Birthdays today

Tick: 805

4:9 5:2
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
35 stay 40 stay 40 down 32 stay 5:1 10 stay 7,164 stay 26,015,572 up 19,496,081 up 123,887 up 148 222
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
459 stay 460 stay 400 down 506 stay 5:1:1 Rhythar OF Renkhar Kin 378 stay 1,809,005 up 1,766,825 up 703 stay
447 down 446 down 424 down 428 down 5:1:2 The Jizzmeister OF Spangle Xan 405 stay 2,013,384 stay 1,613,844 stay 6,659 stay
83 down 87 stay 72 down 260 down 5:1:3 Mistas multi OF Mistas 2nd planet Ter 1,469 stay 4,182,509 up 3,393,629 up 13,148 up
256 down 443 stay 491 up 157 stay 5:1:4 Anarchy OF Days Kin 798 stay 2,071,329 up 991,509 up 17,997 up
276 down 220 down 398 down 31 down 5:1:5 Lewis OF Hashtag Blame Danny Kin 746 stay 3,443,908 up 1,778,728 up 27,753 stay
275 down 327 down 218 stay 353 down 5:1:6 Metallic Taste OF Surfing the Blob Ter 749 stay 2,979,668 up 2,403,188 up 9,608 stay
317 down 369 stay 326 stay 290 down 5:1:7 Fergus OF De Galloway Kin 634 stay 2,778,155 up 2,061,215 up 11,949 up
325 down 326 up 359 up 173 stay 5:1:8 Last OF Us Etd 604 stay 2,981,113 up 1,947,433 up 17,228 stay
188 down 179 down 184 up 163 down 5:1:9 Crust OF Brie Kin 1,029 stay 3,593,930 up 2,529,770 up 17,736 stay
475 stay 499 stay 489 stay 497 stay 5:1:10 Satoshi OF Nacho-moto Xan 352 stay 1,076,300 up 1,009,940 up 1,106 stay
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