Tick: 276

2:8 3:1
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
36 up 40 up 39 stay 35 stay 2:9 11 stay 3,093 up 4,120,265 up 4,226,945 up 17,009 up 41 86
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
470 down 439 down 431 down 481 stay 2:9:1 Head OF Ache Kin 147 stay 297,897 up 291,957 up 99 stay
302 down 298 down 400 down 28 stay 2:9:2 BillHicks OF ArizonaBay Cat 321 stay 616,481 up 362,681 up 4,230 stay
484 down 476 stay 477 stay 435 down 2:9:3 General Puss OF in boots Ter 115 stay 161,567 up 143,567 up 300 stay
192 up 264 down 311 up 162 down 2:9:4 Sam OF Wablu Zik 427 up 655,776 up 499,176 up 2,610 stay
339 up 186 up 181 up 205 up 2:9:5 Pan OF Lazy Names Cat 297 up 722,061 up 590,121 up 2,199 up
206 up 424 down 423 up 367 down 2:9:6 Eye OF Apple Cat 414 up 361,534 up 305,794 up 929 stay
243 up 255 up 225 up 280 up 2:9:7 KenBale OF BetaCarotene Kin 372 stay 662,007 up 561,087 up 1,682 up
310 down 354 down 363 down 226 down 2:9:8 election OF the crown Xan 315 stay 555,764 up 429,404 up 2,106 up
361 down 318 down 267 down 341 down 2:9:9 Tom_MiB OF Lady Mary Pop Xan 273 stay 599,582 up 533,822 up 1,096 stay
453 down 425 down 432 down 327 up 2:9:10 muffin OF the day Kin 180 stay 359,358 up 286,878 up 1,208 up
407 down 453 up 460 up 403 down 2:9:11 Cae OF Cheese Cat 232 stay 255,458 up 222,458 up 550 stay
stats ranks