos- No hit, maybe spelling mistake, or add % as wildcard
[06:45] <+DragonKing> there we go
[06:45] <t-dub> i suck at grammar
[06:45] <t-dub> thats dk
[06:45] * HaSu (~hasu@HaSu.users.netgamers.org) Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:45] <t-dub> thanks
[06:45] <t-dub> i mean
[06:45] <Aries> dont worry, i harass dk about his as well
[06:45] <+DragonKing> anyway i get a free round next round
[06:46] <t-dub> why?
[06:46] <+DragonKing> and i think vex will like that
[06:46] <+DragonKing> well balor accpeted a bet
[06:46] <t-dub> eh?
[06:46] <+DragonKing> you guys are playing for our next round:P
[06:46] <t-dub> hahahaha
[06:46] <t-dub> right
[06:47] <+DragonKing> all we have to do is beat you
[06:47] <+DragonKing> so we have already won:P
[06:47] <t-dub> sure
[06:47] <t-dub> we have all the money in america so who cares
[06:47] <+[ND]Balor> sounds like something the redcoats said before the revolutionary war!
[06:47] <t-dub> yeah true balor
[06:48] <+DragonKing> remind me of somthing
[06:48] <+DragonKing> what language do you speak
[06:48] <+DragonKing> english isnt it?
[06:48] <t-dub> american
[06:48] <+[ND]Balor> American
[06:48] <t-dub> yea
[06:49] <+DragonKing> and your flag red white and blue?
[06:49] <+DragonKing> cities like newyork
[06:49] <+DragonKing> places like new england
[06:49] <+[ND]Balor> yeah! america is newer and better!
[06:49] <+DragonKing> you won the war then kept the chains on:P
[06:49] <t-dub> yeah the same flag we planted on european soil while we saved your ass in WW2
[06:49] <+[ND]Balor> YEAH!
[06:50] <+DragonKing> saved our asses
[06:50] <t-dub> you owe us so many credits its unreal
[06:50] <+[ND]Balor> you're lucky we're not the only ones speaking english
[06:50] <+[ND]Balor> you'd be speaking german!
[06:50] <+DragonKing> seems to me half the usa fleet was destroyed
[06:50] <t-dub> hahahaha
[06:50] <+DragonKing> cant realy say you had a choice
[06:50] <+[ND]Balor> yeah to save europe from nazis
[06:50] <+DragonKing> i mean in pearl harbour
[06:50] <t-dub> with out america you all die
[06:50] <+[ND]Balor> are you making fun of pearl harbor?
[06:50] <@Cat> oh dear
[06:51] <+[ND]Balor> where civillians were murdered
[06:51] <+DragonKing> let me just remind you of one thing on great american men
[06:51] <t-dub> yeah
[06:51] <t-dub> thats low
[06:51] <+[ND]Balor> by the japanese who later made up for it with nintendo
[06:51] <+[ND]Balor> as an apology to the usa
[06:51] <t-dub> hahaha
[06:51] <t-dub> yeah
[06:51] <t-dub> oh so sorry prease
[06:51] <t-dub> here is a nintendo prease
[06:51] <+[ND]Balor> lol
[06:51] <+DragonKing> it was american women not europian women who invented the vibraor the dildo and the rabbit:P
[06:51] <t-dub> so
[06:51] <t-dub> ...
[06:52] <+DragonKing> seems like you couldnt satisfy in the bed room maybe?
[06:52] <+[ND]Balor> yeah because we got sick of their whining so we just jerk off
[06:52] <t-dub> idd
[06:52] <+[ND]Balor> and talk about wars we win
[06:52] <+[ND]Balor> and drink
[06:52] <t-dub> yup
[06:52] <t-dub> and no one says thank you
[06:52] <+DragonKing> there is a name for men who perfer to touch themselves than let women touch them
[06:52] <+DragonKing> gay
[06:52] <Aries> in 50 years or so men will be obsolete anyway
[06:53] <+[ND]Balor> so there wont be a president anymore?
