Birthdays today

Tick: 777

1:1 1:3
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
36 up 44 stay 21 stay 47 stay 1:2 8 stay 7,010 up 21,341,608 up 19,888,428 up 85,304 up 108 173
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
367 down 323 stay 259 down 326 stay 1:2:1 Starscream OF The Decepticons Kin 518 stay 2,784,712 up 2,164,372 up 10,339 up
430 down 418 stay 381 down 426 stay 1:2:3 always OF drama Xan 406 stay 1,922,110 up 1,690,390 up 3,862 stay
452 down 306 down 382 stay 102 down 1:2:4 Williams OF Earth Kin 345 stay 2,867,093 up 1,673,093 up 19,900 stay
211 down 274 stay 158 stay 381 stay 1:2:5 Nights OF Wokeness Etd 898 stay 3,015,437 up 2,559,497 up 7,599 stay
102 stay 59 stay 30 stay 219 down 1:2:6 Cloak OF Love Xan 1,323 stay 4,189,777 up 3,349,237 up 14,009 stay
433 down 384 down 275 down 413 stay 1:2:7 mystery OF Life Sucks Cat 404 stay 2,370,080 up 2,077,700 up 4,873 stay
417 down 301 down 212 down 351 stay 1:2:8 NOck OF hanTA Ter 438 stay 2,886,323 up 2,334,263 up 9,201 stay
3 stay 6 up 6 up 176 stay 1:2:9 Humpfry Dumpry OF pulling your chain Etd 2,678 up 4,971,136 up 4,039,876 up 15,521 stay
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