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Tick: 2360

3:5 3:7
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
19 stay 15 stay 17 stay 21 down 3:6 10 stay 87,859 stay 587,421,223 up 554,416,919 up 442,862 up 208 465
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
258 up 278 up 311 up 92 down 3:6:2 BRING OUT OF THE GIMP Kin 5,746 stay 37,883,911 up 33,899,431 up 66,408 stay
329 up 264 up 263 up 265 down 3:6:3 Rodent OF Unusual Size Cat 4,507 stay 38,975,416 up 37,485,796 up 24,827 stay
49 up 39 up 39 up 99 down 3:6:4 JACK THE MONKEY OF CURSED AZTEC GOLD Zik 19,309 stay 117,240,678 up 113,463,618 up 62,951 up
62 up 88 down 82 up 180 down 3:6:5 HERE BE OF STOREBO Kin 16,143 stay 82,418,260 up 79,996,600 up 40,361 up
335 up 233 up 226 up 229 stay 3:6:6 Work Gets In The Way OF Playing This Game Cat 4,295 stay 42,421,009 up 40,610,689 up 30,172 stay
54 up 128 up 129 up 141 down 3:6:8 Friendly OF Neighbour Kin 18,053 stay 66,216,917 up 63,143,777 up 51,219 stay
317 up 191 stay 194 up 133 down 3:6:9 Alv Erlingsson den yngre OF The North Sea Zik 4,745 stay 49,877,068 up 46,657,648 up 53,657 stay
310 up 308 up 295 up 331 stay 3:6:10 P3 OF M4 Kin 4,858 stay 35,950,965 up 34,958,145 up 16,547 stay
343 up 258 up 281 up 102 down 3:6:11 The Cones OF Dunshire Kin 4,156 stay 39,644,911 up 35,900,371 up 62,409 stay
249 up 116 up 111 up 205 stay 3:6:12 Out OF Nowhere Zik 6,047 stay 70,359,504 up 68,300,844 up 34,311 stay
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