Birthdays today

Tick: 765

1:8 2:1
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
39 up 42 up 43 up 21 down 1:9 9 stay 6,874 up 22,350,126 up 16,618,211 up 130,237 up 83 208
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
207 down 361 down 365 up 243 down 1:9:1 Support of supports OF Broken Blade Zik 904 stay 2,506,582 up 1,710,622 up 13,266 up
145 up 178 up 157 up 176 up 1:9:2 Count Olaf OF VFD Xan 1,083 up 3,438,339 up 2,508,219 up 15,502 up
142 down 226 down 170 up 254 down 1:9:3 Bernie Sanders OF The White House Etd 1,098 stay 3,219,220 up 2,443,960 up 12,921 up
295 up 337 down 359 down 192 down 1:9:4 Jan 6th OF Capitol Invader Xan 662 stay 2,631,176 up 1,725,896 up 15,088 up
437 down 402 stay 449 down 133 down 1:9:5 Cat TV OF On the Dual Monitors Zik 389 stay 2,056,610 up 1,034,330 up 17,038 stay
281 up 351 up 328 stay 277 up 1:9:6 Vindaloo OF Nan Bread Xan 712 up 2,561,509 up 1,841,809 up 11,995 up
342 down 366 down 363 up 260 down 1:9:7 ICE CREAM TECHNICIAN OF MACDONALDS Etd 565 stay 2,472,305 up 1,711,865 up 12,674 up
327 down 342 down 259 down 362 down 1:9:8 Rupert OF Neve Ter 595 stay 2,613,460 up 2,097,940 up 8,592 stay
227 up 275 up 397 up 64 up 1:9:9 darkage OF Count Dracula Zik 866 up 2,933,230 up 1,543,570 up 23,161 up
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