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Tick: 2454

3:9 4:2
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
56 stay 53 up 50 up 49 stay 4:1 7 stay 28,459 stay 250,623,571 up 269,286,781 up 134,134 stay 238 270
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
420 up 437 up 434 up 362 up 4:1:1 KenBale OF BetaCarotene Zik 4,335 stay 32,064,351 up 31,263,831 up 13,342 stay
425 up 374 stay 370 stay 358 up 4:1:4 GAMING ON A TOILET OF HERE FOR THE WIFI Xan 4,270 stay 36,663,111 up 35,845,911 up 13,620 stay
489 up 227 down 217 down 256 down 4:1:5 Tes OF Lav Zik 3,308 stay 45,522,553 up 44,020,453 up 25,035 stay
286 up 433 stay 420 up 425 up 4:1:6 Dull OF Crittlings Xan 5,708 stay 32,608,994 up 32,324,714 up 4,738 stay
351 up 120 down 115 up 146 down 4:1:7 The Consequence OF Nuts after a curry Kin 5,037 stay 66,856,555 up 64,270,075 up 43,108 stay
502 up 425 up 424 stay 302 stay 4:1:8 MIORINE REMBRAN OF ASTICASSIA Etd 3,002 stay 33,424,346 up 32,226,986 up 19,956 stay
507 up 447 up 448 up 352 up 4:1:9 Bringer OF Death Kin 2,799 stay 30,194,911 up 29,334,811 up 14,335 stay
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