Birthdays today

Tick: 2454

6:7 6:9
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
36 stay 40 up 39 up 54 stay 6:8 9 stay 48,459 stay 340,606,125 up 337,316,184 up 106,602 stay 200 231
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
321 up 443 up 437 up 508 up 6:8:1 EMPeror OF Fleets Kin 5,293 stay 31,143,016 up 31,143,016 up 0 stay
266 up 367 up 351 up 406 up 6:8:2 tek OF acab Etd 5,900 stay 37,244,475 up 36,754,995 up 8,158 stay
378 up 375 up 357 down 434 up 6:8:3 Lack OF Sleep Kin 4,828 stay 36,611,784 up 36,422,304 up 3,158 stay
329 up 247 down 224 down 419 up 6:8:4 Grahf OF grahfio Xan 5,205 stay 43,785,571 up 43,441,591 up 5,733 stay
398 up 424 up 409 up 448 up 6:8:6 Fluffiest OF Pink Unicorns Xan 4,649 stay 33,545,130 up 33,443,370 up 1,696 stay
456 up 415 stay 412 up 326 up 6:8:7 Nesta OF House of Wind Kin 3,790 stay 34,269,104 up 33,228,104 up 17,350 stay
282 up 329 up 334 down 281 down 6:8:8 IONISED STORM BATS OF MAMMAL LAB 5 Kin 5,779 stay 39,120,608 up 37,801,928 up 21,978 stay
276 up 265 down 260 stay 260 down 6:8:9 best OF the rest Kin 5,814 stay 42,297,989 up 40,816,769 up 24,687 stay
194 up 220 up 214 up 268 down 6:8:10 Ruler OF PIanet Xan 7,201 stay 45,694,627 up 44,264,107 up 23,842 stay
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