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Tick: 839

3:1 3:3
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
56 stay 52 stay 52 up 55 down 3:2 9 stay 4,745 up 16,158,619 up 12,690,964 up 66,492 up 71 140
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
257 up 391 down 344 up 366 down 3:2:1 Cold Out OF Side Xan 870 up 2,719,342 up 2,111,122 up 10,137 stay
475 up 446 down 450 up 421 down 3:2:2 Juice OF A Banana Xan 261 stay 1,468,804 up 1,162,804 up 5,100 stay
435 up 457 up 465 up 402 down 3:2:3 Zarkul OF Trombolia Xan 445 up 1,250,569 up 814,489 up 7,268 stay
407 down 400 down 392 down 365 down 3:2:4 Rain OF Memories Xan 522 stay 2,488,329 up 1,875,729 up 10,210 stay
352 down 303 up 391 down 102 up 3:2:5 Agents OF of Fortune Xan 642 stay 3,350,027 up 1,878,407 up 24,527 up
464 up 467 down 463 up 485 stay 3:2:6 Sentinal OF Codex Xan 331 stay 898,577 up 888,497 up 168 stay
381 up 456 down 448 stay 463 stay 3:2:7 CHEATERS OF STILL PLAYING EH Ter 580 up 1,253,991 up 1,215,951 up 634 stay
399 up 416 up 399 up 403 down 3:2:8 Here OF Again Xan 545 up 2,240,440 up 1,807,540 up 7,215 stay
396 down 464 stay 461 up 456 stay 3:2:9 Support Planet OF In Gal Defense Ter 549 stay 1,010,405 up 936,425 up 1,233 up
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