Birthdays today

Tick: 1058

200:16 200:18
Size Score Value XP Coords Planets Size Score Value XP Roided Roiding
49 down 46 stay 49 down 47 down 200:17 2 stay 653 stay 267,288 stay 1,172,477 stay 7,696 stay 6 8
SizeScoreValue XP CoordsPlanetRace SizeScoreValue XP
486 down 497 stay 498 down 492 down 200:17:1 Bryyye OF Dawgs Ter 229 stay 187,454 stay 181,454 stay 100 stay
435 up 455 up 460 down 389 down 200:17:2 Strapless Nature OF A Rubber Stomper Kin 424 stay 1,446,783 stay 991,023 stay 7,596 stay
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