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Tick: 435

3:5 3:7
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
4 up 3 up 4 stay 6 up 3:6 12 stay 7,189 up 16,215,205 up 12,878,194 up 60,296 up 81 157
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
121 down 140 up 75 down 326 down 3:6:1 Brain the size OF a planet Ter 691 stay 1,407,640 up 1,220,920 up 3,112 up
137 up 126 up 269 up 23 up 3:6:2 BRING OUT OF THE GIMP Kin 660 up 1,440,997 up 944,677 up 8,272 up
81 down 103 down 127 up 92 down 3:6:3 Rodent OF Unusual Size Cat 757 stay 1,501,320 up 1,130,280 up 6,184 stay
99 up 47 up 77 up 42 up 3:6:4 JACK THE MONKEY OF CURSED AZTEC GOLD Zik 730 up 1,645,585 up 1,213,645 up 7,199 up
115 down 59 stay 60 up 112 down 3:6:5 HERE BE OF STOREBO Kin 705 up 1,598,467 up 1,250,227 up 5,804 up
150 up 281 up 338 up 101 up 3:6:6 Work Gets In The Way OF Playing This Game Cat 634 up 1,186,167 up 824,487 up 6,028 up
30 up 30 up 49 up 45 up 3:6:7 PERFECT HAND OF TAKE THE HOUSE Xan 943 up 1,708,872 up 1,282,272 up 7,110 up
297 up 214 up 167 up 286 stay 3:6:8 Friendly OF Neighbour Kin 418 up 1,294,597 up 1,073,677 up 3,682 up
174 up 128 up 134 up 159 up 3:6:9 Alv Erlingsson den yngre OF The North Sea Zik 584 up 1,439,389 up 1,125,949 up 5,224 up
398 up 294 up 244 down 343 up 3:6:10 P3 OF M4 Kin 309 up 1,153,141 up 981,541 up 2,860 up
253 up 266 up 232 up 291 up 3:6:11 The Cones OF Dunshire Kin 468 up 1,214,767 up 996,727 up 3,634 up
414 up 383 up 333 up 410 down 3:6:12 Out OF Nowhere Zik 290 up 905,012 up 833,792 up 1,187 stay
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