Birthdays today

Tick: 847

7:4 7:6
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
16 stay 31 stay 46 stay 13 stay 7:5 9 stay 9,938 up 29,478,576 up 19,306,165 up 178,928 up 116 219
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
124 up 234 up 207 up 177 stay 7:5:1 Rules OF 20-sided dice Etd 1,329 stay 3,832,969 up 2,706,589 up 18,773 stay
331 down 380 stay 349 down 338 stay 7:5:2 Knotpongen OF EC Dahls Zik 700 stay 2,850,060 up 2,139,960 up 11,835 stay
77 up 355 up 362 up 220 stay 7:5:3 Zechs OF HawaiiKai Kin 1,600 up 3,106,838 up 2,084,558 up 17,038 stay
61 stay 14 up 34 stay 91 stay 7:5:4 Wild_Cat OF Reinforced Kin 1,735 stay 5,525,288 up 3,968,648 up 25,944 up
423 down 464 down 460 stay 469 stay 7:5:5 Devs OF Purgatory Zik 483 stay 1,043,516 up 1,013,276 up 504 stay
229 down 296 down 268 down 250 stay 7:5:6 Rancor_ OF Dathomir Kin 946 stay 3,429,968 up 2,472,788 up 15,953 stay
185 up 33 up 243 up 16 stay 7:5:7 Hidden Life OF Trees Cat 1,101 up 5,194,885 up 2,563,525 up 43,856 stay
343 down 459 stay 458 stay 444 stay 7:5:8 End OF all time Ter 669 stay 1,205,271 up 1,065,651 up 2,327 stay
115 up 230 down 447 stay 20 stay 7:5:9 hotworst OF sausage factory Xan 1,375 stay 3,853,050 up 1,291,170 up 42,698 stay
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