[06:53] <t-dub> we accept all kinds in america
[06:53] <Aries> we can already have kids without men, we dont need you to provide for us, and we dont need you for sex
[06:53] <t-dub> purse fight wars
[06:53] <Aries> so what else are men good for than to sit around and whine to the wife
[06:53] <t-dub> sounds like a good tv show
[06:53] <+[ND]Balor> you can't create sperm artificially, and you can't be presidents
[06:53] <+[ND]Balor> so you're in trouble
[06:53] <t-dub> or pope
[06:53] <t-dub> pope is important
[06:54] <t-dub> ;)
[06:54] <Aries> women can be president
[06:54] <+[ND]Balor> plus we could just shut down E!News and you wouldn't have a way to communicate
[06:54] <+DragonKing> she means just american men balor
[06:54] <Aries> there is no law saying we cant be
[06:54] <t-dub> hahahaha
[06:54] <+DragonKing> they can import sperm from england
[06:54] <t-dub> E!News HAHAHAHA
[06:54] <t-dub> FFS
[06:54] <+DragonKing> seeing they can handle the econamy much better anyway
[06:54] <t-dub> luckily if my sides split from laughter i will have the best docters in the world
[06:55] <+DragonKing> why you going to japan t-dub?
[06:55] <+[ND]Balor> and the best meds in the world
[06:55] <t-dub> and sexiest nurses
[06:55] <+DragonKing> of maybe switzanland then
[06:55] <t-dub> i like how people always try to bring the best down
[06:55] <+[ND]Balor> switzanland?
[06:55] <+DragonKing> sexisest nurses now australia
[06:56] <t-dub> i dated a nurse....that bitch
[06:56] <t-dub> sorry thats not fair
[06:56] <t-dub> but fs
[06:56] <+DragonKing> yes t-dub maybe you and balor should stop bringing the best down and leave me and aries on high
[06:56] <t-dub> but we already clarified its impossible for you to be the best
[06:57] <+DragonKing> did we?
[06:57] <+[ND]Balor> yeah we're american
[06:57] <t-dub> your to stubborn to admit it
[06:57] <t-dub> yea
[06:57] <t-dub> american
[06:57] <+DragonKing> i thought we already clarifed that american women were better than american man
[06:57] <t-dub> how many times have they ran the country?/
[06:57] * E-Choke is now known as E-Choke|work
[06:58] <Aries> actually quite a few of the most successful presidents were following the "suggestion" of the first lady
[06:58] <+[ND]Balor> yeah we're busy inventing and running the best country
[06:58] * damo8 (damon_flem@damo8.users.netgamers.org) has joined #nd
[06:58] <+DragonKing> my far the best american presidant was cliton
[06:59] * Delling sets mode: +ov damo8 damo8
[06:59] <+DragonKing> and her husband bill
[06:59] * HaSu (hasu@HaSu.users.netgamers.org) has joined #nd
[06:59] <+[ND]Balor> he was busy
[06:59] <Aries> yeah inventing more tools of war
[06:59] <+[ND]Balor> to keep the brits on their toes
[06:59] <Aries> which wouldnt be necessary if there was a woman in charge
[07:00] <+[ND]Balor> except every few weeks, huh?
[07:00] <t-dub> HAHAHAHA
[07:00] * xZion (~sdfsdf@xZion.users.netgamers.org) Quit (Ping timeout)
[07:00] <@Auto|GPRS> .addquote [07:53] <Aries> we can already have kids without men, we dont need you to provide for us, and we dont need you for sex [07:53] <Aries> so what else are men good for than to sit around and whine to the wife [07:53] <[ND]Balor> you can't create sperm artificially, and you can't be presidents [07:53] <DragonKing> she means just american men balor [07:54] <DragonKing> they can import sperm from england
[07:00] <t-dub> seriously there will never be world peace
[07:00] <t-dub> ever
[07:00] <t-dub> men women
[07:00] <t-dub> doesnt matter
[07:00] <Aries> as we know how to negotiate
[07:01] <t-dub> there will always be racism and people who wont understand other religions
[07:01] <Aries> not to mention that the male leaders of the other countries will either a)fall at our feet or b)cower in fear of us on PMS
[07:03] <+DragonKing> if there was a woman president
[07:03] <+DragonKing> therre would be no war on drugs
[07:03] <+DragonKing> or war on terror
[07:04] <+DragonKing> there would just be a depleation of the nuclear arsenal once every month
[07:04] <+[ND]Balor> DK dont tell them what to do
[07:05] <+[ND]Balor> they have no idea
[07:07] * xZion (~sdfsdf@xZion.users.netgamers.org) has joined #nd
[07:07] <t-dub> Balor did you decide on race
[07:07] <t-dub> or sign up yet?
[07:10] * Gruff|work (~a@Gruff.users.netgamers.org) Quit (Quit)
[07:10] <+DragonKing> good start to your Gal:)
: 2010-01-08 07:18:51
so bet is one who ever BP finishes higher gets a free round :P
: 2010-01-08 08:30:36
am not even gonna bother reading that log but i know my bp wil finish highest in nd :)
: 2010-01-08 08:57:37
yeah but you arent party of the bet. the bet is me/dk/vex against tdub/kar/balor. we are so going to own them :p
: 2010-01-08 09:00:09
yeah duh thats easy, balor always crashes at least 1 time, kar is never around and t-dub hmm i just heard of that name today :)
: 2010-01-08 09:24:43
Hmmm sounds like a free credit there, Balor can we make a sidebet?
