Tick: 277

2:7 2:9
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
20 stay 8 stay 20 stay 1 stay 2:8 11 stay 4,466 up 8,036,837 up 6,036,886 up 36,519 up 74 116
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
35 down 2 stay 112 up 1 stay 2:8:1 Cajee OF Kitagawa Etd 631 stay 1,263,006 up 646,266 up 10,279 up
138 down 163 up 302 up 35 stay 2:8:2 Sylvar OF Cathar Cat 479 stay 752,641 up 507,241 up 4,090 up
161 down 237 stay 258 down 193 down 2:8:3 Scope OF Work Cat 451 stay 680,853 up 541,593 up 2,321 stay
366 down 351 down 297 down 378 down 2:8:4 Avenger OF An eye for an eye Ter 271 stay 558,544 up 510,004 up 809 stay
252 down 167 down 290 up 45 down 2:8:5 Chopper OF One peice Xan 367 stay 750,720 up 514,980 up 3,929 up
286 up 353 down 388 up 125 down 2:8:6 Mellow OF GrosS Ter 334 up 557,587 up 380,887 up 2,945 up
235 down 289 stay 310 up 216 up 2:8:7 Hidding OF the world Ter 378 stay 631,040 up 501,620 up 2,157 up
288 up 210 up 141 up 306 down 2:8:8 Maie Parrik OF Viies Ratas Kin 332 up 699,124 up 613,744 up 1,423 up
193 down 74 down 183 down 21 up 2:8:9 Moostar OF Da Farm Xan 426 stay 854,153 up 590,453 up 4,395 up
117 stay 63 down 59 stay 143 down 2:8:10 Luffy OF Monkey D Luffy Etd 497 stay 864,101 up 697,601 up 2,775 stay
336 down 302 up 271 down 307 up 2:8:11 BC OF Nomads Xan 300 stay 616,257 up 532,497 up 1,396 up
stats ranks