Tick: 277

5:7 5:9
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
11 up 10 stay 8 stay 30 up 5:8 11 stay 5,073 up 7,843,815 up 6,716,241 up 19,365 up 30 97
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
285 down 244 down 106 down 417 down 5:8:1 Sergeant Stadanko OF Sister Mary Elephant Ter 334 stay 678,000 up 651,720 up 438 stay
207 up 201 down 285 down 96 down 5:8:2 The sharp report OF Beans twice a day Ter 412 up 712,900 up 521,980 up 3,182 stay
50 down 59 up 43 down 162 up 5:8:3 Willem van der Decken OF The Flying Dutchman Zik 596 stay 872,399 up 715,499 up 2,615 up
79 down 288 down 229 down 333 up 5:8:4 too many OF rounds of pa Zik 546 stay 631,330 up 560,830 up 1,175 up
122 up 119 up 63 down 278 up 5:8:5 CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW OF THE BLACK PEARL Kin 491 stay 796,266 up 693,906 up 1,706 up
239 down 225 up 117 down 380 up 5:8:6 PIRATE KING OF GOL D ROGER Ter 375 stay 689,232 up 641,292 up 799 up
212 up 248 up 140 up 360 down 5:8:7 Golf OF America Etd 405 up 673,964 up 613,904 up 1,001 up
152 down 52 up 55 down 109 up 5:8:8 H1dd3n_Ag3nda OF Purpose Revealed Kin 459 stay 883,922 up 699,962 up 3,066 up
103 down 180 up 241 up 123 down 5:8:9 Masterwizard OF Dragon Cat 513 stay 729,801 up 552,501 up 2,955 stay
38 down 46 up 21 down 213 up 5:8:10 jim OF morrison Etd 616 stay 894,665 up 764,405 up 2,171 up
293 down 436 up 426 up 447 down 5:8:11 YOLO OF NEWTORES Etd 326 stay 315,662 up 300,242 up 257 stay
stats ranks