Tick: 277

1:9 2:2
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
23 up 27 stay 24 up 36 stay 2:1 11 stay 4,354 up 6,694,130 up 5,695,550 up 16,643 up 51 111
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
64 down 42 down 97 down 39 down 2:1:1 Got a Time Machine OF Played here before Cat 571 stay 901,493 up 658,433 up 4,051 up
333 down 330 up 261 up 386 up 2:1:2 Chicken OF John Xan 302 stay 586,327 up 540,787 up 759 up
46 up 130 up 56 up 301 down 2:1:3 Inactive OF zaga Etd 599 up 788,148 up 698,868 up 1,488 stay
168 up 389 up 377 up 347 down 2:1:4 paduan OF wakanda Ter 448 up 472,451 up 407,591 up 1,081 stay
301 down 405 stay 367 stay 462 stay 2:1:5 SteveNT OF Darwincity2024 Etd 322 stay 432,312 up 423,012 up 155 stay
258 down 334 down 349 down 212 down 2:1:6 Knights OF Ni Cat 363 stay 580,285 up 449,545 up 2,179 up
182 down 239 up 217 up 259 down 2:1:7 Baby Unicorn OF Fluffiest Unicorns Cat 435 down 680,080 up 568,840 up 1,854 stay
385 down 376 down 391 up 224 down 2:1:8 Fluffiest OF Pink Unicorn Ter 259 down 505,300 up 377,500 up 2,130 stay
262 down 343 up 249 up 427 up 2:1:9 39 OF 40 Kin 358 stay 565,183 up 544,843 up 339 up
281 down 188 down 195 down 194 down 2:1:10 The Sexiest Fluffie OF The Pink Unicorns Ter 337 stay 724,332 up 585,372 up 2,316 stay
260 down 394 stay 354 down 439 down 2:1:11 ZeuS OF OlimpuS Xan 360 stay 458,219 up 440,759 up 291 stay
stats ranks