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Tick: 1058

5:7 5:9
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
31 up 30 up 32 stay 19 up 5:8 12 stay 10,320 up 45,466,989 up 32,966,424 up 210,749 up 99 301
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
281 up 292 up 177 up 380 down 5:8:1 Sergeant Stadanko OF Sister Mary Elephant Ter 829 stay 4,597,434 up 4,070,394 up 8,784 up
416 up 385 down 441 stay 115 down 5:8:2 The sharp report OF Beans twice a day Ter 453 stay 3,244,719 up 1,632,099 up 26,877 up
22 up 24 stay 38 up 67 down 5:8:3 Willem van der Decken OF The Flying Dutchman Zik 3,077 up 7,818,835 up 5,912,095 up 31,779 up
323 up 381 down 369 down 338 down 5:8:4 too many OF rounds of pa Zik 708 up 3,344,752 up 2,588,512 up 12,604 up
221 up 143 up 384 up 3 up 5:8:5 CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW OF THE BLACK PEARL Kin 987 up 5,969,265 up 2,406,885 up 59,373 up
262 up 291 up 190 up 357 down 5:8:6 PIRATE KING OF GOL D ROGER Ter 872 stay 4,624,723 up 3,981,883 up 10,714 up
314 up 392 up 407 up 268 up 5:8:7 Golf OF America Etd 727 up 3,115,437 up 2,103,297 up 16,869 up
223 down 51 up 85 stay 85 down 5:8:8 H1dd3n_Ag3nda OF Purpose Revealed Kin 970 down 6,834,544 up 5,059,564 up 29,583 up
330 down 375 up 352 up 353 up 5:8:9 Masterwizard OF Dragon Cat 678 stay 3,395,752 up 2,728,012 up 11,129 up
461 up 473 up 476 stay 449 down 5:8:10 Tired OF Winter Zik 330 up 592,945 up 499,285 up 1,561 up
380 up 443 down 426 down 450 up 5:8:11 YOLO OF NEWTORES Etd 566 stay 1,956,003 down 1,867,443 down 1,476 up
516 down 509 down 509 down 519 down 5:8:12 Tyysix OF donk Zik 123 stay 116,955 up 116,955 up 0 stay
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