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Tick: 805

4:6 4:8
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
5 stay 5 stay 6 stay 11 stay 4:7 9 stay 12,573 up 35,828,406 up 26,128,710 up 165,131 up 136 246
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
448 down 39 down 242 down 18 stay 4:7:1 Best laid Schemes OF Mice and men Zik 387 stay 4,618,288 up 2,368,948 up 37,489 up
5 stay 4 stay 3 stay 174 down 4:7:2 DragonKing OF Gemos Etd 2,738 stay 5,581,297 up 4,564,537 up 16,946 up
36 up 99 up 45 up 298 up 4:7:3 VGN OF Leecher Etd 1,904 up 4,172,976 up 3,438,816 up 12,236 up
98 down 255 up 260 up 158 down 4:7:4 Katniss Everdeen OF District 12 Etd 1,371 stay 3,350,779 up 2,297,599 up 17,553 stay
62 down 85 up 23 down 363 down 4:7:5 Coopers OF Sparkling Ale Etd 1,619 stay 4,256,700 up 3,692,520 up 9,403 stay
171 down 291 down 200 down 335 down 4:7:6 katt OF mus Ter 1,018 stay 3,156,376 up 2,512,336 up 10,734 up
63 down 273 up 160 up 367 stay 4:7:7 TEARS OF JOY Kin 1,616 stay 3,251,523 up 2,717,163 up 8,906 stay
107 down 203 down 159 down 226 down 4:7:8 Reverant OF Shadows Xan 1,306 stay 3,610,681 up 2,717,881 up 14,880 stay
340 up 123 down 377 down 19 stay 4:7:9 SON GOKU OF KAMEHAMEHA Cat 614 stay 4,037,950 up 1,818,910 up 36,984 stay
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