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Tick: 1058

4:4 4:6
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
6 up 28 stay 26 stay 33 up 4:5 11 up 17,657 up 48,227,714 up 38,747,435 up 166,148 up 133 271
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
63 down 205 down 136 up 289 down 4:5:1 Run OF The Mill Cat 2,107 stay 5,441,740 up 4,484,800 up 15,949 up
18 up 201 up 145 up 240 up 4:5:2 kafka OF on the shore Cat 3,302 up 5,479,053 up 4,345,593 up 18,891 up
26 up 75 up 54 up 278 up 4:5:3 Harvester OF Sorrow Cat 2,934 up 6,568,860 up 5,588,700 up 16,336 up
172 down 318 down 462 up 6 down 4:5:4 nardol OF Hibernia Xan 1,221 stay 4,174,159 up 880,399 up 54,896 stay
341 up 411 down 412 up 354 down 4:5:5 Whiterose OF The Valley Zik 651 stay 2,718,022 up 2,061,202 up 10,947 stay
53 down 68 stay 62 down 230 up 4:5:6 giddy uP OF canTstandDya! Xan 2,332 down 6,632,414 up 5,482,814 up 19,160 up
58 up 142 down 76 up 334 stay 4:5:7 Geralt OF Rivia Ter 2,190 up 5,970,233 up 5,209,493 up 12,679 up
175 down 373 up 295 up 425 stay 4:5:8 Rounding OF Numbers Ter 1,209 stay 3,402,521 up 3,190,781 up 3,529 stay
452 up 487 up 486 up 486 up 4:5:9 offlineR OF onlineR Ter 354 up 261,544 up 250,204 up 189 up
241 up 192 down 88 down 373 down 4:5:10 Electric OF Cowboy Ter 919 up 5,548,667 up 4,994,147 up 9,242 stay
426 up 421 down 399 stay 418 stay 4:5:11 Oblivionvr OF Aquarius Cat 438 stay 2,519,102 up 2,259,302 up 4,330 stay
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