: 2010-01-08 12:03:48
my moneys on Balor
/me fluffles Balor
: 2010-01-08 13:29:33
just get balor to attack 1:1 :P he will pwn for sure hehe
: 2010-01-08 14:32:49
lol Balor you serious??? i expect that from the new guy... t-dub but u??? are you quitting PA next round or something?? :D
: 2010-01-08 16:03:06
t-dub is new?
: 2010-01-08 16:11:58
t-dub has been ND for a while now Balor...
: 2010-01-08 16:19:07
not for quite a few rounds, actually. balor should know, the 3 of us are RL friends ;)
: 2010-01-08 16:54:56
: 2010-01-08 21:39:44
wtf is "RL" anyways? pfft.
: 2010-01-09 03:14:08
RL is real life :)
: 2010-01-09 03:52:34
lol i think he was kidding, gala
: 2010-01-09 13:29:45
[07:07] <t-dub> Balor did you decide on race
[07:07] <t-dub> or sign up yet?
Yes... looking promising^^
: 2010-01-14 06:37:14
cough....number one gal in game as of now.....cough
: 2010-01-14 06:39:00
how quickly you get forgetten when you leave for a few rounds sheesh.....those top 30's were not good enough....i need Grog back, and Byrney...they will remember
: 2010-01-14 08:02:47
Byrney is in my gal...he's a 3 fleet attack monster :D
: 2010-01-15 07:30:55
oh yeah....haha....i wouldnt imagine anything less :D
: 2010-01-15 14:00:00
tdub: you guys always start strong then crash & burn couple hundred ticks in and never bounce back from it :P so yeah, I'd wait till ticks end!
: 2010-01-15 14:18:23
amon: short and sweet
: 2010-01-15 14:35:40
None of your gals will be top ND gal.
: 2010-01-15 15:56:31
buly wrote:
None of your gals will be top ND gal.
doesnt matter if either one is top nd gal, it just matters which one of us ranks higher than the other at the end.
: 2010-01-15 16:31:41
Amon wrote:
tdub: you guys always start strong then crash & burn couple hundred ticks in and never bounce back from it :P so yeah, I'd wait till ticks end!
god i love this alliance. =(
: 2010-01-15 18:51:23
: 2010-01-15 18:58:24
Balor wrote:
Amon wrote:
tdub: you guys always start strong then crash & burn couple hundred ticks in and never bounce back from it :P so yeah, I'd wait till ticks end!
god i love this alliance. =(
Hey yo, I deliver truth, my friend. Just remember not to invite some random skanks over when you solo to 1:1 k?
: 2010-01-15 19:52:12
i was waiting to post, but tbh... our ND gal will win...
: 2010-01-15 20:03:13
damo8 wrote:
Hmm no damo8 we wil make sure as your the only nd in there that it gets roided from time to time if your fat :p
: 2010-01-15 20:48:04
We will win, got a lot of ingal quality apart from Walldo :P
: 2010-01-15 20:48:13
Plus my gal is roiding machines!
: 2010-01-15 23:39:03
your gal doesnt count though damo:P only ND gals do
: 2010-01-16 01:24:42
aries wrote:
buly wrote:
None of your gals will be top ND gal.
doesnt matter if either one is top nd gal, it just matters which one of us ranks higher than the other at the end.
I just pointed out that neither one will be top gal :p
: 2010-01-16 02:06:41
thanks for making this thread dk. real self esteem booster.
to all of you who have something else to say, just remember: fuck you.
: 2010-01-16 02:23:21
im on ur side Balor chill out :P
: 2010-01-16 05:18:13
Balor wrote:
thanks for making this thread dk. real self esteem booster.
to all of you who have something else to say, just remember: fuck you.
dont worry balor. we still love you.
: 2010-01-16 09:45:17
Trust my words:
My gal will not win! (this makes me win the discussion)
: 2010-01-17 18:46:29
Amon wrote:
Balor wrote:
Amon wrote:
tdub: you guys always start strong then crash & burn couple hundred ticks in and never bounce back from it :P so yeah, I'd wait till ticks end!
god i love this alliance. =(
Hey yo, I deliver truth, my friend. Just remember not to invite some random skanks over when you solo to 1:1 k?
L... O... L...